ITT things you hate in vidya

>you have to manually pick up armor and ammo
>no weapon wheel
>when you're at low health the screen becomes red and it doesn't go away until you're at full health
>enemies nail every shot/grenade
>unskippable cutscenes
>collectibles that dont give you anything when you get them all
>allies shots don't damage enemies

Unskippable gameplay. I should be able to experience the story without anything getting in the way.


>when you're at low health there's a beeping sound that won't go away until you heal
>even when you're in a non-battle zone
I stopped playing Majora's Mask because of this.

>an inventory that can barely contain anything
>2 weapons only :^)
>you choices does not matter

Just research "Game: The Movie" on youtube and usually it will have a video with all the cutscenes

.itt a casual

>you have to manually pick up armor and ammo

I would like to add that I mean that in games with no inventory/weight limit, like Aliens: Colonial Marines.

>Weapon health

You could of not posted and instead said that you hate modern FPS design philosophy

When the game is still holding your hand an hour or so after it starts Jesus CHRIST LET ME PLAY THE FUCKING GAME FUCK

>mandatory tutorial levels 15 hours in

To be fair in Call of Duty you get ammo by just being near it if I remember well

>Timed missables
>haha, the 5th ending is the real one lol (I can kinda forgive 999 for this though since you can zoom past seen dialogue)
>loud heartbeat sound at low health
>fucking bucket of red splashed on your screen when hit

You say it like it's an insult

If you don't think its an insult get the fuck out of my Sup Forums

>playing as a child for the tutorial
>having an unskippable tutorial at all

>brought to low health
>super loud breathing plays for as long as you're at low health

>loud breathing
>character only ran 10 steps forward

>"cinematic" conversation with an npc during gameplay
>theyre walking while talking to you
>your walk speed is slower than theirs
>if you run you have to do that sprint-stop sprint-stop thing

every mother fucking time

Kingdom Hearts and Link to the Past. Its mind breaking

This can be good if it's used to force you to change up your fighting style constantly.
It's bad if it's used to force you to constantly go back to a shop for repairs.
