Japanese games are no more numerous in past decades than in this one...

>Japanese games are no more numerous in past decades than in this one, and pretty much none of them are at the genre-creating level of creativity that the best Western designers operate on. The Japanese have never been innovators, but they are the best damn students and copiers and refiners around, and this hasn't changed since the beginning of the artform (the very latest example being the GTA Zelda, which is basically a GTA ripoff for kids — and a great ripoff, at that, which is why there's no reason for us to use such nasty words like ripoff, and which I am only using here to drive home the fact that innovation, by and large, happens in the West and refinement in Japan).


Other urls found in this thread:


Innovation doesnt exist, everything is a remix.
Seems like he is trying to defend western games with something that doesnt even matter.
If the game is shit then is shit, you dont get points for """"innovation""""

>Innovation doesnt exist
No wonder you think it doesn't matter. You don't even know where the fuck to look.

>The Japanese have never been innovators
Are we talking about games specifically? Either way you're wrong.

Thanks for beta testing, gaijins.

Friendly reminder most video game genres have been created in Japan.

>and pretty much none of them are at the genre-creating level of creativity that the best Western designers operate on
I can feel the salt radiating off of this writer.

>the very latest example being the GTA Zelda, which is basically a GTA ripoff for kids
I don't even know how to respond to that

Do Danganronpa and Ace Attonary have their inspiration from the west?
What game is that? I'm kinda curious.

Ace attorney isn't a game it is a VN.

Name them.

Name one (1) japanese invention

dark souls is the best game of this decade and the west can't hope to compete

All I want is a modern FPS with a little girl coat of paint.
I don't need your fucking innovation nonsense.

That's your opinion, man.
I used to think that billiards is not a sport, and it is anyway.

Fighting game
Action rpg
Grand strategy
Off the top of my head

How is that wrong?

>open world
>has capacity to do fun experimental shit with physics and game world elements
>hijacking cars (mounting wild animals)

All we need is a reputation score.

I mean it's blatantly insultingly wrong.
Japan is an insignificant island nation with a massive culture powerbase.

Just play shoot em ups, many fps guys enjoy those too and they have infinitely more girls

lol are you fucking joking? I suggest you actually do research on any of those genres.

>innovation, by and large, happens in the West and refinement in Japan
Is there anything stupider than this statement?

What's really funny is that 90% of the trash the west puts out these days are crappy story-based games.

What in the fuck was the last innovation the west produced? Real time FPS games?

>western games
enjoy bethesda games, asses creed, and cinematic bullshit till you die

So it's barely anything like GTA thank you for clearing that up

The real question is why do you fall for bait from idiots?

>level of creativity that the best Western designers operate on

>sports games
>Activision/Dice shooters

The West drips with creativity

>GTA Zelda
Wow just wow..
Are you quoting NG's own Doc Seuess? It sounds like his kind off ass blasted, anti-Japan revisionism. Even his boardmates lol'd at him, but what do you expect from a guy whose favorite game is Quantum Break?

The core enjoyment in it is similar.

Which games in the west were the first ones then? Just going "lel nah ur wrong" isn't proving your argument against his argument and I'm genuinely interested in which western company made the fighting game genre

Herzog Zwei
Air yee Karate
Tower of Daruga
Nobunaga's Ambition
Space Invaders

Eat shit my man.


remind me again the style of game that the new god of war is being made in? this statement may be true elsewhere but in gaming it couldn't be further from the truth, especially in the past few years with ubi shit all becoming the same formula and game after game becoming a fps to try and cash in on the CoD cash cow after the success of CoD4. hell just look at the current years CoD and the fact that they went back to WW2 only because the market got excited over a WW1 game and then there's BF1 where the big buzz was that it was a WW1 game but dice and ea are so scared of change that the game plays almost exactly like any battlefield before it.

And Navy and 3rd largest economy in the world and number creditor in the world.
Yeah totally insignificant

this desu, Dark Souls is one of the few games I can play without dying of boredom anymore

VN is a genre of games. Hell they are called adventure in japan

>If a game is open world that means it's GTA
Jesus fucking christ. This is worse than comparing everything to Dark Souls.

Naw its just the LoZ updated.

Here's your reply. The author's personal GOTY list since 1962.

>RTSs were invented in 1989
>APRGs were invented in 1984
>Space Invaders was the first shooter
O laud.

mfw GTA is a Zelda clone

>No wonder you think it doesn't matter. You don't even know where the fuck to look.

He's right though.

Things we see as original and innovative are really just clever ripoffs, everyone gets their ideas from somewhere. Tolkien was able to to write so much OC because he was a massive historyfag.

