ITT post:

ITT post:

>Number of hours you used to beat p5

>Best moments of p5

>Worst moments of p5

>Your overall rating for p5

>Things you want added to the P5 expansion pack.

>130 hours
>Button mash

73 hours
Yusuke on the Hawaii trip
Morgana being a little pissbaby after making fun of Ryuji for like thirty hours but as soon as Ryuji fires back he gets pissy and leaves the group
>A palace that makes use of everything you learned in the previous ones.

Casino level and that time in the plot in general
Kunikazu Okumura's dungeon

85 hrs
Kawakami slavery
Morgana being a cunt, generally really liked the character but that just made me roll my eyes
femc so I can date qt boys although I know it won't happen
actually I'd really like a few more goofy vacation things, one thing I feel P4/P4G did well was have cute bonding moments where the whole team was having fun. I think P5 could have had a bit more of that

70 hours
Yusuke's rice crackers phone convo and his mice puns
Kaneshiro's sequence
More of everything. You could remove half the dialogue and end up with the same game. I enjoyed it but thought the game was pretty shallow overall.

Damn everyone has beaten it in less than 100 hours?

> 75
> Futaba hacking the nations TVs
> Morgana leaving the team
> 9/10
> Ability to travel between current Palace and Mementos in one afternoon so I don't waste all this SP i've got stocked
> Make the final bit in Tokyo/Mementos a bit longer
> At least one event where the gang gets to have hijinks together
> Social Stats/Social Links have meters that show how many notes you need for a rank up
> More non social link requests, I liked having to do the side jobs to investigate and there's more you can do with it
> Option to invite SL's to hang out at activities like Fishing, Batting, Cinema and Videogames outside of when they invite you
> Don't interrupt Memento's conversations by pausing/opening doors
> Give an ally the defence debuff spells
> Up everythings levels, so you're fighting the final boss at around Lv. 80 instead of Lv. 70
> Give the final boss more bullshit moves, he's too easy
> Make Request shadows harder
> More costumes that aren't cosplay of prior games, like P4G had Featherman stuff
> Characters you can't SL that day are wandering around and can talk to you if you see them about, like Kamoshida in the first month

I love the game but there's a lot that can be done

>The tweest reveal
>Go to bedcat
>More time, personas, social links

90 hours
Exploring new places and fighting new demons
Some neverending puzzles and anxiety to max confidants.
Can't think of anything added right now that would not disrupt the product as it is. I would have liked a Catherine cameo.

124 hours
So many. Kawakami's confidant, Makoto's awakening, Shido boss fight, anything with Yusuke involved, but above all those the cutscene leading up to the twist where you really tricked Akechi. That scene is so masterfully crafted and Atlus KNEW what they were doing.
Worst would have to be Ryuji and Morgana fighting, both are at fault but it dragged on a bit longer than my liking and I feel the whole scenario of Morgana's doubt could've been done better.
FeMC option, add a couple more months to the game so the last party members dont get overshadowed by everything, bonus challenge dungeon

>defense debuff character

I'd like to see Goro come back and be a main character, maybe they can throw defense debuffs on him. Although if they did that with his curse/light affinity Persona, he would be absolutely way too OP.

>Futaba palace
>Kaneshiro arc
>More group activities and fewer days you aren't allowed to do anything

Actually now that I think about it, I really wish they had more defined days on which you could hang out with people. That was one of my favorite parts about P3/P4, where you were juggling the fact that you didn't want to hang out with X because you knew Y club was meeting this day, so you felt like you planned your week in advance. Whereas in 5 you just hang out with whoever is available, which is nice but less planning involved

Am I the only one that waited years and months for Persona 5, bought it day one, then got bored of it in less than 10 hours? I like the game and all but I'm just not feeling it


>50 hours
>keikaku reveal
>kaneshiro bank
>Goro Akechi confidant bonuses and redemption arc in January

>Haven't beaten it yet
>Hanging out with Chihaya/ Second half of Madarame's Museum
>The entire Kaneshiro plot and '''palace'''
>so far 8/10

>p5 expansion pack
more events with the main cast so they actually feel like a clique

improve minigames/ in-game vidya

unique music for each semester of school like p3

I am 45 hours in, just started Pyramide dungeon.
How far do you think I am and how many hours you had at this moment? Talking to people, who finished it below 100 hours.

