I actually liked this game
I actually liked this game
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me too
Me three.
i still haven't played it
The loading gets a bit annoying but otherwise an amazingly fun lighthearted game. The battle system is better than any smt games I've played. RNG is mostly there to work in your favor. Although a single mistake can still result in a game over.
>normal attack is pointless since it can't initiate a session
>every battle becomes "use skill against weakness of enemy to do a session, repeat and kill everyone before they have a chance to attack you back"
>bosses become "use hit chance reducing attack on boss, kill adds with session, repeat sessions on boss until death"
>weapon upgrade system is "get new weapon, master it, immediately replace it with the next weapon, master it, constantly repeat"
>pointless to have healing skill and anti-debuff skills since it's better to just buy items against that and use the limited skill slots to upgrade your offensive skills for sessions
>story is a slightly interconnected sequence of 6 separate episodes with hardly any pay-off, like saving tsubasa's sister after being missing for years, only for her to say hi and be a secretary
>side-quests rewards are garbage shit you can buy at the mart for no effort
It had the potential to be good, even with the idol setting, but the gameplay is sub-par at best.
>>normal attack is pointless since it can't initiate a session
Oh fuck off, physical attacks being elemental ones should fucking become norm for every future megaten game
>>weapon upgrade system is "get new weapon, master it, immediately replace it with the next weapon, master it, constantly repeat"
But you always have 2-3 different weapons to pick from with different bonuses
I actually hated it more than I thought I would
>The battle system is better than any smt games I've played
So you haven't played any smt games.
>But you always have 2-3 different weapons to pick from with different bonuses
And you always have more than enough time during the dungeons to master them all, the bonuses hardly make a difference, like a weapon adding poison, and different weaknesses are pointless since enemies die so fast.
its great, shame about the butchered bikini dungeon though
when will this be playable on Cemu?
Me too, but there is no way to deny that it´s marketing and localization fucked it in the ass and made it bomb.
Don't get me wrong I like smt and I can't wait for V but you can't deny that the games don't do much to keep the battle system fresh throughout the game. Battles in early game are too similar to late game. Demons don't feel unique at all. They're just different stats with different skins.
And I hope V is switch exclusive being the spiritual sequel to mst. I can't go back to press turn.
This. If only the Wii U had gotten more good RPGs except for this and Xenoblade.
>Battles in early game are too similar to late game
To be honest most RPG games have this "flaw". Only a few like #FE actually constantly evolve past 30 hours, and even less as successfully.
>constantly evolve
You are kidding, right? How does FE constantly evolve its battles?
>literally being mad about SMT gameplay
>implying there is SMT gameplay in this mess of a "crossover"
>implying the combat isn't ripped straight out of SMT: Strange Journey
The combat is based on SJ, you retard.
I have seen footage of the combat.
It's not SJ at all.
it definitely is. sounds like you haven't played either game.
Not those guys but it follows the rules as SJ, hit an enemies weakness to get a follow-up attack from your other party members
Sadly the combat is the only positive about this game
I got all 3 endings in SJ.
I have no Wiiu so I am waiting for emulation to play SMTxFE
>hit an enemies weakness to get a follow-up attack from your other party members
but it's not exclusive to SJ.
Well, it IS a good game so how is this surprising
I've never played it but all the cover makes me think is "Weebshit: The Game" for some reason. I'm not saying that's what it is but it really looks like it.
that's not a wrong description by any means. it's fun to play, though.
SJ director was behind the game, well as DeSu staff, the game uses a tweaked version of SJ coop. Not mention to usual stuff like buffs and agi/garu etc.
All the gameplay elements are mostly from SMT, aside the usual weapon triangle weakness, aside that its FE jerking with Avex songs, its hard to understand?
>I have seen footage of the combat.
>I have not played the game
If they didn't announce it as FE X SMT it would've been way better received
the unnecessary censorship didn't help
>Though this cubemap texture may be used in some way, its file name is "20131110032555". This can be read as 2013/11/10 03:25:55, giving it a date of November 10, 2013 based on the date formatting used in placeholder images. This is the earliest timestamp for a file left in the game. For perspective, the "Shin Megami Tensei × Fire Emblem" teaser trailer was released on January 23, 2013 and the finalized "Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE" reveal trailer was released on April 1, 2015.
