Zelda has basically ditched instruments

>Zelda has basically ditched instruments

Was it an improvement?

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Now you can blow Link's dick with your mouth.
It hasn't ditched them.

It was time to give it a rest after the Goddess Harp. Maybe come back with some fresh ideas later.

well its lighter

Do you mean in the soundtrack?

>precedurally generated songs


I think they should always use instruments. At least for fast travel and changing from night to day, TP suffered a lot from not being able to change time.

It feels a lot more natural to play a song and then choose where to go than just choosing. Also, you can add several other features with songs, it doesn't have to be the focus of the game. Having songs like the Song of Storms that you could get later in the game would've been nice in BotW.

Considering how bad some were, yes. I'd rather have them gone than have them implemented poorly.

Instruments were never good. I would rather have a quick item I could use that would do something cool, than waste time memorizing and inputting a string of buttons.

Thank god you're not in charge of designing video games.

That image makes me uncomfortable.

>At least for fast travel and changing from night to day

No, WW for example wastes literal hours in the whole playthrough if you sum the seconds spent composing the fast travel song.

>Having songs like the Song of Storms that you could get later in the game would've been nice in BotW.

I agree on this one instead, having completely optional songs to discover around the world that alter the world in some fancy way would have been neat, and also solve the complaint of many about people wanting more items past the starting area.

Why does this make me feel anxious?

The Wind Waker was slow as fuck, using the Ocarina takes much shorter. And if they wanted to make it quicker there could've been a way to have shortcuts to songs instead of actually playing them, but there should also be the option to do it manually.

>You know have to memorise a separate song for every shrine and tower

>I've never played MM or WW

Eh, I disagree.

Instruments in Zelda are nice, but you have to admit, it's super funky to have an instrument in the center of everything like OoT did. It's fine and all since it is explained and is certainly a series motif given the very first game. But as a standalone logical concept, it's still very awkward.

That's how instruments worked in old Zelda anyway.

>I'd rather have a "press button for cool stuff to happen" item because I'm fucking retarded
Thanks for letting us know I guess

That's the thing, it doesn't have to be the center of everything. It would have been a really good callback to find the Ocarina of Time in the Temple of Time, if the problem is actually having to memorize and play the songs there are several ways to fix that so I don't see the problem.





a classic

>wind conductor stick
>literal wolf howling
good riddance

>Zora Guitar
>Goron Drums
>Deku Pipes

It was glorious

Inputting songs is just busywork, there is no skill involved. It breaks up the flow of the game and is not interesting in the slightest.

It's much more interesting than just choosing the song from a menu.

>there is no skill involved
Just like the rest of the game in all 3D Zelda games to date. Pressing a button for stuff to happen isn't interesting, but at least playing a song makes you more involved with the game

Yeah. I think the instrument gimmick had a hard time justifying itself after wind waker.
The only reason it's shoehorned in any game afterwards is because "It's a Zelda game!". You don't just add an instrument to a Zelda game, it had to be a part of the game's initial design.

The Wind Waker was a nice concept, but the execution was attrocious. Having to wait for the wind to play the notes was just ridiculous, OoT and MM did it much better and I didn't have a problem there except for when you had to play the same song several times in a row.

This could easily be fixed by saving the last song you played for quick use.

Link could've just had a big tuba in WW
Don't control the wind, make your own.


>tfw people always make the Ocarina of Time too dark when they create it in real life

The power itself is supposed to be the interesting part, not the menu before it.

They were good in OoT and especially MM. They've been taking baby stes backwards since then, though. I haven't played BotW yet, can I assume there are no playable instruments?

because you're a fag with a made-up phobia

Musical instruments fit the themes and stories of zelda games so well. MM and OOT executed it best.
