Halo 3 was 10 years ago

>Halo 3 was 10 years ago

do you want to go back Sup Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:


Halo 5 campaign was heresy.



I want to go back when people were not all pissed.

I mean people were pissed at video games but now people are just really angry

Fuck no

ElDewrito With Mods, done...

I want to go back before party chat.

I still feel Halo 3 as a recent game


what is this wizardry?

It's the pc version

Woah, the worst of the original trilogy.

>10 years ago was 20 years ago
Hold me, Sup Forums.

You see that post up there above the feels one, that's called bait.

Observe, learn, but don't reply

>dissenting opinions are bait make them go away
Maybe reddit would be a better place for you. You already space like them.

Fuck Gaylo 3. I want to go back to the times when the internet was not choke-loaded with game information/walkthroughs, and MMOs like EverQuest and Ragnarok Online just came out.

Can you faggots stop being passive aggressive?

>You already space like them.

What does this mean?

Spaces between sentence-long paragraphs is such a reddit thing to do.

it's better than CE/PC with all the 300 ping mexicans but

>no split screen matchmaking with your friends/brothers
>no co-op campaign with all skulls
>no staying home to play the heroic/legendary map pack
>no bungie weekly updates
>missing 2/3 of the maps
>reach/halo 4 weapons
>full of bugs
>runs like ass
>population: 25
>you're 27 and balding with no future

it's not the same


the game still looks great i dont understand

I can go back just by watching this.


I have strong memories.

Holy fuck.

A Halo 3 PC port can't come soon enough.


None of the magic would remain. You'd soon realize that you never really cared about the game itself, just the people you played it with.
