>invested tons into a game engine they only used in ONE game >greedy nips that only want money for the least effort possible >refuse to remake old MGS games with the fox engine >continuously do things to burn bridges and piss their fans off instead >no good Silent Hill collection with 1-4
What the fuck is their problem, Sup Forums? These decisions don't seem likely to result in increased revenue.
>invested tons into a game engine they only used in ONE game To be fair, it's one and a quarter games if you include Ground Zeroes. Also Survive. Why they wasted the Fox Engine on that shit is utterly beyond me, I guess they just needed to get more mileage out of it by any means necessary.
Brody Perry
Yugioh and Dance Revolution makes more mad dosh every single year than MGS retard.
Josiah Wood
Is that why they released a new Bomberman despite never actually doing anything with the brand?
Face it, kid. Kojima was the problem.
Logan Rivera
>only used in one game Doesn't PES use the Fox Engine?
Luis Long
>ONE (1) game of ancient and near-obsolete, arcady series gets ONE (1) new game after XYZ years >"SEE?? THEY TOTALLY LIKE GAMERS! FUCK KOJIMA AND HIS GOLDEN GOOSE GAMES!!! :^) " (You)
Wyatt Bailey
>What the fuck is their problem, Sup Forums?
dumb ceo thinks pachislots is all they need so he's actively trying to kill off their video industry.
Josiah Wilson
Yeah, it does. It's actually kind of bewildering, because it still looks like ass compared to Fifa. How did they manage to fuck that up?
Robert White
>Is that why they released a new Bomberman despite never actually doing anything with the brand?
Bomberman only came once they saw profits in the latest metal gear game. That is when they decided there's profit in vidya and no need to kill off their game industry anymore.
Which is retarded since they already got rid of kojima by then and faced the biggest backlash ever for even trying to make a metal gear zombie game.
Nolan Cox
>low effort indy tier game thats basically the equivalent of super bomberman on the SNES 25 years ago, but 3D, yet also looks like shit >"KOJIMA" >disregarding the rest of their IPs
Isaac Williams
I went to a casino for the first time two weeks ago and noticed a lot of the machines had a Konami logo pop up for a few minutes. They're doing just fine as a company.
Nathan Turner
They promised to make more games like it in the future if it was successful.
My guess is that Kojima blew their entire gaming budget on MGSV and then immediately started blowing millions of dollars to meet up with everyone who was working on Silent Hills. That demo probably cost a ton to produce, and Kojima likely did not have a real product to show for it.
MGSV was a huge failure for Konami. They want to return to developing cheaper, easier to produce games that people actually enjoying playing.
Xavier Lee
MGS3 remake in fox engine when?
Kevin Moore
konami is a pachinko company
Carter Campbell
>Kojima this, Kojima that pathetic. The guy made THE most iconic and best-selling games Konami had ever pushed out, and all the sudden they just want to get rid of him?
Nope. If anything, the decision to kick out and take his own IP & engine as a hostage was pure, heartless politics. The oldfart CEO never has liked artsy guys, and in general the whole corporation treats people working for them worse than fucking Hitler.
Aaron Evans
People forget that Kojima was actually a higher up at the company. Similar to how Inafune was responsible for the decline of brands he had nothing to do with, Kojima had a hand in ruining Castlevania, at the very least.
I think the core problem is that no one involved at Konami is really talking about what Kojima did for the company besides make games. It's really interesting to look at Konami's release schedule as Kojima got more and more influence in the company, and see how all of their IPs that weren't Metal Gear slowly got less and less frequent releases, until they were cancelled outright.
Jack Russell
>iconic that's wrong, MGS is only iconic to Sup Forums. Yugioh is way more popular
>best-selling wrong again. DDR games sell better with less effort made than MGS
Caleb King
>that's wrong, MGS is only iconic to Sup Forums. You should go out more. Seriously mate. He's a fucking rockstar. Everyone knows MGS. Most of the games have been floating in the higher tiers of top-100 games of all time -lists for decades now. Kojima himself fills theaters full of people, and creates miles long queues for signatures. Not to mention he was literally presented an "industry icon" reward recently.
>a Pokemon clone & an arcade trash not even normies play anymore are easier to make and sell "better", so his multi-dozen million sale figures don't matter! (You) again. Also, citations needed.
Samuel Morales
The faggot was their fucking vice president, you don't kick your vice president unless he does some biblical fuck up
Face it drone, Kojima must have fucked up something fierce to be kicked out
Noah Ramirez
MGS3 pachislot is not FOX Engine, retard.
