Open beta is still on, no you do not need to register.
Can we get a winner this time?
Open beta is still on, no you do not need to register.
Can we get a winner this time?
Wraithknight Taldeer fucking Solaria when?
Why do you force your terrible Bingo image this much? Is it autism?
Where can you get the beta?
After 23h hours into game finally I met someone who can beat me and my party in 3v3.
How do I git gud at this game? I did the tutorials but I get obliterated in multiplayer.
Love the orkz.
Is it even fun?
For orc make sure you got Scrap upgrades. Always use WAAAGH before attack even in early it's good as fast as you get 1rst tower. Use Boyz shout before fight they get shield and speed which is amazing.
played around 15 games so far, feel like im getting a grip
tips so far, not sure if they're all correct but whatever:
harassing from range is pretty much always better than committing to combat
cover points are hilariously strong
elites are hilariously strong
its really hard to come back if you lose the initial battle for control points, so dont
spreading out your units mitigates a lot of damage from elite abilities
there is no such thing as "pushing the advantage", the best way to win when you're ahead is to defend your resource points and tech to late game units
opponents cant keep up because they wont have enough power
Games can we won in 5 minutes, if we don't have the extra point 5 minutes in i just leave most 3v3 cus there is no point, not going to retake it once the enemy reinforces because they are making more units then we ever could.
Game's okay. Equal to DoW2. Elites are too strong, the game is less about what troops you have, more about who's better at dodging elites' pie plates. The only thing I genuinely hate is the shitty generator+turret. If one guy gets steam rolled in 5 minutes, having a bullshit artificial barrier force another 5-10 minutes won't help him win. I know casuals hate getting rushed, but it's a core part of the genre.
>there is no such thing as "pushing the advantage", the best way to win when you're ahead is to defend your resource points and tech to late game units
opponents cant keep up because they wont have enough power
This is a lie
>there is no such thing as "pushing the advantage", the best way to win when you're ahead is to defend your resource points and tech to late game units
Absolutely not the case.
The enemy can attempt to drag the losing game out in such a situation but if the game plays out roughly equally, getting into their base and shitting them up is perfectly doable.
If they try dragging out, you should notice it by them abandoning all resource points, so just take them and they'll either come out and you can fuck them up or, if they have a big army, just do a two-way and eat their critical structures while they stand their army at the point.
Steam Store. You download directly there.
So soon as they get 1 more point and can hold it for about 20 seconds it's game fucking over. The power and resource gap makes it impossible to come back
>no Tau
Not playing it desu
>No Kayos
Dropped like a bag of hammers.
Eldar are pretty fun to play with. 1v1s are interesting, but escalation really throws off my "sense of resources". Early gam especially can be surprisingly tense. Shame that the 1v1 map is pretty boring. Removing cover makes it feel so empty.
First 20h of beta 80% people playing Space Marines as always. I can chill playing orcs. Then everyone notices Geen is BEZT and alot op people start playing orc so now I had to switch to SM.
I can't believe they managed to make a 40k RTS game worse than DOW2.
This game is so infuriating. They took everything good about DOW1, and tossed it out the window. Then they took what little good was in DOW2, and threw THAT out the window as well, leaving the game a shallow, soulless corpse.
I hope none of you buy this shit.
Give me regular RTS modes (victory points and base destruction without this MOBA stuff) and I might consider a buy. I just hate this game mode a lot, the game itself isn't too bad. Only 3 races is a terribly infuriating joke though.
what everyone says about the enemy snowballing if they cap more points than you is 100% true
If you come back then it means the enemy fucked up, thats the only explanation. There is no coming back once they get more resources than you.
Made more annoying because instead of ending it people just wait outside of your turret / shield gen until they get 10 elite points and go LOL SOLAIRA xDDD
I loved DoW1 , DoW2 was fucking amazing. This is medium and I am buying.
There's "game mode" in game Lobby so I think they will add different one.
>leaving the game a shallow, soulless corpse.
sounds familiar
dawn of war is dead
There is literally nothing wrong with this webm?
Do Marines still look fucking stupid?
Loyalist Dogs BTFO
Nothing unusual theres alot of noobs. Letting Wraithlord take a hike to your core for free that's whats wrong with this gif.
If they play perfectly, yes.
If you float less resources and use abilities correctly (which no one really does)? Definitely no.
Stop blaming your shittiness on the game itself, user.
The units just standing by the side make this video.
It's like the RTS equivalent of that Rising Thunder guy.
>Macha doesn't run in and Stasis the Wraithguard
>They just let the Wraithlord casually walk in
>SM player not using Whirlwinds, which would gut the WG in seconds
>Not popping the Core's shield and mass-recalling back
Bunch of shitters.
Mini-map feels too busy. Can't click on the right shit on it without selecting some random crap.
Orbital Bombardment is way too strong. The fact that it stuns is bullshit.
It's a slow AOE.
