I really don't like TP Link. he's too realistic
I really don't like TP Link. he's too realistic
shut up
Then don't play it
TP Link looks great. Zelda is the one that got the shaft in that game. She looks fucking anorexic, the dull hair and almost grey skin don't help.
most fuckable is 4
im not gay btw
realistic isn't the problem
Infact the way how all of these are drawn are shitty. I don't see how people use these as real comparisons.
I thought twilight princess was too easy.
I agree but I'm also gay, so take from that what you will.
>this thread again
Who cares what a faggot thinks
You cared enough to reply :^)
Just to tell u that no one cares.
He looks great in Smash 4. Too bad he's mediocre.
fag 3 a best
Thankfully the game makes up for it in other thicc ways, though.
Except for everyone that cared enough to reply
>Russian Link
He looks like Mads Mikkelsen's autistic cousin.
hatefuck on the side 1
marry 2
cuddle 4
gas the rest
I'd fuck 4 all night
1 is the most fuckable
>tfw no qt link boyfriend to cuddle with
/hm/ is leaking
are there any twink VR videos yet
They all look cool.
>not /cm/
tsk tsk tsk
>picture of 3D
/hm/ is filled with a bunch of nasty hairy muscular men
not any cute feminine dudes
but i literally saw both of those pictures on /hm/
there are a lot of twink threads
maybe it was just a long time ago since I checked it, I visited /cm/ once and I fell in love woth it
>Not wanting to fuck 5 or 6
/cm/ is nice for a few things but some of their obsessions are very...weird.
particularly fondness for children's cartoons.
oh god yeah, the pedo shit get's weird
if the cartoons dont look like 18 year olds it's fucking weird
I didn't know Putin liked to cosplay
nothin wrong with that
3 or 4.
Twink-ist. Want to fuck his ass
>Remotely realistic
Your tarded
The realism of TP isn't what bothers me, it's that the characters look anime-esque while having realistic textures. It looks really jarring.
I haven't finished a Zelda game since OoT. I played Majora's Mask a lot but never beat the Water Temple. By the time Twilight Princess came out on the Wii the console was less mine and more my little brother's. By the time we got TP I already had a job and then left for college. Neither my siblings nor me ever beat it. Then they got Skyward Sword and I played more of that than any of them but got stuck in the sky temple.
Maybe I don't think Zelda games are that good? Gosh, that type.
>Too bad he's mediocre.
At least he's not dogshit like he was in the other three games.
Mediocre is a huge step up.