ITT: the game that defined your childhood
ITT: the game that defined your childhood
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weak bait
Honestly, I would prefer if Sup Forums was filled with happy 18-year olds still excited about games instead of the bearded 28-year old cynics
Some of the greatest moments of my youth come from this game
I unironically think Skyrim is a good game.
because it is, and only Sup Forumseddit has a problem with it.
it defined an entire generation. I grew up playing it, so did everyone else at my school.
Dont think Id grow up to be half the man I am now if it werent for long afternoons playing pic related in my youth.
desu desu
Would you play it unmodded though?
Reminder that if you haven't played the greatest Japanese role-playing game of all time you don't belong on this board.
Yes. That is how I normally played it.
I can't really find any cool mods.
seeing that player count is so fucking depressing. Wasn't 2010 just yesterday?
This is this places fucking problem
Not everything is bait
Stop being an edgy kid and accept people have different opinions.
It'll be true in just a few more years
People who were born after 9/11 post here
If you in earnest play without mods, then you're cheating yourself out of small improvements and grander additions.
There is no reason NOT to play with mods, really. Even if the only mods you use are the ones that add small things like UI changes
You're unironically an autistic Redditor
I just find nothing wrong with the base game.
You don't need to find anything wrong with the base game to see the value of mods.
Have you ever scrolled through the Skyrim nexus top 100 mods? Can you honestly tell me that not one of those would entice you, even a little?
Why would I spend 20 hours looking at a web page when i can just play my video game instead?
you know he baited you right? there is no way he's for realzis
I wouldn't even be surprised anymore if I look at the current state of neo-Sup Forums.
They do all entice me, but I just don't know which ones to get, since there are like 20 different popular texture mods, and graphical improvements, and armor improvements all on the front page.
Why would you spend 20 hours, indeed?
Don't hyperbole just to fortify your opinion. You could install a good stack of mods in under an hour
Besides, you can download content that extends the time you'll play the video game. How you can play any Bethesda game without mods is beyond me. That has always been the main draw of the PC version
Just pick one of them. Or go the simple way and choose the one with the most endorsements
I know you're getting a ton of replies calling it bait but I agree
Alright. Guess I'll do it. Thanks user
Get on my level faggots.
Happy modding
Skyrim is one of my favourite games. Hundreds of hours on PS3 and PS4. Can't wait for the switch version.
Have it lightly modded. Enjoying creating my skeleton army by looting bones from humanoids with ordinator perk and buffing them with fire ritual at the bone altars.
Barely managed to kill Red Eagle yesterday with atronachs mark spell and that one summon that absorbs stats from the last enemy that killed it when you resummon it.
unnoficial patch
Combat evolved
Ultimate combat
Tk dodge
Revenge of the Enemies
Deadly Dragons
Rent my House
Hearthfire Extended
Windstad mine
Ordinator perks
Apocalypse spells
Ordinator+Apocalypse compatibility
Wonder what should I add. Maybe Landlord or something that doesn't mess with ordinator perks and Ai behavior.
Why not just mod oblivion or morrowind if you're going to change the game so drastically to try and make it fun?
They're both already RPGs, so you don't need to try and install mods to make them fun, you just make them better
You're on Sup Forums you fucking cuck, the most autistic place in the internet. You can't call anyone else autistic.
street fighter 4
halo 3
wow into high school
you shoulda made one of these threads famalam
Probably Ocarina of Time. Though I was a "late bloomer" when it came to vidya (shit, my first console was an Atari 2600 when everyone else had a Super Nintendo), so I played it a couple years after it had initially came out.
Battlefront, simpsons road rage
Being poor sucks, but it has some advantages
I was born '92 but thanks to poverty I started with an Amiga 500 while my friends had SNES and eventually N64
Worked my way up the gens slowly with hand me downs like an NES and a Sega Genesis, and I finally got my own N64 while everyone else was getting Gamecubes.
Kinda sucked being behind, but I had a chance to play games and gain an appreciation for how far they had come that I might not have been able to get if my family wasn't poor as shit.
Been playing Oblivion for the past few months actually and taking a break before I start the Shivering Isles, knights of nine and dark brotherhood. Its the first I'm replaying the game since 2008 or something.
>change the game so drastically
This isn't really changing it drastically to be honest. In fact this is nothing. Except for maybe Revenge of the enemies and deadly dragons. But I like Rote since it makes bosses actually feel like bosses or at least that was my experience with Red Eagle had to do the same in Oblivion with Mannimarco and boy was that a fight.
No idea about dragon priests yet which people keep keep saying are incredibly hard with this mod.
pokemon mystery dungeon team red
Like I get you like a game so much. But playing and buying it on 3 different consoles..? Are you autistic?
I would say Halo 2
>you do you
what did they MEAN by this?
You're underage too.
It's shit, these are the hours where I had fake fun.
Back in the days this shit was hard even with 60 life mode.
This was amazing. Unfortunately both my Gameboy and regular DS are broken now and I refuse to play it on an emulator. Fuck
It's a good game.
Skyrim is from 2011. If you were 12 years at the time, then you played it in your childhood.
Super Mario 64
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
Conker's Bad Fur Day
Breath of Fire III
TESIII: Morrowind.
