are we entering a new golden age for WW2 shooters?

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Seeing this new COD I was hoping gearbox would finally get this fucking game done for once.
It's been 9 fucking years.

> Randy is seriously about to do Battleborn 2 but with COD this time

Someone please stop him. This is getting cruel

are you shitting me in any case I will encourage him to do it

>a new golden age for ww2 shooters

Not fucking way, in the age of DLC passes and online only AAA games, it's not gonna be nowhere near the same level as COD2.
COD2 had balls to take the WW2 shooters forward in telling the stories of what the front lines were like, if ww2 games kick up again it's gonna be the same committee driven safe shooters that don't push any boundaries when it comes to story telling or gameplay.
I don't want ww2 shooters where "buy DLC/season" is one of the options on the main menu or "could not connect to the servers check your internet connection and try again" is an error message when you boot up the game.

Hasn't he had enough?

We're going full circle back to ww2? Does that mean well get back to modern military shooters in another 8 years or so?

Like this?

It'll be shit just like every other gearbox game to come out in recent memory.

I mean, you know who he is right?

>a new age of ww2 shooters

god not again

well what would you want them faggot?

I mean "then" fucking hell

>ugh another ww2 game, we want something different
>ugh another futuristic game, we want a wwe game
>ugh another ww2 game

They should have just gave us the WWE game, I don't get your point.

>Gearbox hasn't filed for bankrupcy

The fuck?

>still no WWE shooter


>It's a Hulkamania goes back in time and stops Hitler episode.

>people are now nostalgic for shitty generic World War 2 shooters

I hate how good the CoD cover looks

>are we entering a new golden age for WW2 shooters?
Absolutely fucking not. The industry has shown itself completely incapable of having a backbone and AAA devs have been watering down shooters for a decade.

If you want WWII, play Day of Infamy or Rising Storm. At least those games try to stick with historical accuracy and gameplay that isn't designed for kids with ADHD chasing their next unlock.

>Gearbox has enough money to develop yet another game

Gearbox is garbage. Always pirate gearbox.

If we're going back to WW2 shooter, can we at least have fun alt-history WW2 shooters? Because I feel like everyone in the industry already used up all of the regular WW2 shooter ideas years ago.

Oh sure thing user (((they))) will let you play as a nazi



WW2 is an endless goldmine of heroism and was basically the last justified war the Allies had. I mean, maybe the victors get to decide history, but holy shit it's such an easy good guys vs bad guys concept.

Also, it's the last west vs west war, and we generally like western people vs non-western people, so it's fun to explore humanity on both sides

you know basically no one cares about how the japanese or the vietnamese felt in WW2 and vietnam. People only care about the feelings of the Allies or of german soldiers wrestling with themselves.

A gearbox employee posted here a month ago. Borderlands 3 comes next in 2018. He said that a new BIA is in very early preproduction. As the last one (Hells Highway) was made with ubisoft I've no idea how it will turn out. Especially after Gearbox's work on Borderlands.

cod ww2 might be fun

No. There are loads of unexplored areas of WW2. Go play Wolfenstein or Battlefield 1 if you want alternate history shite.

>it's a save the jews by liberating a concentration camp mission

bless this age of political slacktivism

No, we're entering a new age of "oy vey, the nazis were the most evil people ever, anyone we call a nazi must be destroyed, goyim."

Thanks, but I'll stick to my backlog until the Jew investors lose interest in backing crap like Mafia 3, Watch_Dogs 2, and all the other cultural marxist garbage they've lost money from.

I wanted to say they're being vicious, but then I remember all that Gearbox did. Fuck 'em.

>being this desperate to status signal that you're not racist

This generation deserves to be stuck living with their parents into their 30's. I'm glad most of these fuck heads aren't getting married and reproducing.

CoD WWII is a stupid name, they should have just called it CoD2. Making CoD in to a WW2 game is fucking stupid, those games are all about future weapons and perks


>no one cares about how the japanese felt
What is Letters from Iwo Jima

just give me some BOLT-ACTION please
Also you niggers should buy Day of Infamy

I sure can't wait to commit human right violations against my ancestors because they are the "Bad guys"!

Just hypocrisy things...

Newfriend, please

When will we get a FPS based around the Yugoslav breakup.

(Although i bet most normies never heard of Yugoslavia)

>Randy tries to be a smart ass
>The internet collectively comes out and rips on him
Does Gearbox have any fans left?