True creativity doesn't exist.

Just an average post on Sup Forums. Any reason in particular that you are quoting it?

Actualky for fighting it's Karate Champ with Yi Ar releasing in 85

>Space Invaders
Space War! is way older.

No matter what I saw, you are going to say that they used resources already in place and not count it.

Shut up and just give us good games

Americans ruined gaming over the last 10 years.

So there is a reason that place still exists?

>2 blocks smashing into each other
Lol, your list just proves my point

Give us some credit.
We've been fucking things up since the mid 90s.

Space war is a mess nowhere near an aporoximation of a game.

Disgusting opinion, who said that? GTA had and still has shit interaction with a world, even Watch Dogs 2 is better
And Zelda BOTW is damn interactive one openworld at all


I mean just google before looking dumb. It's 2017 dude.

No it doesn't, it reinforces exactly what was said in the OP. Innovation begins in the west and refinement in Japan.

Hey it least he liked Herzog Zwei.
Game is so cash.

Just name one.

What the fuck does that even mean and how can it be applied to BotW when talking about GTA but not other games.

I like shooting cops in GTA, does that mean the old batman sidescrollers are the same as GTA?
I get the same core enjoyment out of both.

>Let me take one stupid idea that may apply to at best a handful of games and extrapolate it to stereotype an entire nation and completely ignore the rest of the industry.

How did you go through 12 years of education and maintain this level of stupidity. Men who know least really do talk the most.

Prototypical, forgotten garbage with no mechanics what so ever behind it.

GTA3 was loved when it released because of its innovations in taking the expansive, interactive world you could freely roam in from the previous games into 3D and giving you physics bending experimentation and explosions to fuck around with. The core of that experience is replicated in BOTW but of course wildly reimagined to fit a different setting and audience. GTA is used as the example of reference here since it was the key innovator in this type of game.


>user I...

Haha no

and let's not even forget that you're pitting an island verse the entire first world.

>genre-creating level of creativity
You really have a way with words


>one small nation vs the world
Speaks volumes really.

japan is the tenth most populous nation in the entire world

Also lol at Ghost Recon Wildlands, some shit taste on display on that list.

It's far from small, but the point stands.(not him btw)

How many billions in the west?

I love the soulsborne franchise.

Why didn't the west try something like this?

I recall some folks saying it got inspiration from severance: blade of darkness.
That true?

like zero billions

this. How can the author talk shit when most genres were invented in japan?

>when you make a thread without doing entry-level googling first

>Why didn't the west try something like this?
What, a dungeon crawler/3rd person action game?

Makes no difference you fucking idiot, the point is that those prototypes were done in the west first. The ideas started there.

but the author isn't talking shit

It's inspired by Berserk and Kings Field. The Severance shit is just westerners trying to take credit for an eastern success.

the only thing japanese games are better at than western games are telling a story, except they all have really shitty stories


Stay mad kid. Nobody cares. Next thing you'll be saying is that Adventure was an Rpg. Piss off mutt.

Pretty Sure the Souls series was a game changer that spawned its own sub-genre of Souls like and popularized slow combat and stamina bars.

Hold on your xenophobia westies. I'm sure your cinematic experiences will pain out some day

Thanks Op

So you are really going to argue that Space Invaders was the first shooter and that Spacewar! never happened, huh? Christ.

God damn, the first time travel story comes from Japan.
No wonder they can produce Steins;Gate.


>open world
You mean like.... The Legend of Zelda (NES)
>has capacity to do fun experimental shit with physics and game world elements
This is pretty much every game ever but I'll go for the example of destroying signposts in OOT.
>mounting horses in a fantasy game is like stealing a car!!!!!

but he's making a false claim.

How mad are you?

Following that logic, Minecraft and Assassin's Creed are rip-offs of GTA.

Games with anime artstyles rarely have good stories (Persona, Hyperdimension Neptunia have shit stories and cringe dialogue).
But Japanese games do have good stories. Better than the West (Nier, MGS3).

i'm pretty sure the writer in the OP considers asscreed part of the GTA "genre"

the first AC is actually a GTA rip off.

Why would I be mad? It's not really my problem if you choose to sit there in denial.

Everything old is new. Everything new is old.
God damn. That is this thread in a nutshell, isn't it?

>King's Field
Ultima Underworld.

Apparently they also have banks and insurance companies there too?

So no. Nuke it from orbit.

>muh forced dichotomy

Mid 90's? I'm not so sure. I think the turn of the century is when things really started slipping.

The mid 90s was a little weird because we started moving into 3D shit and that was hard.

Nearly 2 billion counting all of Europe, N. America and S. America

Nigga I don't care