The unnanounced first original CDPR game is a game about Roman legionary trying to get back to Italy after the battle at Teutoburg forest.
It's going to be a PS4 exclusive action/stealth RPG, to be released Q4 2017. The team is still trying to figure out how to make smaller 30-40h long games in between their bigger titles and this is it.
Also it's true that they've started over with C2077 in 2016, but the development goes really fast and so they want to include much more content than they've initially thought about (i.e. the driveable vehicles weren't originally planned).
Also they've already thought about pulling the plug on Gwent several times. They don't really like the the direction this game is heading.
No Witcher news.
Leo Green
Source: ass
Grayson Johnson
This would be goat We definitely need more roman games
But yeah, anus source
Christopher Gray
Listen, I like ass. But I don't like it when source comes out of ass. So I'm going to need to call you a faggot for this one, OP.
Angel Mitchell
>PS4 exclusive yeah no
Easton Brown
>Also they've already thought about pulling the plug on Gwent several times. They don't really like the the direction this game is heading.
Then why make it in the first place? Is it because they know it will never live up to Hearthstone?
Honestly if the scratch development for Gwent and focus all their time on Cyberpunk I'd be okay with that. But apparently after Witcher 2 and 3 the studio heads and direction went down the shitter and a lot of people left the studio (supposedly). Can you shed light on that?
Liam Carter
Sounds like ass, they will never betray PC with their own fucking digital distribution store.
Jackson Morales
>It's going to be a PS4 exclusive this is where I stopped reading, you can improve your post starting from here
Joshua Flores
CDPR are a console developer now. Doesn't mean they can't still release games for PC but their main audience from now on is consoles and some devs like this still release exclusives. Platinum for instance.
Brandon Cooper
Nice source.
Kevin Rogers
Also they've sold like 60% of W3 copies on PS4. Maybe it's out of some deal with SONY.
Angel Cooper
>betray PC >betray
Ahahahahahaha are you serious?
Juan Stewart
>Roman legionary trying to get back to Italy after the battle at Teutoburg forest. >action/stealth RPG I would literally cum but then >PS4 exclusive weak bait desu
Joseph Bennett
source fagget
Isaac Phillips
LMAO like CD Projekt can into good design. They would totally botch a stealth game let alone a stealth-action game.
Gabriel Stewart
Brayden Reed
Xavier Barnes
>implying SONY it's not a part of a deal between Sony and CDP to get GOG's library of old games on PS4
Wyatt White
>TOP 10 things that could kill Microsoft
Gavin Collins
You follow your "Legion sense" all the way home. You stop at random farms and towns to bang the local hotties along the way. The combat will suck The cutscenes will be gorgeous.
They have a formula now.
Ian Sanchez
>implying that in their current financial situation they need moneyhatting from Sony to make games in the first place
Yes, I am serious. CDPR started as local publisher for PC games, their first game was developed for PC, their second game was developed for PC first and then hit 360 as an afterthought. Their biggest and by far the most loyal fanbase located in slavic eastern european countries where people mostly play on PC and CDPR will meet HUGE fucking backlash from them if PS4 exclusivity is really the case. I'm slav myself, trust me.
Nathan Phillips
>CDPR are a console developer now
they put their games on consoles. Sony and M$ went slithering up to them in 2012 and asked them how powerful the system needed to be to get it.
Alexander Torres
>implying that in their current financial situation they need moneyhatting from Sony to make games in the first place >implying they didn't use the "we need console money to make this type of game" excuse for TW3 and won't keep using it to rake in as much money as they can
Crytek was a PC developer too and look what happened there. CDPR had a major hit with TW3 and that type of game sells great on consoles. There were a lot of sales on PC as well but CDPR won't turn down the chance to get paid by Sony or Microsoft to make an exclusive. They've already said that console money is necessary for them.
Carter Reyes
While developing TW3 they had to make deals with Microsoft and Sony because they were worried about the financial side of the business. Who knows what they've signed?
Isaac Young
The difference is that CDPR aren't retarded with how they handle their finances while Crytek is one dumb business decision after another so of course went for an easy bone Microsoft threw at them.
Jaxon Miller
>While developing TW3 they had to make deals with Microsoft and Sony because they were worried about the financial side of the business. I really doubt it was about anything more than additional marketing from consoleholders and slot at E3 conference
Jayden White
It would have been licensing, publishing and advertisements. For example, The Witcher 3 was shown at the Microsoft's E3 stage.