Unless you make a single massive blob and absolutely refuse to spread it out, it's next to useless and will catch a single unit at best.
This is no Elddar conduit that instagibs a random unit in the vicinity every few seconds.
Are there any known exploits or bugs?
I just dont understand how enemy marines can put out such a strong force in early game. What am i doing wrong?
They are op. Especially Orc one . Take weirdboy scout enemy army , charge ult -> teleport right when biggest comet strikes. Deleted many armies like that. Teleport out of nowhere with charged orbital. Then send your army to kill survivors. The blast is huge when people are just recquiting army in forward base they mostly keep units close enough.
Not lanky retards like in the opening but they still look stupid as fuck
I played DoW2 sp but never multiplayer and never finished the story.
General tips for getting gud?
Did the tutorials and still getting blasted.
Always rush some forward point with your Builder to cap it and build forward base. The rest depends on who you are playing and what mod 3v3/2v2/1v1
>What am i doing wrong?
You most likely lack a decent opening.
This is what i gathered from playing(and winning) 2 games as SM
I have reached the conclusion that the game is Relic's own flavor of Starcraft sprinkled with moba\arts but with a major twist in that it throws away all strategic play in favor of tactics and micro. Every map is designed to railroad players into eachother, you do not have the option to avoid engagements as the number of points and avenues of approach is very few to support any kind of advanced maneuver.
Some of dow1's mechanics remain but heavily influenced or dumbed down in favor of derivative moba mechanics and features, researching is a carbon copy of Starcraft but even simpler. SM infantry roster is pitiful, they tried bloating it by removing most squad upgrades but it still feels lacking.
And the Lascannons jesus
Im not a lore autist so it doesnt bothers me that much but what they have now is absolutely not an improvement. They tried to make every unit matter like in Warcraft but at the same time they allow blobbing like in SC2, no one is going to fucking care if the lore raping lascannons are shooting at the same fucking thing all the time. No one is going to care about micro when they have a blob going unless the enemy uses super abilities. It says a lot about the quality of design were dealing with.
The bolter devastators too are laughable compared to DoW2's. The animation and feel is offensive.
Overall the game is ok if you're looking for DoW1 with some Starcraft toppings but its too simplistic and kind of not worth the price. I would argue moba again but somehow they've managed to make a game even less strategical than mobas, you just fight head on and thats it
Depends on your faction. Good general rules are cap everything you can and build generators ASAP, don't lose units early game, try to avoid elite AoE attacks as much as possible.
Man, I had my first ragequit today, only 15 minutes in on 1v1. I stomped the guy so hard I kind of feel bad. Admittedly, everyone is new, but still.
they look way closer to the tabletop game desu
besides it's not like they were exactly realistic looking in DoW1 either
positioning is important.
A well placed ambush can fucking crush in early game, and even in lategame.
>recently playing 1v1
>enemy is sending three plasma tactical squads my way
>put ironmaw and a flamer squad in the shadows
>wait until the enemy has passed
>three dead squads
>it throws away all strategic play in favor of tactics and micro
Yeah, that is kind of true, though not completely.
You say tactics and micro like it's a dirty word though. There's nothing wrong with that.
I had an awesome play the other day, in a 3v3 3SM vs 2Orks1SM. We managed to destroy their turrets and shields, but their offense was so strong that we were constantly pushed into our spawn, with only our turret remaining. It had been going on for an hour and it looked like we were going to lose.
So, I took one scout squad, snuck them around the bulk of their forces into their backline and their undefended base, and proceeded to drop pod everything I could into their core and destroy it in seconds.
Micro isn't a bad thing. If it's not what you're looking for it's understandable but that doesn't mean that all depth is gone.
Granted, it's no DoW1.
the Elites are cancer
about to face off in a 1v1 vs eldar as SM, what should I expect?
Why aren't you playing the better RTS?
Is the Halo wars port actually any good?
Does it function like a normal rts now?
It's basically like the first game. Decent for being designed with controllers in mind. Utterly lackluster by any other standard. Some autist is posting this image in every DoW3 thread.
They did not rework the UI however, leaving the minimap obnoxiously large and the controls plain
DoW 2 was vastly superior to the first game in every single way. Shut the fuck up, this game is casual garbage because of retards like you wanting DoW 1 again when it was mediocre, casual, and unoriginal as fuck.
elites are cool
Just spam ass marines you should be fine
i've alt tabbed a few times because it takes 30 minutes just to lose
>taldeer's anime jump slide deals much less damage to infantry than wraithlord's anime sword drag
this doesn't seem right
Did that and won, worked like a charm. I actually was seriously hurting towards the end because they had a wraithknight and a giant force and most of my defenses had been taken out, but I snuck a squad behind and dropped three ass squads and destroyed their turret and core
trying to figure out which eldar heroes to use
macha and the 9 cost one are given, not sure whether to go for jain zar or the ranger one
dumb dow2 poster
calling dow1 unoriginal when dow2 is literally CoH with a 40k skin