So holy shit, I wish I would've known about this game back in the ps2 days. looks like my dream game

so holy shit, I wish I would've known about this game back in the ps2 days. looks like my dream game.

thankfully we have yakuza, cause since I'm german I don't get to play any of the other beat em ups out on psn because they're all fucking censored here.

so anyway fuck me

thought you guys loved this game

Too bad, mate

I learned about it probably from Sup Forums memes way back in 2008 or 2009 some shit, walked into a random gamestop, found a copy right away for a pittance, took it home and proceeded to play it 24/7 with a friend for the next few days
It's was really great




To this day I have no idea what this was about. I feel like I missed an important detail that explained it somewhere, but I kind of doubt it.

Same thing here, found it at Gamestop for like 6 bucks
Then my sister borrowed the PS2 along with all my games
Only game I didn't get back was GodHand, and now it's 40$+

Isn't this available on psn these days though?

so you have never actually played it?
also it's not censored in germany.