As for console exclusivity, Microsoft and Sony would have pleaded for The Witcher 3 to be exclusive, which we now know isn't the case. Cyberpunk 2077 was announced way before that, and even that's been confirmed to be on all 3 major platforms. So yeah, no exclusives.
James Brown
I can see CDPR delegating 15-20 devs to make a small game using Red Engine 3.0. I mean, they have two offices now, 400 employees...
Gavin Hill
Aren't they already doing that with Gwent and Cyberpunk 2077?
David Edwards
>CDPR are a console developer now. It doesn't make sense NOT to have console releases for vidya. Outside of the Eurosphere, the vidya market is very console oriented. I love a good PC release as much as the next guy, but CDPR is leaving money on the table if they ignore portion of the market that big.
Dylan Smith
Hey fag if you divide the sales between the PS4 and the XBOX 1 PC beats them both. Off yourself
Christopher Smith
Samuel Peterson
That's a different game dude. It's using Unreal 4, not Red Engine.
Ryder Cook
They did leave themselves vulnerable to a hostile takeover so there is that. It took a fair amount of available capital to fix that.
Ryan Sanchez
Didn't the console versions outsell the PC one?
Isaiah Campbell
If you divide the Xbox numbers and PS4 numbers nope. Pc outsold them both.
Carson Jenkins
I like how this gets posted in every cyberpunk2077 thread and people still fall for it.
Cameron Green
Of course they did, what the fucktard probably means is that they got a larger profit from GOG/Steam sales.
Dominic Ortiz
They have another team working on an unannounced AAA rpg, but I doubt it's a Sony exclusive.
Oliver James
Anyway CD Projekt making a console exclusive is just too retarded of idea on paper when they have the second most successful PC digital distribution platform. Can you imagine Valve not releasing their games on Steam if they were still making them?
William Baker
Read this nigger As in MORE SALES As in say PS4 has 3 and xbox has 3 and PC had 4, random number if you dont get that btw Fucktard
Xavier Fisher
Every cdpr game has been released for console
Lincoln Campbell
>CDPR PS4 exclusive Worst LARP of the day. Those based Slavs don't care about identity politics. They're not exclusively releasing anything on a SJW meme console especially when they run a Steam-like PC game store and actually sell a lot of copies of their games on PC. They openly said they are more comfortable with DirectX which is why Witcher 3 was better on Xbox for months until the PS4 was patched to improve performance (by REMOVING things like fog)
Logan Hill
Liam Foster
Hmmmm Like witcher 1 and gwent and Imperialism
Cameron Martinez
>It's going to be a PS4 exclusive
You blew it there. Why in the name of fuck would it be a PS4 exclusive when CDPR has been with Xbox/Microsoft ever since Witcher 2? They even presented TW3 in the Microsoft E3 conference.
Jace Bell
>company behind a PC distribution platform >PS4 exclusive "lowered eyebrows"
Blake Anderson
>Witcher 3 was better on Xbox for months until the PS4 was patched to improve performance (by REMOVING things like fog)
While I despise sony-ggers as much as the next guy, this simply isn't true. They both performed awfully for months and months after launch, but PS4 ran at 1080p and Xbone at 900p
Dominic Martin
Well Steamspy has down that just below 3 million owners have the game on Steam and CD Projekt reported that more people on GOG own the game than on Steam. So at least, that's got to be 6-8 million.
There's no up to date sales reports for The Witcher 3 on consoles, VGChartz states 4.3 mil for PS4, but that's impossible as it also claims 0.8 mil for PC altogether.
But seriously though, you've gotta be some retard if you ever think that the PC outsold the PS4 on the biggest game of 2015. You can definitely understand CDPR making more of a profit via the PC more than the other platforms because of lack of fees, but not higher sales.
Carson Morris
Except for TW1 and Witcher Adventure Game, actually. >It doesn't make sense NOT to have console releases for vidya. For AAA titles, limiting their market to PCs makes little sense, true. Unless the game intentionally aimed at tech geeks or is based around mechanical gimmick that can't be replicated on a console, it makes sense to go multiplatform, business wise. For major projects, such as TW3 was, it is nearly an impossibility, in fact.
