/vr/ thinks Dracula X is better than Rondo of Blood
What does Sup Forums think?
/vr/ thinks Dracula X is better than Rondo of Blood
What does Sup Forums think?
Dracura X
/vr/ has been invaded by contrarians long ago, so who cares.
Also, it's Bloodlines > RoB > SCV4 > DX
Fuck off, /vr/ is shit.
I don't get why.
The only value is the changed level design. But I don't care for it.
>Bloodline and RoB at the top.
There's nothing about Dracula X that's better than RoB. X is just a shit rush job of a port.
Super Castlevania 4 is better than both of them.
4 is a good game but literally the worst Castlevania
You are literally wrong since Castlevania 2 and Castlevania Legends exist, contrarian.
People who call 4 the best CV are just telling the world they're plebs who don't actually like Castlevania
Acquire taste
>Super Castlevania 4 is better than both of them.
By FAR the most over rated Castlevania game. A huge step down from 1-3.
Just a re-tread of the same gameplay style, but slower, with worse music.
>with worse music.
Whoa there. I don't mind you saying it wasn't as good as the later and older games. But come on SC4's OST was good.
They're wrong.
Rondo has better music, more interesting stages and the final boss isn't fucking retarded.
Theme of Simon is nice, but that's it. It's just boring blah blah shit mostly.
Castlevania is about techno-rock that's catchy as shit as you kill shit.
>But come on SC4's OST was good.
Its pretty unmemorable 2bh
If your top 5 Castlevanias aren't RoB, SCIV, Bloodlines, Dracula X and X68000 in any order, you have shit taste.
I'll admit that out of all the CV games SC4 has the most different soundtrack. Different because it's not like other CV tracks. I still enjoy it though mainly the tracks like Dracula's theme or the track that play when reach the sunken city looking place.
Not a fan of either. Give me upgrades in my Castlevania and or at least better controls, thanks.
The most underappreciated Castlevania game.
Rondo of Blood had perfect Classicvania controls.
To be honest i just forget those two exist
Did it? I only remember Dracula X to be honest and it was a pain.
>Konami will never re-release Rebirth on platforms that matter
It hurts.
>/vr/ thinks Dracula X is better than Rondo of Blood
That's shitty contrarian opinion
X is equivalent of those call of duty ports on Wii
>Legends is worse than Judgement
I hope you have some genuine mental impairment that justifies such an opinion.
>/vr/ thinks Dracula X is better than Rondo of Blood
[citation needed]
You should consider that /vr/ is bunch of autists who have regular Doom general threads filled with cringeworthy memes.
What kind of mental gymnastics did you do to come to that assumption?
This is true
Listen, user, just because it bothers you someone likes SCV4 doesn't disprove the shit taste you have.
>liking CV4
>saying others have shit taste
Retard alert
No it isn't.
Also, /vr/ is not just one person.
Also, go back to Sup Forums with your shit threads.
[citation still needed]
>these tasteless faggots that say 4 is bad
It's literally the natural progression of Castlevania 1-3 (excluding 2)
The only problem I see people complain about is that it's too easy which is bullshit. The only way to steamroll the game was if you had the Triple Cross.
It makes me think the people who say it's bad never played it.
>Also, go back to Sup Forums with your shit threads.
You might just be an idiot. No, you definitely are
No need to get insecure user
>le smug anime girl
The only insecure one here is you
What, baby user can't handle opinions?
>It makes me think the people who say it's bad never played it
Because that's exactly what it is, where do you think we are?
>The only problem I see people complain about is that it's too easy which is bullshit
>It makes me think the people who say it's bad never played it
Have you played it? Even the bosses are a joke.
I think you are wrong.
Wow sure showed me user
No, it's just one or two shitposters.
Rondo is objectively superior to Dracula X.
What, baby user can't handle people badmouthing his widdle gaem?
Looks like I struck a nerve. Get that next epic reaction image lined up
>getting triggered over anime girls
That's pretty pathetic my guy
You sound mad, user.
Why do girls make you so mad?
Rondo is leagues better than X, why would anything think different?
>muh kawaii uguu animu girls that I have to jack off to 24/7
And you're calling others pathetic? Go back to Sup Forums
Yeah I definitely struck one. Keep feeding those replies
>thread could have been about Castlevania vidya
>gets derailed by a faggot who can't handle opinions and gets buttblasted by some anime girl shotposting fag
Just 404 the thread already
>i was jsut pretending to be retarded meme
>getting this mad over anime girls
Sup Forums really is the most pathetic board holy shit
the best one is that version of dracula x which game with sotn and rondo of blood. because you get to play sotn
>that stupid Dracula fight
That alone makes it shit
That was a pretty low effort reply. You can do better, shitposter-kun. Try again
>there are people in the year 2017 that get mad over cartoon women shitposting
>calling others pathetic
lol :)
How is it a natural progression of 3 if it removes all the new cool features it added and instead just adds multidirectional whipping which makes all but the cross useless and takes out a lot of the timing out of combat?
>pedo calling others pathetic
Thanks for the sumg pics.
It's not. Rondo has smarter level design and feels more like Castlevania. Dracula X feels off. Literally like the stairs animation is even choppy. It completely fucks up the first stage because you're no longer in a town from Castlevania 2. It also doesn't have the anything to replace the boss rush stage or branching paths. The difficulty is turned up too high. The last boss is just fucking absurdity. Lol lets make it so you can fall and die! I beat Dracula after 350 attempts finally and I did it again to get the other ending and I didn't count but it took about the same number of tries I'm sure. It is only worth playing after Rondo and not on its own and no it's not better
Not that user but why do you keep replying you're clearly upset. Just walk away from the thread nigga like close the screen nigga.