Also playing on hard.

Depends on how much time you invest on social links and Mementos, but you probably have a little more than half of the game left.

100-120 hours

I feel Haru could have it, but she's already got so much going on, what with Reflect, Psy, Gun, Amrita Shower, passives for Psy, Gun and some gimmick stuff and then Heat Riser

I feel that too. I like the map showing who's available and when you'll rank up but it does mean I stopped paying attention to NPC's which I really regret

At least I got to saw stalker-chan spilling her spaghetti after you steal her heart

You're around half way, I think I was about 40 hrs and I took 75 overall

>>Number of hours you used to beat p5

>>Best moments of p5
After Sae's palace

>>Worst moments of p5
Everyday that you have to go directly to sleep after a conversation or cutscene

>>Your overall rating for p5
>>Things you want added to the P5 expansion pack.
More time to do shit in the real world.

Needs some lawfag wank desu.

The problem isn't that you don't have enough days to do stuff, the problem is that it's all backloaded. You don't get enough time in the first half of the game, but then there's way too much time between story events in the second half. That's a large part of the reason that the end of game suffers from really weird pacing

>Mastema has never been in Persona

he'd be a perfect villain too

>entire ending sequence, made it goty
>more goro

The entire ending is basically lawfag wank, you're only fighting angels, and the final boss is basically a light affinity god.

90 hours




More unique dates/hangouts, revamped Shido and Okumura dungeons, more short scenes sprinkled in the main story based on you confidants, especially for the main party ones.

Even though P5 is the closest the Person series has been to the SMT series in ages, I'm not sure how they'll get genuine YHVH underlings in there.
But then again, the Persona series in the same continuity as a mainline game and the SMT series itself is a fuckhuge multiverse.

>Kaneshiro's retarded speech and spin before his boss fight
>The actual Kaneshiro fight
>Some kind of revamp where things that shouldn't take a whole night do not take a whole fucking night

It is technically. I think it was explained once that the Collective Unconscious of Persona is part of the same massive collective as the Expanse of SMT

I'm genuinely curious to know how people are beating this in under 80 hours. I accept that I'm going a bit slow, currently 60 hours in, about to go to Hawaii, but do you just basically run around doing S Links at random without any planning or something?

Pretty much, I was just doing anything without plans

Just using the map to decide what to do that day helps save time as well, when you've learned everyone's hangout spots

> More non social link requests, I liked having to do the side jobs to investigate and there's more you can do with it
Really? I thought it was a massive waste of time. But then again the Mementos shadow fights and their conclusions were so unsatisfying to me that I guess I'm biased.


I liked having them in the absence of sidequests, if there was some more light investigations I think it could have been a lot better, like maybe just talking to NPC's like Persona 4 instead of spending time at jobs

I'd also take more like that Ose who you can't beat because he's cheating

Honestly Persona 5 is the most lenient of all the Personas for scheduling. You don't have any sports teams meeting on specific days, and usually people are available in very obvious moments that makes leveling them up evenly pretty easy. You just have to worry about social stats, which does assume you max out stuff pretty fast.

>Number of hours you used to beat p5
99H Hard mode (probably 4 hours dedicated to being dead tho)

>Best moments of p5
Surviving an ambush in the third dungeon after my first kidnapping and not having saved for a while.
Using randomly a soma in the last palace not even knowing that Spoiler would be there for me.
Igor Voice.
St valentine with Ms Kawa.
Shido fight
The ending

>Worst moments of p5
I don't really have any

>Your overall rating for p5

>Things you want added to the P5 expansion pack.

Additional endgame challenge
More costume
Fusion Spell
Last persona transformation for allies
More teammate moment

>the Collective Unconscious of Persona is part of the same massive collective as the Expanse of SMT
I've a;ways wanted to ask a question pertinent to that, yet I could never find a proper way to word it.
In that regard, is there really much stopping the Expanse from using one of the Persona series' alternate realms to branch out and send genuine demons to wreck shit?