There was no such thing, it was never a proper crossover, just a FE made by atlus.
>There was no such thing
They literally tried making an SMTxFE SRPG but changed their minds. It was unironically supposed to be a crossover game.
>How did Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem evolve into Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE?
>Shinjiro Takada, Producer at Atlus: At the initial stages of planning, we had trouble figuring out how to express the essence of both games. But then we set the policy of capitalizing on the strengths of Atlus, and decided on the basics of a modern-day RPG. We then picked the entertainment industry as something to differentiate it from previous RPGs. That set the general direction.
>Hitoshi Yamagami, Producer at Nintendo: At the initial planning stage, we were trying to create an SLG (strategy simulation game). However, when we tried to create a strategy simulation game with characters from FE, it ended up looking just like the original FE, and it was hard to differentiate it. So six months into development, we changed direction, based on our suggestion to “think of an RPG that capitalizes on the strengths of Atlus”. That is how the game system was achieved.
>ST: The entertainment industry being the background to this title, we did not match the music to the game, but matched the game to the music from Avex. That is why we asked a producer who is in charge of many popular artists to create the music by using songwriters who are actively writing hit songs in Japan, in the same way that they actually provide top artists. A voice actor said that the recording of songs is different, that they take longer, with more detailed instructions.
Yeah... About that. The first draft was a crossover, but the entire thing took another direction fast, that first trailer was just the original draft, shit was pure mistake.
>They literally tried making an SMTxFE SRPG but changed their minds.
then they should of made an official announcement saying that the crossover was called.
but they didn't and branded Hashtag FE as a crossover due to:
They could had used the nip name, but retards at NoA just slapped the name for some reason.
> but retards at NoA just slapped the name for some reason.
I think for marketing but it backfired, badly.
All they had to do is downplay the crossover part and jerk the FE part.
Because the game is Way more FE than anything else, its just a FE jrpg for the fucks sake, also they barely did any marketing to it or tried clear up the mess, keeping their mouth shut for moths really made things worse.
It's ok, we all suffer from bad taste somewhere down the road
Game was great, needs a switch version so I can play it without the fucking gamepad replicating a phone 90% of the time.
Is there some good Tsubasa porn yet?
Unless you buy the doujins and scan it because nobody is doing.
You get new 40 second long cutscene attacks to use duh
of course you did you weeaboo trash
I liked the phone thing though. If nothing else, the gamepad was really for these utility functions. Surprisingly useful when Nintendo wasn't trying to force-feed the gimmick to you. It's use in Xenoblade X was basically picture perfect.
That's a damn shame
>All they had to do is downplay the crossover part and jerk the FE part.
they would have to dismiss the crossover part due to the initial teaser
What the fuck is this game and how does it even compare to SMT at all?
Not really dismiss but downplay, anyone that played the game knows that there is more FE than SMT there. The game strenght comes from the gameplay, which makes it half true the crossover part. But the story is pretty much Shadow Dragon with singing.
I liked the game but NoA was really stupid, they could even jerk the songs a bit, but no, lets keep our moth shut and everything will be fine. The localization changes only made shit worse.
There is like 4 doujins of it, and only one is scanned, and that crap was awful.
This one for example isn't scanned.
>What the fuck is this game
this is the game that spawned from this teaser:
I liked it but I didn't buy it because of the censorship debacle.
So its a dance singing game using SMT and FE?
That stream was so fucking hilarious.
>"Uh, uh. You see here, this uh, dancing attack is like the Pair Up mechanic in Fire Emblem Awakening, uh, it's totally like Fire Emblem."
threadly reminder that the sequel are already in the works
They didn't knew jackshit about the game, even on late streams they keep sprouting random shit.
its a dance singing game using FE
Okay game. Left a bad taste in my mouth as I really don't care for idol culture, and the fact that it was advertised as SMT x FE.
They should've just announced it as a Nintendo x Atlus collab instead of getting people's hopes up and smashing it down.