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flawed game but very enjoyable game, that has a lot of potential as an ip but capcom are gay

It's gameplay is some of the best and tightest in ARPGs out. The story is lacks something, though I've never been able to put my finger on exactly what. Maybe it's a sense of urgency.

That said, a lack of multiplayer and the MMO-tier sidequests are quickly becoming outmoded as open world games tighten up and improve their side quests and collect-a-thon elements. It's a game that may not age well. I'd play it now if you're interested.


Game sucks, A lot of nothing followed by a few cool fights, if you are willing to drag your cock through a sea of thumb tacks in order to fuck a pussy the game if for you

The best game of it's time.

Julien is the only acceptable romance choice.

It's a trash hack and slash and a trash rpg.

Combine them both and you've got a trash hack and slash arpg

It's a shit game. It excells at nothing.


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>implying the enjoyment of a certain game is in any way hindered by the release of newer, completely unrelated games

>not knowing the meaning of the word outmoded

I do know the meaning, it just doesn't apply.
Games don't "age badly". They literally stay the exact fucking same, so if you don't like it now you probably wouldn't have liked it before either.


Why has redpill become "pls info" instead of "agendas behind x"

You are wrong and probably underaged since your statement is stupid and shows your lack of experience.

That's fucking stupid. Standards increase as people develop better things. TW3's sidequests (regardless of their actual mechanical quality) raised the bar for what people expect out of vidya sidequests. Games don't exist in a vacuum.

Grigori is one of the best dragons in video games.

I still don't get why everyone like fracture dart so much when hailstorm volley exists.

> though I've never been able to put my finger on exactly what
For starters it's completely lacking any sort of cohesive narrative and character development.

Amazing combat, but everything else is almost painfully subpar.

Game is ok, but gear system is retarded, map is tiny and gameplay is mmo-like.

redpill yourself.


>not the Titty Monster Jewfu, aka the only one who says she loves you

>TW3's sidequests (regardless of their actual mechanical quality) raised the bar for what people expect out of vidya sidequests.
el oh el em ayy oh

>Not manually exploding in midair


Volley is boring and OP, dart is more involved

Not an argument.

dumb video with dumb half-arguments

What really isn't an argument is saying how something raised the bar without saying why.

>He's shilling his shit video again


repetitive locations

t. butthurt DDfags

She says that to everybody, cuck

The "why" is irrelevant. The sentiment is widespread, and that's all that matters wrt whether or not games "age."

delet this immediately

Honestly kind of this.

Dragon's Dogma fails to impress as an Action game, and it fails to impress as an RPG. It hits some kind of mediocre jack of all trades middle road. It's one standout thing is the giant boss fights.

An absolute mess in just about every way. Combat feels pretty great though even though the balance is fucked. Avoid warrior/fighter/mage and you might have fun.

>Avoid fighter

How to spot a literal retard. They always love to talk about "game design" even though they know fuck all.

The most fun I had in the time I played this game was dueling Daimon to the death as a fighter when all my pawns got sent back. Felt like an actual battle.

post pawns/arisen or both

The gear itself is fine. It's nice that all gear is viable. The problem are the stats.

If you want a challenge, don't bring a shitload of healing items into each area, keep the stats low, and don't use wakestones.