>game guesses your real life name and tells you you have 12 hours to live
Game guesses your real life name and tells you you have 12 hours to live
Other urls found in this thread:
>main character calls someone in-game
>your phone rings
Although the world this would be able to happen in is a terrifying one, that'd be tight as fuck.
>character says what you're thinking
I can see a game with smartphone compatability having this feature.
>game forces you to complete it within a certain time or else you die irl
Name 3,14 games that does this.
What are some games that do 4th wall horror well?
>character has same fetish as you
Metal Gear Solid.
>poster on Sup Forums guesses your real name
>to open your inventory, press 1
>to open your stats menu, press 2
>to open your party menu, press 3
>to hear your options again, press 4
Jackie Chan
IIRC Black & white asks your name at the beginning of the game, and if it's a common enough name, you'll hear someone whispering your name ingame when it's past midnight IRL
I had that happen when I was an underage back in 2012. Someone told me to "go to bed (my name here)", followed by a link to my now closed DeviantArt account. Scary shit.
>Watching stream for horrible fetish art
>Artist decides he doesn't like the name I'm using in chat, he's just going to call me [My name]
This is true. But how did they manage do to it in 2001?
>how did they manage to record a whispering voice in 2001? We didn't invent the technology to record sound until 2015.
Name 13 games that do this
I mean text to voice recognition.
Bethesda was flaunting about how they did it with Fallout 4.
It wasn't text to voice, Bethesda just recorded a fuck ton of names
>how did they look up names in a pre-recorded database? I thought they didn't invent the fucking dictionary until 2016!
Hang yourself.
It was just a databank of common name that was already recorded.
>how did they look up names in a pre-recorded database?
This is what interests me. Was the Internet connection required for the name whispering, or did they put it in game files?
>enemies go outside the game to kill you irl
what the heck is this supposed to mean? 3 or 14? 3 to 14?
No ! Those sound files were already in the game, and then it checks if the player's name is one of the name that was recorded
>enemies outside the game drop powerups when they die
>now have 3 extra lives
Outplayed, game.
start of the Pi.
>showdown between the protagonist and antagonist
>antagonist offers himself up to the player as a much better deal
>they start bickering back and forth urging the player to chose them
>the player can then select which one to continue the game as
But that would be 3.14. No one would be retarded enough to use a comma when they meant a decimal point, or at least I hope those people aren't on Sup Forums.
Some countries use decimal comma.
Like I said, we can only hope that user made a mistake and isn't actually retarded.
Name one game that does this.
>Character stares towards the screen
ben drowned was the worst creepypasta ever. IT was always lolsorandumm xdd! even from the fucking start. God damn every single person who supported that retarded nonsense and propelled that stupid faggot into a writing career with his fanfic tier garbage.
then the retards who gave him money to not do anything further with it.
>character knows the game you've played earlier
I wouldn't use the word "antagonist" but OFF's final battle
>game creates a fake chat conversation using someone from your friend list
This literally happens in pony island
Its pretty neat because the game doesn't tell you about it
That's just enough time build up some speed and escape to a parallel universe.
That was done a few times. Majestic (the most well known) en.wikipedia.org
>chowdown between the protagonist and antagonist
>antagonist offers his cooking up to the player as a much better meal
Monster Girl Quest: The Lolifying
That effect got ruined for me because one of my non-english speaking friends suddenly started speaking english to me.
name thirtyfive (35) games that do this.
I'll wait.