Post hidden gems or any game you enjoy on your mobile device.
Mobile Games Thread
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Bit.Trip Beat is a real solid rhythm game that plays like pong. The soundtrack is great and has nice visuals. Finding it can be a chore though.
Delver is a "2.5d" rogue-like dungeon crawler with permadeath. It's actually really fun with lots of weapons, enemies, and hidden passages. Only thing that brings it down is that, at least for me, it drains battery faster than having on the flashlight. Other than that great game.
tell me how to make them
Organ Trail is kind of like the Oregon trail with zombies. This however boasts an amazing soundtrack, more shooting and more minigames. Great game overall.
Gurk a a very simple RPG that is just GAME. No story, no quests, just gameplay. Plus, this game should take up no more than 300kb.
Check out Super Bit Dash, fun little runner game.
You know you can install GBA emulator and play normal games instead of thrash?
Radiant HD is kind of like Galaga. You have lots of weapons to equip your ship with too (but if you choose anything other than the laser, you're a dunce)
Point of this thread is to show/highlight some great games on mobile devices. If I wanted to emulate games id just play on my PC.
>great games on mobile devices
The only way to get them on mobile device is to install emulator
Who /deemo/ here?
Might pick up the Vita version too when it's released.
i dont know what the fuck this thread is
but that image, that fucking art style is so fucking bad
i fucking hate when people try to moderize retro graphics with lazy ass glow and blur and shit
Alto' s Adventure is a very simplistic and relaxing endless runner. The most and sound design are superb and it looks great. The way every member of the cast handles, and challenges it offers you before every run keeps the game fresh and fun.
It's a great game, try it out.
Viking Rythm Madness
Robot Unicorn Attack 2
Minigore 2
Jurassic World
Super Hexagon
Those are about all I play
For fucks sake, shut up. Everyone has already played all the good GBA games by now. And NES games, and SNES games, and Gameboy games.
And how many times do you think people are going to replay all these games?
I so hate whenever mobile games are mentioned there is always this one douche who tells people to install emulators. If I wanted to emulate games I would use 3DS or PSP, at least they have got buttons and playing on touchscreen sucks ass.
Auro, turn based game on a hex grid about bumping monsters into the water, there's no mobile bullshit like grinding, energy, in game purchases or whatever. Negatives would be it's kinda hard and there isn't a huge amount of content.
Check out Vector, its popular for a reason.
Most of those games where made with buttons in mind, playing them on a touchscreen isn't so great.
Groove coaster 2 is pretty fun. A nice little rhythm game but it gives me finger cramps if I play for too long.
Battle for Polytopia is a simple turn-based strategy game. It gets boring quickly but if you play it once in a while it's quite alright. I often play it during my toilet breaks at work.
Pixel Dungeon is a fairly good roguelike which seems like a simplified nethack, but some mechanics are fucking annoying like hunger.
The dark souls of mobile games
I just play baseball games
forgot screenshot
here's some extremely high level gameplay
i'm nowhere near this good
>ITT: Mobile "developers" shill their crappy phone "games"
>Ooohhh it's Minecraft: Car Edition
Shut up this game is great. You can even creat your own cars block by block if you can be bothered to. Really solid. Eats your battery like a motherfucker though.
In no still, just want to post some games I've played/liked. Kind of a poorfag and can't afford a ps4 or switch, so I just want to share and get some game recommendations.
>inb4 t. shill
This "game" is ok I guess, check it out. It's called Music Runner.
Not free, but it's really worth the 5 bucks, Sorcery! is kind of like an interactive book, that's the best way i can describe it. Its like a choose your own adventure book and an rpg combined. And it's a series too.
Forgot pic.
I don't think that's 2.5d
The devs say it is, in the game.
Suspenseful Third Day, Magnolia, Myosotis, Sunset and Anima are so good, holy shit.
Used to play the fuck out of Hearthstone on the phone, Pokémon go was phenomenal I guess
Geo- and Geo+. Fun puzzle games. No ads. Geo- is free, and can be seen as a demo for Geo+, which is paid, and has a shitload more levels.
Excuse me, I'm looking for the thread where people who should hang themselves go before hanging themselves. Am I in the right place here?
Let's face it. There is only a few worthwhile games for mobiles.All of these threads reach maybe 70 replies at most and then die, because there is literally nothing good and engaging there.
I really wished I could play some games on the go/at work without whipping out a handheld console like 3DS or PSP and looking like a manchild.
>If I wanted to emulate games I would use 3DS or PSP
That's a good point, so why the fuck would you go out of your way to play garbage on mobile? There isn't a single game outside of timewasting puzzlers like Bejeweled or World of Goo that's worth playing.
Touch controls don't work with most genres, so you're limited to a garbage heap of resource managers, pay2play wallet milking garbage, puzzlers, and the occasional mediocre RPG.
Just get a fucking PSP for $20 and stop eating garbage just because you're too lazy to switch to a different device.
Sorcery! really is a choose your own adventure book from the 80s, except they were reworked into a nice way to play as an interactive story.
If you like Sorcery!, 80 Days might be good for you. If I'm not wrong it's from the same developers.
Any Japan exclusives that are worth playing without knowing what the fuck is going on?
Probably just Granblue.
Fate /Grand Order
They're gonna release it in english this summer
Granblue Fantasy.
Then no, there's literally nothing.
Gachashit is all Japan has for mobile.
Starlight Stage
Pathfinder Adventures is a pretty neat card game. It just finished up its first full adventure, its not infinite but it'll take a long time to get done.
I'm buying a Moto g4+ soon, anyone how games run in it?
I don't see any problems with gacha shit if you can still access the gameplay and story without paying. Some games still do those parts well.
>That's a good point, so why the fuck would you go out of your way to play garbage on mobile? There isn't a single game outside of timewasting puzzlers like Bejeweled or World of Goo that's worth playing.
I agree and that's what I said here >Just get a fucking PSP for $20 and stop eating garbage just because you're too lazy to switch to a different device.
Nigga you don't understand. I do own a PSP (both 2000 and 3000) and 3DS XL and I have already played most of the older games anyway so I don't use them for emulation anymore. I am currently going through 3DS library
Transistor on iOS :^)
Well well well.
Pixel Dungeon is open source, so you can find/make a version that doesn't have hunger
I prefer Shattered PixelDungeon, myself
I like Kairosoft games, though they are all so sinilar that paying for them feels like a scam
My personal favorites and games I'm currently playing
Binding of Isaac
Infinity blade series
Day R
Overlive zombie apocalypse
Slayaway camp
Please don't touch anything
Kung fury: street rage
Adventure: xpress
Been trying out Stellar Fox, it's cute. Kind of a pain without a stylus though
You're either 12 or 45.
If you like turn-based tactics, try Battlefleet Gothic - Leviathan.
Dokkan Battle
Crash Fever
unironically good wrpg
are there any good shmups for mobile?
>dungeon crawler
I need more buzzwords in my games! Where's the metroidvania-sandbox-survival-crafting??
Reigns and Downwell are pretty fun