How would you fix Breath of the Wild?

How would you fix Breath of the Wild?

monster girls

By making the switch not a huge shit
Alternatively, port it to other systems.

Make it an Open World game rather than a massive empty sandbox.

Sure you can do a load of amazing shit with the tools at hand but whats the fucking point when it results in the same shit everytime? It feels more like Kerbal Space Program rather than an adventure.

Give it some depth.


let you make it so the champion weapons can be upgraded to work like the master sword with regenerating durability through questing

give you more exploration tools like a grappling hook

more actual dungeons

secret ending where you kill zelda and resurrect mipha

4K HDR, 60 fps, tessellation, etc...

Never ever
Remember to buy the game again on eshop when the next nintendo console comes out

You cant fix a 10/10 game since there is nothing to fix. Retard.

Post more Mipha

Enemy variety
I'm glad Lynels are back, but there could've been more. If every enemy from Zelda 1 appeared that would've been cool. I'm honestly surprised there's no Leevers in the desert area.

>Mipha is alive
There you go, fixed.

More enemy variety
WAY better sidequest rewards, because nearly anything that was not a shrine quest isn't worth the trouble.

Also, I feel like there should have been some sort of final area that acted as a true Zelda dungeon. The ability to skip to the top of Hyrule Castle to end the game feels anticlimatic

release it to PC

More monsters, it's dumb that there's so few

Add scenes of Zelda farting on Link's face.

>replace all the VAs with ones that don't suck
>replace whoever wrote all the dialog and such for the main story with someone who doesn't suck
>add more and better dungeons
>fuck rain
>make it so that swimming across a small stream isn't somehow more fatiguing than climbing a sheer clifface
>quadruple enemy variety
>vary shrine visual design so it's not so samey
>Paya route

So basically PC release?

Mandatory marriage scene between Sidon and Link.

Fuck weapon durability, it doesn't add challenge to the game and is just an annoying grind

>make it more like Souls
>Souls weapon system
>Souls level progression
>Souls-tier lore
Basically give it to From Software instead of fucking Nintendo.

Homos should be gassed.

More side quests

More dungeons structured like Hyrule Castle
More midbosses inside the divine beasts
More unique items (hookclaw, fishing rod, remote control bombs)
A full dungeon for the Yiga Clan with a better boss fight for Master Kohga

>When your game is so shit you resort to false flagging other fanbases for (you)'s

what have homos ever done to you anyway

>Half of BOTW porn is gay

Fags are an abomination of nature.

>(You) meme
Meanwhile I don't see you explaining how BotW wouldn't benefit from being handled by an actually competent, experiences studio with a high pedigree.

>less shrines more dungeons 140 Shrines is just too much
>Return the "Master" part to the Master Sword. It's damage is shit and for a blade that fights evils bane it breaks easy when fighting them with it. Make it powerful, make it unbreakable, and make it a late game item or really heighten the requirements
>Ganondorf. Ganon is shit at least Ganondorf had motivations
>less rain. There's so much you'd think the gods were flooding Hyrule again
>alter weapon durability by giving us the option to repair our weapons with one of the many materials we don't use often or add a blacksmith that can improve weapons to the costly point where they don't break so I could actually use Ganondorfs Sword and WW Links shield instead of displaying them
>make the Blood Moon an actual event that lasts all night. Enemies are tougher and respawn quickly but the loot tier is high with stuff like stars and ancient cores dropping from enemies
>give me Twilight content like lore, locations, armour with the blue lines, something
>bring Mipha back

Otherwise it's a very solid entry and a real surprise after the SS shitshow.

>play BotW
>get excited as so many girls are best girl contender
>look for porn
>it's all either trap Link or some other gay shit

I believe that whatever you do in the privacy of your bedroom is your buisness but is it as simple as that? You homos had to make sucking dick a lifestyle and wanted anyone to know that your mental illness was the norm. That's why I out of the box hate homosexuals until they prove themselves to be cool people.

>add tag -yaoi
was it that hard

by having dungions
by having quests
by having goals
by removing durability
by removing shrines
by reworking the "parry" system

currently its a pointless game with no payoff.

I actually agree with you, but saying SOULS SOULS SOULS isn't helping your argument in this age of console loyalty and fanboys.

Don't reveal the entire plot after the tutorial. The end result was people constantly retelling you the same shit over and over. Even the big reveal of getting all the memories was pointless since there are multiple NPCs in that area that already you that was the place you "died"
Don't give the player all the tools in the tutorial. If would be annoying to not be able to do a shrine because you lack a certain tool. But you can fast travel to them anyway so it wouldn't matter.
Basically, don't turn the game into a giant pool of filler after the tutorial. Once you jump off the plateau, the only thing left for you to do is increase your numbers until you feel strong enough to fight Ganon.

Honestly, if Link broke the cycle and managed to save Mipha and marry her at the end instead of Zelda it would've been an incredibly bold move and could've been remembered as one of the greatest games ever made.

If you hate fanboy faggotry, then just fucking ignore it and focus on the argument, rather than going (YOU) (YOU) over perceived signs of said fanboy faggotry. How fucking hard can it be?

This. Yaoi is the only form of love.

Calm down man and saying "The game would be improved if it was more Souls-like" while true, isn't actually an argument.

Anything that infuriates waifuscum improves the entire world desu.