I fucking love DOI, no regrets getting it.


Keep crying, Hans.

slavs are trash, not humans

>class based WWE shooter
>mysterio dives in to the flag
>gets stealth Cena'd

taker rez is OP


shame about the player-base, this game is going to be ded in a year.

Red Orchestra 2 already peaked. AAA companies will take no chances and instead do the same Normandy landings they have always done. Prepare to be disappointed.

How about original ideas.

>ywn play a shooter where it's faces vs heels
>ywn charge the front lines with the likes of the Dudleyz, Hardy boyz, The Rock, Stone cold, Shawn Michaels
>Razor Ramon will never show you how to slit a throat
>Hulkamania will never run wild on the battlefield

>game teaser shown
>girl soldiers
>black russians
>german gay sex cutscenes for make empathize LGBTFO players
>male nurses
>pray as honorabrrr jap sordier
>also gay
>emphasize muh 6 gorillion

Good ideas > original ideas

The mod community could keep it afloat, seeing as how NWI actually lets people create free content for it. Plus if a bunch of WWII shooters are released (CoD WWII, Battalion 1944, this cringeworthy gearbox shit) it could draw more people's attention to it. Even if it's dead I'd still play the co-op.

Wow you sure told them.

>he paid for an insurgency Mod that someone put on steam as early access

Look at this retard.

Yes I did.

>why dont you like shit??
>I dont want shit
>well what do you want then?
>not shit

>he obviously never played the mod or DoI
The game is fully released, too, btw.

Insurgency is pretty good.

Yeah, but I'm still going to recommend it to my mates who would be interested in that sort of gameplay. Besides the coop is still fun.

No longer early access, you silly sod.

I fucking hope they dont after playing Hells Highway after scrapping the engine and making a R6 Vegas WW2 clone with shitty everything.

Just let it die in peace with the last veterans

Hopefully I'll be dead by then

It's a fucking great bit of art.

>finally get to see The Miz in combat

Insurgency is pretty good when you're playing as ISIS and you shoot your remaining rounds at the sky once the timer hits the ten second mark.

Will we be playing as a strong independant black transgender demisexual man?

>giant face on the entire cover

How original dude xD

I like the female soliders in CoD4Remastered
if only because of the panting when she's outta breath,

fuck you poopshit

>I don't like it so I'll call it shit and that will prove my superior taste

>he obviously never played the mod or DoI
I played the mod, it was okay but it was just an insurgency reskin with some new maps and weapons. The full game doesn't look any different.

Yes it is.

>no longer early access

So what? the fact it was on EA at all was depressing.

>Thousand Yard stare conveying that he's been through some awful shit
>three either hostiles or friendly in his sight
>the pure look of terror all over his face
I think it looks solid, but hey, you can be a flying faggot about it.

Damn that guy is cool

>Hells Highway
Why does everyone hate that game? I thought it was pretty good

Point is they will probably make SJW agendas a priority over historical accuracy. It's disgusting to think about.

I went to Yugoslavia when I was a kid with my parents. Had some sweet ass ice cream.

And the hype died before it was even conceived.


You need some actually strategy to beat the the first two games but you can go straight gung ho in HH.
If you lost a squadmate they were gone the whole mission but in HH you hit a checkpoint and they'll come right back.

What is the deal with this fucking "B" emoji.
I don't fucking get it.


I understand, but I won't complain if they do. Or at least my dick won't.

I hear living in Yugoslavia was a lot better than the Soviet Union.

Keep bending over backwards for the Hewbrews, Chad.

Something I never heard of

Insurgency started as a mod itself you dumb fuck

That isn't the 1000yard stare you fucking baby.



Did it go on early access?

>Gearbox ...

stop reading right there

I'm pretty sure millions of people are hyped about it

COD2 just did the same shit every other WWII shooter did before shut the fuck up with your bs.

I doubt it because it was released before EA I believe. Regardless it was a great mod and a great game and DOI is the same in both respects. I don't purchase early access and in this case didn't have to because the game is released.

>The full game doesn't look any different.
You shouldn't post about games you haven't played. The full game is actually a lot better than the mod, and this is coming from somebody with extensive hours in both along with Insurgency. Give it a try sometime, if it's anything like Insurgency it'll be on sale for $2 soon anyways.

>50 million suckers
If only P.T. Barnum made consoles.

When will we see Vietnam era shooters again? With 70s music, gook-bayoneting and all the good stuff?

you reminded me of this