Koffing is pretty cool.
Play doubles, forget that singles exists
Lugia > Ho-oh any day, there is no debate
necessary evil
>competitive pokemon
I don't always agree with their decisions but it's better than any other metagame, and they actually know shit unlike anti-smogonfags/verlisifags
Better than VGC at least.
NU is the only fun tier
It's completely voluntary to play by their rules, thought. Just don't play it if you don't like it, shitnigger.
It would be fine if Ice moves were still 4x effective against it.
Smogon has slowly been falling in grace. They're still by far the best metagame.
The real problem is that pokemon keeps introducing more and more broken shit that is increasingly becoming harder to keep in line.
He said it was a NECESSARY evil, you idiot.
Only thing they dropped the ball on was allowing 4th gen Stealth Rock - there were only a handful of Rapid Spinners and the fact that Stealth Rock basically invalidated a bunch of pokemon upon switch-in was pretty centralizing.
It's not in any way evil, thought. Smogon format just maximizes the amount of pokemon that are viable.
>Muh charizard.
4th gen was perfect. Literally the best meta post Chomp/mence ban.
It's weird when you see someone you know in a dumb meme image.
but 4th gen was friendliest to spinners
Starmie and Forretress were more viable there than in any later gen
and while we're at it, an F for Gengar as well
It is a necessary evil.
The real problem is there are fucking over 700 pokemon you can't balance them all
Charizard was trash even before that.
Here are all the pokemon that can learn Rapid Spin in Gen 4. I'm saying that because Stealth Rock was a TM and a boatload of pokemon could learn it, you didn't really have flexibility to deal with it compared to later gens. Compare that to Spikes and Toxic Spikes, where both were countered/mitigated by a whole Type of pokemon
teirs are for queers
I see 3 OU spinners, and 2 UU spinners with niches.
If your team is THAT susceptible to rocks, then your team need reformatting. If you're THAT bent on using things that are that weak to rocks, then you will take a spinner.
Also the game killing team preview didn't exist in gen 4, so you could even lead with something weak to rocks and set up while they set up themselves, and then you just sweep.
I use Smogon to give me a general idea of how I want a pokemon to be and then tweak or use alternate suggested moves depending on how I play or how I want a Pokemon to function. I use it and google to get ideas on others have set up the specific pokemon I'm looking up and then just go from there.
I'd say it's GameFreaks fault for not having things balanced a bit better, somehow. Maybe with so many pokemon and so many needless evolutions it's impossible, I dunno. Fuck Battle Tree though. I hate having to use very specific pokemon in that shit. They need a more laid back way to earn BP.
4th gen was my second favorite. I love 3rd gen the most. I could play a lot of unusual pokemon and have them be viable. Like regice, houndoom, and zangoose. Although the physical special split was made for the better, now that we've had it for 4 generations it's refreshing to go back to the older style.