Jacob Harris
He was a vice-president, not THE vice-president. And only for KDE (their vidya division), not the main Konami corporation.
Luis Turner
>you don't kick your vice president unless he does some biblical fuck up Oh, you do. Seriously, don't you know anything about human history and politics?
>Face it drone, Kojima must have fucked up something fierce to be kicked out Yeah, his face and ego didn't fit well with the old-ass biz baldie running the show, who cares more about the stock prices than being loyal to the fanbase of their best-selling, iconic IPs.
These are the same people who kicked out Team-Silent a decade ago, for no apparent reason, and started whoring the SH's IP to random no-name teams around the globe. KojiPro faced the same fate.
Charles Butler
Not the guy you're arguing with, but doesn't that make it worse since he got removed of a position he should've been a specialist at?
Dylan Sullivan
>>invested tons into a game engine they only used in ONE game >>greedy nips that only want money for the least effort possible You realize these two points contradict each other?
We've seen plenty of devs shit the bed when it comes to managing their time and effort. It seems enough people weren't burned by Tim Schafer and Keiji inafune.
Konami doesn't want to be in the vidya market anymore outside of cashing out their old stuff what little it's worth. The mismanagement of the MGS V project has already been beaten to death.
Tyler Hall
Yes because it's totally Kojimas fault too that they have axed every other series they own. Piss off you shitposting retard.
Blake Wright
Who cares it was 2 years ago. Get over it
Ryan Torres
>ONE game Doesn't PES use FOX Engine nowadays?
Jacob Rodriguez
I love how thoroughly the Kojima haters got BTFO in this thread.
Hunter Price
>MGSV was a failure
HAHAHAHAHAHA come on Sup Forums, you seriously can't be this full of your own shit.
Jack Fisher
For the development costs, it wasn't a success either.
Engine development was so overbudget that they had to sell an unpolished demo to keep the project afloat.
Lucas Walker
Companies tend to have several corporate officers and vice-presidents. It's not a special or exclusive title as every anti-Kojimafag (e.g. Razorfist) makes it out to be. The main reason Kojima had the title was because he was given his own subsidiary within KDE (the Kojima Productions division), but he had no real influence with anything they did outside KojiPro (e.g. Yugioh, LovePlus, all the Silent Hill games before P.T.).
Mason Kelly
Because good games don't make as much money as pachislots and gym centers in Nipland
Proof: they are still operating after the disastrous PR that is 2015. Also pic related
Jaxson Russell
you are the fucking shut-in neet that need to go out more.
Yugioh is so important to Konami they bought 4kids just for dubbing it. Kojima's fame is miniscule to Yugioh
Josiah Young
Sadly YGO and PES will keep Konami alive.
Josiah Mitchell
Kojima is a hackfraud of the highest caliber, but he didn't kill Silent Hill and spend a decade raping the corpse or milk every valuable IP that's been sat on for years just for slot machine shit. And while I'm willing to bet working with him is shit in its own right, the fact is that Konami chose to release an unfinished game on top of all the disgusting shit they were apparently doing to the staff behind the scenes.
I'm pissed that people only started caring about how corrupt Konami was after they started fucking with MGS, ignoring what they've been doing to SH for ages, but I guess better late then never is a good way to sum it up.
Nicholas Turner
Know whats funny about this? Its how much it mirrors Inafune and capcom >Kojima/Inafune becomes the vice president of their game division >Soon after they start to push for retarded westernization of their IPs (Castlevania, SH, Lost Planet, DMC) >Failure after failure, said new game division head is kicked out of the company while trying to force some game taht only they wanted to make(Megaman Legends 3, Silent Hills)
And htere is also the fact that Clover and SH team got kicked out once their butted their heads with the massive ego of their new division boss
But please, continue the dickriding, maybe Kojima will call you do star in his next game together with his cadre of c-list american actors
Isaac Hall
>Kojima/Inafune becomes the vice president of their game division Kojima had nothing to do with Silent Hill going to shit after 4, idiot. That was another VP in charge of the IP. See and
Hunter Nguyen
Such as? They only axed the games that were not giving returns like the Silen Hill games and Castlevania games that were failure after failure
They still keep releasing their games yearly like YGO, that soccer game, DDR, etc
Henry Flores
So why did they leave the company once he grew in power?
