This fucking game is trash

this fucking game is trash

why do i like it so much?

Excellent reactivity and consequence to your actions the level only the best RPGs can dream of

What games do I play as someone who enjoyed the first game on PS2 15 years ago or so? I didn't expect the series to go anywhere. I kinda want to play another like it.


it's the best kind of kusoge
the fun kind

2 and 3 not really worth it? I'm usually a turbo-autist about playing games in order.

I love this game

>the japs are the bad guys and the gaijns are actually good.
it's kinda funny how rare this is.

>this fucking game is trash
>why do i like it so much?
cause is good trash made with love, so many little details

i didn't like the combat that much desu sempai. it felt rigid compared to other entries. plus they didn't have sudoku mode which was a shame

2 is shit
I think 3 is boring but a lot of people like it

because there's nothing else like it
i fucking love all of them, they're janky, they're weird, they do a terrible job of explaining their systems but there's no other game that does what they do
2 and 3 are both excellent and 4 is probably the last one you want to play simply because it pushes the anime retard bullshit to the forefront rather than keeping it as some extra weirdness in the background like the previous games
2 has godawful voice acting and they changed the combat system to be parry based rather than push/pull which doesn't work a well imo, it's still good
3 is fucking fantastic and probably my favorite in the series, it's like an expanded version of 1 where the world doesn't feel quite so empty
it's not a remake of 1 but it has the same 'feel', kinda like how 4 'feels' a bit like 2, the factions and the settings are quite similar.

no man love and unity between the west and east is the true way
honestly the combat is shit because even though theres like 21 diffrent styles light attack spamming will always be your go-to, which is a shame really

I hate that it has a generic weapon degradation system in place of the older overheat bar.

I just use an indestructible pistol and pretend I'm a japanese Max Payne

>fighting the sisters on hardest difficulty
>didn't train unarmed fighting styles

I've still never used guns in WOTS4, does it really have shootdodging like max payne?

3 is better than 4 you nigga

Anyone else 3 has the best plot?

Best part is when you go off to sacrifice yourself for the village but then the village comes to save you and you have a massive battle or the ending when you get a gf instead.

>yfw the pot drop

i literally never helped the village, town 4 lyf
fucking grandma wants me to go find her fucking underpants? fuck off

You're going to overheat your sword? Are you delivering the spicy cuts?

I love the way Way of the Samurai games tell a story. Constantly reliving the same events, doing minor to major changes that completely alter the chain of events and trying to find them. It's so fun.

Yes. Also a fun Russian roulette move where you can potentially blow your own fucking head off.


Way of the Samurai Remake for the PSP is fucking good. I believe it has a fan tranlation

>telling that one black dude that you are Musashi Miyamoto

i need more samurai games like this why does japan have to go over the top with samurai games these are much more down to earth

I like the 3rd game best

that's fucking great, guess i'll be making a gun samurai later
don't you have to learn how to use them from the english fag? i forget since i last played it on ps3 but i guess i'll be using the pc version now

How many of these games are on ps2?

Ill play again when the mood strikes me. Got only one ending

>mfw boiled in oil at the tourney



same with tenchu/shinobido
i just want to be a fucking ninja stalking through the shadows dropping from rooftops on to people and stabbing people through screen doors and shit
not fucking naruto-style ninja shit where ninja is apparently codeword for superhero and stealth is nonexistent
even tenchu fucks it up by throwing supernatural shit in
it's more of a port than a remake but it is indeed a good one

I agree. If they would have just fixed the combat and skill system a bit, this would have been a 10/10 game for me.
>deep characters that you learn more about every playthrough
>beautiful music
>charming humor
>choices that matter
>deadlines and time management
It's a criminally underrated game.

WotS 1&2 are on PS2. And there's also a spin-off called Samurai Western.

>do a run as a psssh nothin personel edgelord
>finish that run and start a new game as peaceful i don't want no trabble pacifist who only fights when necessary
>meet my character from my previous playthrough in an alley
>he kills me

It does some cool things.

2 and 3 suck dick

1 is the best and 4 is great in a lot of ways

Japan needs to make more games like wots, and shinobido

samurai western is fucking great by the way
not really a wots spinoff even though it's the same devs, it's not an rpg/adventure or whatever you'd consider the wots games, it's a pure action game, a really fucking fun one

>2 and 3 suck dick
>unironically hating the best games
>liking the worst fucking games 1 and 4

You have to leave

Me and my buddies loved to play this game together and we always killed eachother's characters as brutally as we possibly could

but 1 and 3 are the best games
2 and 4 are shit
like 2 might have been ok if capcom hadn't done the western release and insisted on hiring the world's worst voice actors and having no dual audio
and that they'd changed the combat system

Agree that the combat is shit.
Someone give me some interesting styles and a save editor so that I can go back to it.

It's not trash you cockgobbling queer, it's the epitome of video games

>find out this game is on gog
Wow, these developers are surprisingly based.

I own this game and didn't like it, but shit like this sounds downright awesome.

Fuck 3 and 4.
>death of a samurai
>boiled samurai
fuck this shit

It has a lot of cool ideas and interesting mechanics, but the entire package together wasn't put together as well as it could have been. You really have to be able to look past the flaws to enjoy it.

>tfw no Samurai Western sequel
>tfw no Samurai Western with Way of the Samurai gameplay where you make choices in a Spaghetti Western setting

>Removing the Instant-Kill Mode
For what purpose. It was the most fun mode

It's unexplainably great.

I don't even know why