NG+ here and I just got to shido's ruse cruise and I beat NG with 120 hours almost on the dot. This time I was fast forwarding through almost all dialog except for the anime styled cutcenes and I about 205 hours in. How the fuck people are beating the game in 75-80 hours I'll have no clue, unless they weren't doing anything but sleeping to go directly to the next day, doing the palaces and doing it all over again.

I would have enjoyed the Mementos fights if they were more like the Ose. That was actually pretty fun, when you unload on him the second time after getting gun lessons and he freaks out.

>Igor Voice

I really like the Igor Voice.

>Every moment that had ann in it
>the game ending and forcing me to go bacl to playing shit games
>expanded dating sim elements

105 Hours
Goro Akechi before Shido fight
Goro Akechi after Shido fight
Revamp September, add another dungeon before or after Haru that introduces Goro as a "permanent" member.
The story would need a rewrite but I've thought about a lot of ways this would make a lot of sense. It would also make his betrayel hit harder and his inevitable return a bit less anime (in the sense that they care that he lives instead of the anime "we don't care that you murdered everyone including my mother and her father" moment in the actual game)

I'm not a Gorofag. but I do believe that he was an excellent antagonist (One who made a LOT of valid points regarding the Phantom Thieves) before they fucked it up and just made him a psycho.

Probably not. Philemon would probably awake Persona users to combat it as well.

The bad end of P4 where you don't catch Adachi in time is similar to that situation to some degree too. Shadows have started to invade the real world as Izanami began to merge Inaba with the Collective Unconscious/TV World. Demons in SMT are creatures of thought and belief, similar to the Shadows

>Number of hours you used to beat p5
115 playing normally and "taking my time"

>Best moments of p5
Morgana bromance, button mash, velvet room chill scenes

>Worst moments of p5
Okumura palace pissed me off, half assed romance. If you date a team member you would think the others would comment on it. Nope. Nothing from Morgana if you go with Ann. Nothing from Sojiro if you go with Futaba. No in game idle chat or banter in regard to relationships. No meaningful dates, they all seem like you just hung out normally. Dropping Hifumi as a Phantom Thief

>Your overall rating for p5

>Things you want added to the P5 expansion pack.

Hifumi side story since they dropped her. Extra memento missions. A reunion DLC or something "post game events" where you can spend time with waifu.

Honestly just make a P5 Golden

>more characters, dialogue, palaces, endings, romance, days, mementos missions, interactions, costumes, group events, jobs, personas

Haru explicitly says she cannot forgive Goro, but she empathises with his situation

>92 hours.
>mfw 100%
>That last 2/3rd's of October where you couldn't do shit.
>9/10 its ok
>FeMC route, lesbian Tae or Kawakami.

How are you taking so long? I did all of Mementos, read all the dialog, didn't really fast forward at all and clocked just 80 hours.

> Go the fuck to sleep Cat
> 9/10

>More Groupstuff
>More Sidebosses,
>Development for Haru and Akechi

Man his argument was just standard shit. What they're doing is wrong. Thanks Goro, thanks for being literally every guy in any superhero or regular hero movie ever. Real deep.

At least Psycho Goro was funny.

Why do people like Hifumi so much? I thought she was kind of dull. Also I feel like people understate how much of an improvement it is that you now get valentines day events with different dialog from the unrelated female character at all, like Sojiro commenting on Futaba instead of him just throwing out a stock phrase. And of course the fact that your completed Confidant links show up 4 different times in the climax instead of just the obligatory "I believe in you" moment.

I don't know! But I have work I got to do at home so sometimes I would leave the game running on the menu scene while I did some shit. Game isn't on when I have to go to work, which is part time so that's probably it. I don't leave the game running even 30 minutes at a time though so I have no clue.

>100 hours
>That fucking calling card music before every boss. >Really liked all the characters, all were individually much stronger than their P4 counterparts
>Earlygame takes a while to get going. Everything is ludicrously expensive at the beginning and weapons/armor are meaningless in the first few months. Game could have used more group bonding events to build the dynamic.
>More group bonding events, extra content between Valentine's Day and 3/20 (P4G's winter was sublime)

>92 hours
>Satanael reveal and master plan reveal, Also Kawakami confidant
>The Okumura dungeon

Things I want added
>Higher fidelity graphics, a lot of images in game look terrible
>better movement controls
>More costumes
>more playable days and less Morgana telling me to go to bed
>more ways to hang out with confidants and your gf
>More group events

My GOTY next to Yakuza 0. I really loved that ending, It was perfectly bittersweet.