Cameron Rivera
They canceled Silent Hills, forced as much bullshit into MGS5 as they could, did their best to fuck over some of the best talent in the industry, and we'll never get another game of the countless to die for classic IPs they own - and in fact are actively trying to run the brands into the ground by cashing in on brand recognition to sell psuedo-legal gambling machines.
But hey, at least we got another bomberman, so its all ok.
Connor Gutierrez
If Death Stranding ends up being a failure this will be hilarious
Michael Sanchez
Because KCE Tokyo was shut down in 2005 along with several other game development subsidiaries of Konami (such as KCE Japan and KCE Studios) so that they could have one company in charge of making all their vidya, which was Konami Digital Entertainment. Kojima had no influence in the disbanding of Team Silent.
Brody Bailey
IIDX runs off the MGSV engine duh, they use it in all their games
Nathaniel Myers
Except getting his own special snowflake studio
Jordan Ramirez
please don't encourage them to remake old games, if you want to play metal gear solid or w/e just play it. why must you have shitty remakes of everything, children these days ew.
Adam Evans
metal gear survive also uses the same engine
i'm buying it and you can't stop me
Ian Cox
Other than getting fired, that's where the comparison ends. Inafune picked Western devs as a money saving tactic with disastrous results (LP3). Capcom had enough business sense to realize that their some of their IPs that were dead in nipland still had mindshare in the west and they wanted to cash in on that, which is very reasonable. Despite the good business sense to spot an opportunity, Capcom forgot how to manage a project and shit the bed royally. While it was never bad as Aliens:CM, I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall at the meetings where they were discussing what went wrong with DmC: DmC: Fuck you Edition.
Anthony Kelly
who cares about sports shit?
Joseph Howard
Both are CGI, retard
Aaron Cox
Not an argument. The reason he got a special snowflake was because of the popularity of the MGS series (2 was the biggest selling PS2 game for its time), whereas the Silent Hill games have always been sleeper hits at best. It's natural that Konami was going to favor the one making them the big bucks.
Hunter Anderson
>2 was the biggest selling PS2 game for its time
one of, but not the biggest.
Blake Gonzalez
Sounds like you need to take a break from the Sup Forums echochamber. Sportshit makes up the bread and butter of most of the major publishers.
Brody Cox
Far more than MGS ever could
Parker Gutierrez
>lust after a rehash of games that were only novel due to the strength of their story >get buttmad and lash out at developer and owner of the IP for not fulfilling your autistic desires >wonder why they refuse to listen to their "fans"
great strategy you have
Jordan Cook
pro evo uses the fox engine it's a sports game, so i understand why you nerds wouldn't know about it
Christopher Turner
I was under the impression that FIFA outsells ProEvo, at least in Yurop. I think they only used the FOX Engine in one game though.
Carson Thompson
>2017 >Gravity Rush 2 is released >During the development of Death Stranding, Kojima and Keiichiro Toyama start talking about a possible collaboration to make a spiritual successor to Silent Hill
>2018 >Death Stranding is released to critical acclaim and blockbuster sales, cementing Kojima's relationship with Sony >Looking for his next project, Kojima connects with Toyama again >As a result, several former Team Silent members including Akira Yamaoka are recruited by Sony to work on an unannounced project
>2019 >E3 >Kojima, Toyama, and Yamaoka appear onstage during the Sony conference >"Prease enjoy" >Lights go down and a teaser for a new horror game is shown
How would you react?
Jackson Lee
>having fantasies about multimedia entertainment products instead of fantasies about improving your life and doing great things and love
Jonathan Parker
Is the girl with the flowers sitting on that guys lap? What a slut.
Colton Baker
Thats how the kojimadrones roll user
Eli Howard
They've used it for every game since 2014.
Brody Long
I would have agreed because of the $60 Bomberman game I bought with my Switch but they've already addressed all the complaints in patches plus the framerate is 60fps and they're releaseing free content like Simon Belmont.
Konami is in this state BECAUSE of Kojima. MGS4 never made a profit. The self-centered egomaniac bled them dry of money and they have to recoup it with Pachinko machines. Firing Kojima was the best thing they ever did. And don't blame them for MGS5 being shit, that's all Kojima. He's Sony's problem now
Jordan Rogers
Kojima is a fucking hack and his story writing is always garbage. So I guess I'd be mad that he's ruining another series I like.
Colton Campbell
>MGS4 never made a profit The absurd claims you faggots make about Kojima and his games just keep getting funnier.
Matthew Johnson
>RPGs, Strategy, Sim, Action all rolled in one >0 sjw bullshit >Minimum one game of each sport released each year