I don't get what people like about Skyrim so much and I'm not being contrarian here
I tried to get into it numerous times with and without mods but
>bland and empty world
>quests are boring
>characters are boring
>very basic medieval setting
>combat is mediocre
Not to mention it looks ugly as fuck and takes 50 mods to fix it
How did it become such a popular game?
The Legend of Dragoon
First game I pour hundreds of hours into
Also, Starcraft: Brood Wars
Fallout 1/2
Age of Empires 1/2
Alpha Centauri
Civ 3
SimCity 3000/4
My first play through on launch was unmodded. I liked it enough to come back to it but with mods. It's the game I play in between new game releases I'm interested in. It's the only one that hasn't left my HD.
>quests are boring
>characters are boring
That's because you know nothing of the in-game lore. Read a book, nigger. Literally, just read some in-game books in Skyrim. You can even build your own house in Skyrim and collect series of books and read them and then stack them all neatly on shelves.
TES is LITERALLY THE most developed fantasy setting in vidya along with Warhammer (not counting LotR, because LotR is just dumbe down Warhams). You should only play Skyrim when you have proper insight on the lore of the setting, only then will you find Skyrim enjoyable, because the game is literally all about atmosphere and being immersed in a lore rich world, not about roleplaying, combat or even exploration aside from searching for words of power.
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Then why should I play it instead of reading a book?
This has to be a joke
Hmm... Fallout 3, super mario galaxy/2, mw2, Pokémon black&white,
Your main complaints were that the characters and quests are boring. Read some TES lore relevant to Skyrim and they won't be anymore and you will be able to enjoy the game.
>(not counting LotR, because LotR is just dumbe down Warhams)
>Dota 2
You were doing well until then, then you basically shit all over yourself and made your opinions worthless.
>implying it's not so
>implying Warhams isn't just LotR turned to 11 and injected with a truckload of steroids
Forgot pic
Consoles were too expensive in my country back in the days (a NES was 500 dollars), all we had were arcades.
>Stop being an edgy kid and accept people have different opinions.
It's always the fucking same with you retards. You can't handle people rightfully shitting on games and instead of accepting it you start calling everyone edgy, autistic or whatever comes to your mind.
Why the fuck are you here? Why are you on Sup Forums of all places if you can't handle elitism? And why the fuck do you expect people here to respect you for having shit taste?
Are you suggesting that Sup Forums was happy about games at some point between its inception and now?
Also this one, you could play as Dr Grant or the velociraptor.
Ah, the memories.
It would be cool if TES lore wasn't so lame in the first place. Maybe if Bethesda had good writers, it wouldn't be a problem.
Breath of the Wild BTFO everything in Skyrim, even the lore and questing. Unlike in Skyrim, the NPCs were distinct, gave unique quests, and had actual personality.
>all of Tolkien's works paint wars as muddy and gritty shitfests where the proud are humbled
>retard who only watched the movies thinks he's got it figured out
This game was my childhood! If you played this as a kid your childhood was awesome.
Actually it used to be, yes.
Unmodded is a piece of shit
Modded skyrim is alright but doesn't really fix the world problem.
literally nothing can fix skyrims biggest problem.
The boring fucking gameplay, and the incredibly boring combat. There's a reason the modding community is almost entirely composed of graphical mods.
What are you talking about? I played it when it first came out on PS3, I bought the special edition with improved graphics and less bugs on the PS4, and I'm buying the switch version for portability. If it were the same exact game each time you might have a point but each version has offered something new for me to make it worth it.
Holy shit user how could you possibly have such a right opinion?
I grew up with Daggerfall back in 1997 and Skyrim is one of my favourite games, i don't understand the hate for it
stealth archer is very fun
>modding community is almost entirely composed of graphical mods
You just proved you've never even been on the nexus. Of my 116 mods, 14 are graphical additions.
>It would be cool if TES lore wasn't so lame in the first place.
You have shit taste. In this case, there's no helping you. TES > any generic high fantasy trash you can think of.
>I would prefer if Sup Forums was filled with happy 18-year olds
but it is
except for that part...
no it was 2017 yesterday
>fire arrow
>thing dies
Or harder difficulty!
>fire arrow
>"Thought I heard something.."
>repeat x10
>thing dies
Of the top 25 mods on the nexus right now, half of them are graphical, the other half either fix something the base game can't get right on it's own, or add some new weapons/cloaks. The game isn't fun.
Modding is cheating. I prefer to play the game how it was intended to be played.
>implying your opinion matters aswell
Hopefully he did since modifying any game is basically cheating your way through it. Your post is either salty bait or actual autism. Good day.
gibs template
fine since you wont i will
>i don't understand the hate for it
Try lurking for more than a week because this shit has been explained again and again
>Bugfix and graphics mods are cheating
Fucking neck yourself and stay dead, you autistic faggot.
That game was so nice senpai
>you do you
Literally telling us to go fuck ourselves.
I dunno, I've played as stealth assassin in leather armor with daggers only, mage with no armor and only magic, hunter that doesn't pick up anything and buys all of his equipment. It was nice.
>Skyrim is from 2011
fuuck. that was literally 6 years ago.
>I was in my first year of college
I definitely got my moneys worth out of it
I paid 10€ for it on sale
At release i pirated it and played for around 30 hours before uninstalling
I have 0 achievements, my steam hours are literally 1 playthrough of enderal