WATCH THOSE Battlefront thread

WATCH THOSE Battlefront thread

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>Come to Sup Forums for a battlefront thread
>It's up top

Love you user. Do you think they'll be able to get Temeura Morrison or Dee Baker for the clone voices in Battlefront 2 EA? Apparently Morrison has some other stuff going on, so it concerns me.

hope so, I hope they don't mess up the clone wars in general

I think walker assault with some AT-TE's will be cool, however they need to add something similar to conquest so they're not all fucking linear game types. At the moment, this may be my biggest concern.

Also, they need to stop the dynamic music bullshit (where it only plays during match phase changes, when the match is close to over, and when a hero is in). We want John Williams and the London Orchestra, or whatever imitation they may do, to play throughout! I was just playing the original Battlefront 2 and the music playing the whole time definitely gives it a better feel.

should we boycott ea/dice if instant action isn't included?

>Spent hours doing space battles
>Can't find a single modern game to do space battles that doesn't go into full autism simulator

so Sup Forums, third or first person?

first on ground
third in space

Hey does anyone want to start a server, if so can someone post the guide?

Third person confers a tactical advantage.

Battlefront 2 is probably one of the best large scale shooters to date.

>wake up
>BF2 thread






Tell me how EA is gonna fuck the new game up.

I just want more maps, conquest and instant action please

Prequels are only being added with token representation compared to the other movies, we'll be lucky if there's even a Campaign for the Era. Considering the two heroes the trailer shows off are Maul and Yoda, both of whom are hefty in non-prequel media (Maul being in Rebels, etc.). EA won't fuck it up, Disney will.

I just want to be clone, at least give me that dice

Fuck I don't even want a campaign. I just want it to feel genuine and not tacked on. The prequels, writing aside, had some of the best vehicles, armies and variants, music, planets, as well as heroes and villains.

All they have to do is take their time on it and I think most of us would be happy.

Now that you mention the VAs:

Would you like to play my game? It's only partially autistic.


Angels fall first

is that game still dead?

Something that hasn't been conceived can't die



do you directly control fighters or is it all ai?
are there waifus?

You cannot kill that which does not yet live

>that guy who would always play Engineer and top the scoreboard with his OP shotgun

microtransactions are confirmed for every aspect of the game
>weapon mods
>regular class abilities
>hero abilities
>ship abilities

It's like pottery.

>That guy who plays Heavy class and top of the scoreboard by blasting everyone with the rocket launcher and placing their mines right at their feet on FF servers

>play Maul
>get one shotted instantly
T-thanks, Disney

Obi and Jango's ships appeared in concept art.

"I had served with some of those men for twenty years..."

"Frankly, I don't remember much of the fighting. I guess we won."

The feels following the Death Star's destruction.

I enjoyed Slaughtering those scum on Yavin

>Victory is ours
>the spirits of our fallen brothers will rest soundly tonight
>...well done, Gentlemen

>Imagine enraged clone/storm troopers brutally massacring all Rebels in vicious melee and close quarters jungle warfare

I'm so fucking erect

T-there's just something in my eye

>We never got used to the new guys.

I really hope we get some good PURGE REBS moments in the new Battlefront. Inferno Squad looks pretty cool - I really don't even care that it's a girl, could be good waifu material.

Depending on how loyal she is.

ITS JANGO and he brought his head

>Barely modified TIE Pilot armour
>Just using standard E-11 rifles

0/10 wouldn't even consider her for guarding droids

I hope so too, the fall of Palpatines Empire fucccccc'd the Galaxy in Legends. Thrawn was going to piece it back together but was betrayed fuuuuck

You just know it's going to be some 2pure4u defectors that get one mission against rebel scum and spend the rest fighting Imperials.

what's he gonna do, bleed on us?

I'm still holding out that the redemption part of the campaign is assaulting the New Jedi Order's temple.

>Play CTF on deathstar
>80% of the time you're moving through a corridor just holding the trigger until you hear the click
>That high you get when you're sprinting the last leg to cap the flag

Not redemption, user. RETRIBUTION!

That would conflict with the new Disney movies.

That moment when Pelleaon watches the last light fade from Thrawn's eyes, knowing the hopes of everyone around him are dying with him.

"It's been a long road, sir. Long and hard and discouraging. For all of us... but mostly for you."


meanwhile nu-Thrawn is letting kiddie rebels fuck him around "just as planned"



That show desperately needs a pov shift from the ghost crew.
Thrawn could actually fuck someone up without risking the main characters, and the Obi-Wan/Maul episode could have gone full Samurai movie without Ezra fucking it all up

>Got killed by rockets and ragdolled into the abyss
>Instead of switching to spectator mode, the cam showed me ragdolling into the universe

If you anons want to try it, make sure your body bounce first into a wall and fall instantly to the abyss


Does Rebels have villain episodes like TCW had?



All the episodes have at least one Ghost crew member in them.
the closest to a villain episode is one where one of them get stranded with the Imperial Agent




Sucks that the Jedi utilized clones in fuckstupid ways. They got a lot of good troopers killed.


DLC skins have been leaked


IIRC, a number of the Jedi - Anakin and Obi-wan aside - regarded the clones as not human.
>mfw the Umbara arc
>tfw disappointed that the obvious twist of an undercover Sith was true

This is greatly disturbing


>undercover Sith
he was just some faggot who thought if he betrayed the republic dooku would teach him to shoot lightning

Filoni proved to us that he is a hack, not gonna happen.


So what's happening here? Did she use her lightsaber to kill the rest of the Genosians while retrieving it?


Angels fall first is fun for like the first hour until your realise it's just planetside 2's inbred rape baby. The controls and menus are awful.

Not to say it dosnt have promise mind you.

But it still has far to go.


do we have a /avtism/ server to play BF2 on?


At least the Obi-Wan and Maul episode put poetry back on the menu





>"It's been a long road, sir. Long and hard and discouraging. For all of us... but mostly for you."

But that line isn't about Thrawn, it's about Pellaeon after he spends another 10 years fighting the New Republic post-Thrawn's death.

Anyone got the infographic about how to play Battlefront 2 in the modern day? I saw it posted a while ago, but I don't think I saved it.

Time to replay Republic Commando


Oh, I know. I just think that moment and the retreat afterwards was probably Pellaeon's most downtrodden time.



if they do walker assault they better do a fucking revamp of geonosis from battlefront 1. god damn that map makes me cum

walker assault is fucking garbage though and super units like walkers should be allowed to be controlled fully or otherwise removed totally

People are autistic and will misuse them. But yeah, off rails.

>Darkhorse will never make SW comics again
>Instead we are left with Marvel-shit

These are sad times indeed