Bloodlines and 3 are better than both
Rondo is clearly a superior game than the SNES DX though, they're just being contrarian.
I'm not upset, I'm just enjoying the predictable replies
If they're low effort replies why do you fall for them loser?
You could just leave the thread or actually talk about VIDEO GAMES
Post another reply
>enjoying shitposting
Get a load of this faggot
You're just as bad as the animegirl-kun, it's actually sad.
lets talk about OSTs
What is the best Castlevania soundtrack and why is it Bloodlines?
Stay mad, faggot
So you can get mad right? Okay whatever gets you off user.
Another one
Jap version of 3 is perfection but Bloodlines is close
relax user now your anger is going to other anons that didn't even say anything
At first I thought this anime girl poster was a sad loser but you somehow won that
3 is actually surprisingly bland game if you can abstract from how cool graphics were by NES standards.
Stay mad, faggot
Bland? First time I heard that as a criticism.
How come?
>he's so mad all he can say is another one
>now he's repeating himself
This is adorable.
>Bloodlines > RoB > SCV4 > DX
Actually it is:
RoB > III > Bloodlines > I > SCV4 > DX > II
Another one
Bland how? I thought it had some really impressive level design, clocktower does backtracking better than any metroidvania can ever hope to.
You're all wrong.Super Nintendo won.
Nah I'm good. Gonna actually post something relevant to the thread. You did a good job showing how pathetic you are that you let anime girls of all things get you that riled up.
On topic with the thread, Dracula X is just an okay game but definitely not as good as Rondo of course. Also did anyone ever play the original Chronicles game? It's bretty good.
>fixes the clumsy jumping system to allow mid-jump adjustments
>fixes the whipping mechanic to prevent trial and error by enemies not being on your horizontal plane
>this in turn gives the player the power to prevent getting killed by enemies appearing out of nowhere near the edge of the screen like a medusa appearing when you are jumping or an enemy appearing on a platform you are jumping to lower than you
>sub-weapons have different functions in SC4 that supplement your playstyle instead of forcing a specific playstyle
SC4 is far superior to SC1-3.
You know you're gonna just reply to this again
go play megaman fag, that's not what Castlevania is for.
Chronicles is pretty good, but I don't like the redheaded Simon design.
You don't really need to have other playstyles though when the whip pretty much does everything for you.
You say the whipping mechanic is fixed by this but really it didn't need fixing. The subweapons are supposed to cover what your whip can't do.
Only a little of it. But it seemed good.
>fixes the clumsy jumping system to allow mid-jump adjustments
Doesnt matter, the game would be exactly the same if it was a preset arc, the game does nothing with it at all except dumb down jumping.
>fixes whipping
And completely destroys timing while its at it. Timing your whipping to get enemies when theyre on the same plane is one of the core parts of classicvania combat, its what seperates it from other platformers and gives it a unique sense of rhythm.
You do realize that all of the games are doable without subweapons right? CV4 just makes them more useless, while having the cross be the best choice, while also removing the cool new weapons the characters of 3 brought to the table.
agreed. kojima should've left that alone. I like her stuff but it didn't fit in that case.
I agree. It's the player's fault for not seeing an enemy offscreen when you jump to a platform and have that enemy appear underneath you. The player should have known he needed to get an axe, throw that before jumping, jump to have the enemy appear, then hope he timed the axe throw right to kill the enemy before he reaches the platform. Now that kind of trial and error gameplay is what makes Castlevania great. Fuck organic and intuitive gameplay with good mechanics.
Holy hyperbole. There aren't any cheap deaths that are anything like that and I challenge you to find an example of anything like this ever happening.
What are you talking about? Theres no encounter like that in the games, the only one similar to that I can think of is the skeleton but you can see him jump our very early. But yeah CV encouraged planning, caution and timing unlike 4 which is more mindless all around.
/vr/ is right but CV1, 3 and X68000/Chronicles are all better than Dracula X
Oh, so you are on stairs and want to use a subweapons. Well, fuck you then, no subweapons for you. Pressing down has you walk down the stairs. So there is an enemy at the bottom of the stairs and you could easily kill them with the holy water if you could just use a subweapon. Sorry, m8, git gud. Fuck SC4 for assigning the subweapon to the right shoulder button and finally fixing this huge shortcoming of C1-3. It ruined Castlevania.
>It's literally the natural progression of Castlevania 1-3 (excluding 2)
No it fucking isn't it doesn't follow the gameplay style of those games at all and moves towards being a traditional platformer
The only thing 4 has is it has cool atmosphere to it. The difficulty scaling is a joke, it didn't want to be a castlevania game, and the final few stages/bosses of the game are incredibly poorly designed.
Just admit you want every game to play and control like super mario world becuase everyone except you knows that's the truth
>Oh, so you are on stairs and want to use a subweapons. Well, fuck you then, no subweapons for you. Pressing down has you walk down the stairs.
What are you even babbling about? You press up to use a subweapon, not down.
Also, you can easily use a subweapon on the stairs. I'm starting to feel like you haven't even played any of the other games.
why do so many people wank over x68000 anyway?
Hipster cred
Can we talk about 3d cstlevanias?
Show us some situations where an enemy is under you as you're walking down and there's no other point where you could throw a subweapon from. Or is this just a hypothetical you've come up with to justify the complaint?