The Kawakami one is my favorite
>A teacher and her student?!
>So this stuff really does happen huh...

Weird. I usually finish games too quickly but thought I was taking my time with this one. Guess I still have much to learn.

In retrospective i should add in the negative:
Goro being some sort of Leon Magnus 2.0
No wonder the jap love this kind of character, but i fucking hated the whole act after beating it.

Too unrealistic for my taste.

That's chaosfag stuff, lawfag stuff would be being against a chaos being, not a law one.

ITT post:

>Number of hours you used to beat p5
140 but like 50 of those hours were ps on sleep mode, leaving it idle to charge the controller or falling asleep. died to reaper like 4 times falling asleep
>Best moments of p5
Ann, Haru, and Hifumi are gods gift to earth. Hifumi is a nip character looking like an actual nip done right
>Worst moments of p5
Makoto kinda ruined the mood and writing ever since she joined. Would have liked Haru to be added earlier
>Your overall rating for p5
8/10 due to Makoto
>Things you want added to the P5 expansion pack.
More Haru, kore hifumi

Post yfw you found out psycho Loki goro wouldn't be a party member

He was in god damn p4 why the fuck can't I get him in P5? It would have made much more sense that Loki was Goro's 10.


>Artist palace
>Space palace
>More time, More confidants and one more palace


Loki isn't a justice persona retard. He's nothing about Justice. Same with Goro, it was all a facade because he was a fool like MC.

I think its because her character would be perfect as a phantom thief had they not dropped her early on

>soft spoken
>go to palace
>personality changes
>random battle
>attack shit monster with basic attack
>everyone looks a little annoyed
>post battle dialog "kukuku..keikaku doori.."

I haven't started playing yet, can somebody redpill me on Merciless? Is it worth it? I've heard some anons on here say it's easier than hard and forces grinding, which doesn't sound like fun.
For reference, I also began playing SMT IV:A on Apocalypse difficulty which I haven't had problems with thanks to approaching fights cautiously, but I'm not far in. Google led me to a post on r/megaten which suggests it's not comparable to Apocalypse, nor as good.

>ps on sleep mode
That doesn't count towards playtime

Why would he have to be Justice when Goro has a false sense of Justice?

Beating the game gave me the worst feeling of emptiness. It's like everyone you know is no longer there.

What do i do guys?

>82 hours
>Summer vacation where you get tons of time to do S Links and Futaba's Palace is sweet
>The very start of the game in the casino is great, but aside from that I think it had a pretty weak and clumsy intro where shit just starts happening all at once and it's not clear at all what the overarching plot is

Things for the remake
>Winter music
>instead of basing movement from cover to cover on camera position, use the D-pad to select which place you want to hide behind
>Make anubis a less common enemy in Futaba's palace
>Improve god awful textures on in game billboards and posters

This is the main thing though. Here's my fix for awkwardly having to turn down girls when you get to rank 9 in their s Link.
>When you get to rank 8 in a girls s Link, you have the choice to either meet up with them normally which will just be their normal progression to rank 9, or...
>If you want to romance them, invite them to the spot they like the most and tell them how you feel, this will trigger an alternate progression path where they become your waifu

Play Persona 4 Golden, Persona 3 FES, Persona 1 and 2

Then play all the Shin Megami Tensei games

Because Goros C-link is Justice. The ultimate needs to be a Justice one, so Metatron is fitting.

It'd be neat if you were able to get something from him before/as he died which let you fuse Loki, but that probably would never happen because Loki is his and his alone.

Because Goro is personal justice personified
Blinded by his selfish version of justice, no one profits from it but him.

>mfw Goro literally dissapears from the games' subconcious after his fight

Talk about a missed opportunity

So you're saying fake igor's max should have been Loki?