That said, for a company that gets half their revenue from PC specific distribution network, have a major, devout PC market userbase, it makes LESS THAN ZERO sense to release a console-exclusive game.
"Hey, we get 30+% revenue on every title we sell on our PC specific distribution network, plus every single person buying on GoG is has an increased chances of making further purchases on that platform, further increasing our profits even more. To a point where it's worth to us to give away games free just to get people signing up for Gog. So yeah, lets NOT make a game available on PC, thus not available for our own distribution network. And lets also deal with corporate pressures and creative restrictions we repeatedly said we just don't like dealing with. And lets make major PR disaster while we are at it, because those are something we need. Even though making a PC version would not be actually costly or anything. Sure. Lets do that."
CDPR have been growing increasingly business oriented and cynical, they are not the group of crazy idealistic geeks they once used to be, but they are not idiots, and they are not going to make the absolutely stupid, business-poor-decision to make a console exclusive.
They are going to make multiplaform games, possibly some smaller PC and mobile oriented sideprojects. It makes ZERO sense for them to make a console exclusive.
Lucas Cox
>But seriously though, you've gotta be some retard if you ever think that the PC outsold the PS4 on the biggest game of 2015. Even if the sheer copy sold numbers are similar, the sheer massive, MASSIVE benefit of selling on their own distribution platform makes the GoG PC sales well worth it. Seriously, they get 30 or more money for on every single GoG platform copy sold and long-term business benefits of increased adoption rate.
Leo Ross
Well still even if why would they drop their home platform. People scream crytek did it but they were consolefags before crysis under a differnt name, CD has literally always been a PC company
Luis Robinson
Thats what he just said though
Jayden Bailey
Did you read the rest of my comment? I'm trying to keep this as neutral as possible without fanboying about the PC, although I did note that the profits would be higher on the PC sales regardless.
Where did you get that, from what I typed?
Jonathan Rodriguez
>It's going to be a PS4 exclusive thanks for the laugh OP
Brody Foster
Because who I replied to before that idk man ive been up for a day
Lucas Reyes
>Also they've sold like 60% of W3 copies on PS4.
nope PC sold the most
Nathan Morris
It's cool dude, get yourself a nice cup of coffee.
Sebastian Davis
I did :( Gotta be up for the rest of the day to Fug
Jack Ortiz
I couldn't find any up to date numbers for sales but I saw that 30% of sales were from the pc and 70% from consoles. If xbone and ps4 split those sales evenly then each system just barely managed to outsell the PC. It's possible with steam and gog sales that the PC continued to sell at a higher rate and overtook the consoles individually. I have no idea though.
Either way it doesn't seem like a smart decision to make a console exclusive.
Jack Cox
>PS4 exclusive Way to reveal your bait. Here in eastern Europe 90% of people play on PC and if they have console, they literally play only FIFA on it
Luke Cox
Yeah the sales are really conflicted, with Steamspy being the only source of reliable information.
It doesn't no, they really wouldn't risk hurting their own marketplace for a one-off payment.
Daniel Johnson
Performance was better on the 900p xbone version for the first few months though. Supposedly that version has variable resolution but digital Foundry never saw it.
Jonathan Rogers
CDPR haven't been a niche eastern centered developer since Witcher 1 to be fair.
They are pretty much your average AAA developer who's main focus is on consoles like the rest of them.
Kevin Edwards
>Sonyfags getting excited over fake news
Henry Hill
What if it means GOG is coming to consoles?
Nicholas Rodriguez
You don't need Eastern Europe sales when you have console money. People keep talking about GOG but what if Sony makes an offer that is more than what CDPR would expect to bring in with this smaller game? People have this ideal version of CDPR that just isn't reality. They're a AAA company now and that means catering to consoles. They even said so themselves that console money is necessary for their bigger games. They'll just brush it off as "we needed Sony's money they were paying for exclusivity to make CP2077 as good as it can be" and people will continue to lap these excuses up.
See you at E3.
Liam Gray
They won't allow a secondary marketplace on their system.
Brayden Cruz
What if it's within the PSN store, or the deal just allows Sony to distribute old GOG games in there with a % of the revenue going to CDP?
Colton Rodriguez
Well for one thing I doubt GOG have much time or the ability to port 20 year old PC games to the PS4, nor do I think they have the license from the devs to do so.