KH1 Proud Mode?

I haven't played KH1 since the PS2 version and I decided to pick up the 1.5 plus 2.5 on the PS4. I can honestly say this is one of the hardest experiences in gaming i've ever had. Currently Lvl 47 and at the End of The World and I am getting my ass handed to me. At this point it's too late to turn back now and I just wanna beat the game as it is, so gonna turn on EXP Zero and just gonna get through Ansem. Leaving another save so whenever I feel like coming back and grinding i'll do that.

Should've picked the last option for all 3 questions at the beginning of the game. You level faster end game so it's not a grind.

The choices I picked were, being number 1, afraid of getting old, and being the strongest.

God I fuckign hate Ursula so fucking much REEEEEEEEEEEEE

I actually beat her on my first try. It took 15 minutes and two elixir's but patience is key with that fat bitch.

Two hits on proud and your pretty much dead so yeah their's that. Enemy attacks can be a bitch in this game. Maleficent's Dragon form takes the cake as the most annoying boss.

I just load up on Ethers cast Aero and then spam Firaga until she dies

Works surprisingly well

Aero has been a saving grace for me during the Dragon Maleficent boss.

KH1 for many is considered the toughest of all KH games. Just get through it and don't look back.

If you wanna enjoy KH game with a fair challenge just play on Standard from now on. Proud Mode literally requires you to grind your fucking ass off just to stand a chance. It's unbalanced and needs work.

So what happens to his body when the Heartless eat his heart?

Use Stop and air combos man.

Worst boss in the fucking game it takes fucking forever. I eventually had to stop trying to do it quickly and just waited it out for like 15minutes.

If that ever did happen Sora would form a nobody, :p

So the corpse is reanimated as a Nobody?

I'm stuck on that part right before you fight ansem with the heart door that chips away with the waves of enemies. Oh my fucking god the waves don't stop. How the fuck do I do this.

Yeah. If a person with a strong heart loses his heart the body will turn into a totally other being called a nobody.

So it's a fancy zombie, then?


Summon Simba
Stand right beside the door

Wait till you get to KH 2 Critical Mode against the Data bosses, i can't seem to get past a single one

That's where i got stuck when i first played this as a kid

Whats with the KH threads today.

Yeah I guess but the nobody isn't stupid like a zombie lol.

A nobody has memories of it's actual self
In 358/2 they say that's what makes each on in the organisation "unique"

Git gud

Beat kh1fm on critical

Just got the gold crown on kh2fm critical

What level are you?

I beat them all at 62 on crit, which is lowish level wise, but it took me a week to beat them all

It's only hard cause of these fucking things. Plus I'm playing on proud so each of them do major damage to me.

Wait till lingering will battle, thats what kicked me in the nuts personally. Everything in that game was cake except that

You can use stop on that fight, makes it a joke.

Damn user, look at you beating the game on critical, you must get all the hoes suckin your cock for that huh.

Yes fuck them. That's where I decided to turn EXP Zero on to finally beat them

I remember buying the original kingdom hearts like a year or two after it came out. I only finished it in like 2014 but I've been thinking about replaying it in preparation for 3.
should I play Final Mix or the PS3 remaster? as far as i'm aware Final Mix adds a new keyblade and some other stuff. does the remaster add anything? I think I remember some people complaining about the soundtrack being changed or something.

I just dont see why hes complaining about proud mode being hard? Most any enemy can be cheesed if you know their attack patterns.

>Maleficent's Dragon form takes the cake as the most annoying boss.
Just spam fire at her and she goes down quick.

Final mix definitely. It adds more moves, and you can open chests during combat im pretty sure

He probably doesn't cheese like you do.

This x100

My girlfriend is replaying it as well, on the hardest difficult. She isn't even breaking a sweat. She also just got to End of the World.

Quit being a bitch.

whats turning xp zero on do dont understand how turning it on will make ot eazier

I mean it is pretty annoying having to grind just so you don't get fucked in like two hits. This guy he's some shit because he beat it on critical.

fat neet making up a girlfriend to try to shame people online lol fat faggot. everyone knows to shame people you gotta say your one armed one eyed grandma beat it in her sleep

>grinding to take more damage
>instead of just not taking damage

>having to grind

Well choose a lower difficulty or learn to guard and dodge if you dont wanna put time into levelling

It has 3 effects.
The first is a damage boost.

The other two only work at level 1.
You can't die in 1 hit no matter what (basically a SC/OM)
All bosses have their defense stat lowered to level1.

Woh user, your girlfriend huh. That's really something.

somefights have hard to predict moves and its annoying to spend 5 minutes to be cheesed by an almost unavoidable unlucky one shot. the optional boss in the deseert when he puts up his shield is a mufugger

Wait what? KH1 is a joke in terms of difficulty, even on proud mode. Especially once you get second chance and leaf bracer. KH2 is way way more difficult. Though mostly due to the data fights and Terra. If you're having problems with KH1 you'd better prepare your anus because that's fucking nothing. Sephiroth in KH1 was harder than in KH2 though.


Yeah that's probably what i'm gonna do. Not gonna get frustrated with this shit difficulty anymore.

yeah I actually can't keep up. We were playing it 'together' but she's just so much better than I that I just end up watching. Which is cool too.

Damn bro. Everyone on Sup Forums is jealous of you right now. -__-

Lol fucking scrub


Full Fucking I-Frames I Shit You Not
You are goddamn invincible
These games are for children and are designed by out-of-touch Japanese dipshits who've never played a competent action game in their life. Leaf bracer? Second chance? Are you fucking shitting me?!

>Especially once you get second chance and leaf bracer
This. As long as you can move through the menu fast enough to heal and you hit the enemy enough to gain magic for your next heal you're golden.

Wohoho, you really hurt my feelings their. You must be pretty popular with the chicks you know, since your so good at this game.

>ITT: plebs trying not to get butthurt when they realize their skill level is on par with 10 year olds

>Isn't using the tools he is provided
>Why am I dying?! Why can't I beat this game for babies?!

Damn son. I'm totally triggered right now over your comment about a video game. I'll try and git gud you know because my self confidence depends on how good I am at this game.


Tell me more about your self confidence OP

I so envy you man. Typing over a computer screen about how good you are at this game. You must be some tough real shit huh.

You keep replying, which tells me you evidently care. Im just basking in the glory of knowing plebs like you still exist.

Least you could do is take the advice offered instead of getting all defensive

Read the first line of the second paragraph

I did him at 62 as well, really fun fight, took a few days to get his pattern down

Man oh man. I know for sure now that your about that life now, your makin me so jealous right now.

>not playing without leaf bracer

mp rage

How can you still have trouble?

>I'll try and git gud
>how good you are at this game

Are you daft? This isn't some mountain you have to climb. Just use Strike Raid. Use it. That's it. You have the keys to success now. Unless you intentionally ignore this advice, you HAVE gotten good.

Thanks for the advice user. My pride was really hurt since I was having trouble with this game.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't be posting over and over about how much you didn't care. Just let it go. No consequence for fragile egos when every post is anonymous.

>A nobody has memories of it's actual self
Only the organization do, because their hearts were so strong they could have become keyblade wielders.

The rank and file nobodies only remember emotions, not the specifics of who they were.