It's Hard mode but with EXP and Yen drops massively nerfed
The 'easiness' comes from Technical and Critical hits dealing 3x damage, so if you set your party to focus on technical damage you can clean house, but enemies can do the same back to you

It's not confirmed he's dead. No death on screen
They would've made the game a 10/10 had they added Goro with ROBIN Hood and Loki, and when you change your costume changes. Or at least give a costume when beating the game of Goro's psycho self

No. I'm explaining why it wouldn't make sense for us to fuse Loki at all. Same way we can't fuse Seiten Taisei

I doesn't really force you to grind, unless you don't really understand the purpose of nerfing Exp.

There is more or less always a way to clean normal encounter with the damage multiplier if you are smart.

The problem will be mostly the boss, since the exp curve will more and more fuck you up.

And I think it's slightly harder than SMT4A highest difficulty if you really want a comparison with that.

I did 150 on my first playthrough, going into 190 with newgame+

I bet you're one of those idiots who think Akechi is still alive despite all the odds against it.

92 hours

>Best moments
The times where character interaction was good, especially that with chief
The mindfuck in late game
Akechi redeeming himself to his only friend

Spaceport was a headache to finish
Also just a complaint but Haru should have been in earlier. I'm a Hifumifag btw.

>Overall rating
10/10 enjoyment
9/10 objectively

>Expansion stuff
Give me February and March to do stuff pls. Give Hifumi-chan more stuff. Better group events please.

Not the same guy but that would make way more sense lore wise.

fuck futaba's palace
neets should just neck themselves

Dead or alive, just handing over Loki is fucking dumb, but you lokifags can keep whining, only way he'll be accessible by the MC is through an asspull. Enjoy noLoki lmao

Merciless is easier than hard because it trivializes random encounters, here's an example

weak - weak - weak > All out attack > enemy at 40% hp > enemy attacks you and you take massive damage

weak - weak - weak (Enemy at 40% hp already) > All out attack > Victory menu (Less exp/money > more grind)

On bosses it's a literal non factor because if it's a boss you can exploit the weakness of, it's easier on merciless because you have to spend less exp/deal more damage.
You can't crit bosses (Actual bosses (not all))

So all that's left is the boss critting you once every 10 attack to instantly kill a part member for no reason.

Here's what I did to keep the game challenging from start to finish.

Hard mode
No items (ever)
No running away
No getting ambushed (This one is just my autism)
No deaths (ever, no party member may die ever)
No restarts on fights (Again just my autism here)

But feel free to do whatever you like

Okumura's burger station was way way worse than Futuba's tomb.

>Ship was the best dungeon, getting old Igor back
>not a SINGLE reverse trap anywhere in the game
>as close to perfect as an Atlus game can get, would be better if it were harder
>make the game harder

130 hours
Harem route on valentine's day
Ryuji opening his mouth
More character development for Haru and the ability to romance Sae

>This autism/narcissism over your waifu simulator
Come on mate. No one else does this shit and you think your series is worthy of this much of a breakdown? Fuck me Sup Forums loves to shit on casuals yet the most casual garbage imaginable always gets the most traffic. Height of hypocrisy this board.

She would have been a Navigator at most. Which, you know, means she wouldn't attack.

here's your (you)

The last stretch of summer/early school.
Pretty much all the dicksucking the newly introduced characters get starting with Makoto as Yusuke was much more naturally implemented into the group. Also the constant fucking texting in summer holy mother of fuck just shut the fuck up please.
8/10. It isn't stylized enough, though the style that's already present is fucking great.
MORE STYLE. Give us Haru alongside Futaba, less restrictive schedules, a couple of new SLinks.

>Fuck me Sup Forums loves to shit on casuals yet the most casual garbage imaginable always gets the most traffic. Height of hypocrisy this board.

All these games do is make me realise how much I've wasted away my youth why do i keep playing them

Saying (you) is the last defence of the defeated.

That's wrong on the boss tho
Because main boss have no weakness and can't be crit and you are underleved as fuck.

>naturally implemented
>Hates you
>Falls into the other world
>Decides to fight with you

Yet Makoto
>Hates you
>Falls into the other world
>Decides to fight with you
Shit yeah, day and night when you compare them.