Halo is kind of racist isn't it?
You're righteous american marines killing alien religious fanatics like in real life.
Other urls found in this thread:
>be strong
>get attacked
>defend yourself
Oh the humanity
The covenant brought that on themselves. It's not racist if you're killing other worldly warmongers
I like halo music. I listen to this all the time. But recently I've felt it's kind of racist
I think it was the other way around. The covenant had constant Christian references and they are not seen in positive light. They wage a holy , or crusade against humans for strictly religious reasons, eventually finding out they're wrong and that the prophets aka Vatican are just is manipulators.
I only beat the first game but doesnt it turn out that humans are the progenitors or whatever and we knocked ourselves back to the stone age?
>alien races form a covenant to wage a holy war against humanity
>humanity defends itself
>"Halo is kind of racist"
top cuck
thanks doc
Fuck off filmjohn
Go away plebbit
Maybe it is. Who gives a shit?
If you come on my lawn and you try to fucking kill me, killing others in the process, you bet your ass I'm gonna change my life priority to annihilate your entire fucking world of existence.
Also, at the end of Halo 3 the UNSC and Sangheili united under a common enemy.
humans weren't progenitors but they rivaled the forerunners. Forerunners defeated them and knocked them to the stoneage.
yeah but then it sends the message that religion is bad and atheism is good. It's still secular propaganda isn't it?
most wars are inherently racial sure
Religious zealots are bad, especially when they try to kill you.
sangheili redeem themselves by becoming atheists
Actually humanity is literally defending itself
The prophets declared holy war on them even though the Elites thought humans were pretty strong and should be allowed to join
The hell makes you think they become "athiest"? They never mention worshipping/not worshipping a diety. Stop projecting your personal bias onto a video game.
Master Chief isn't american. He wasn't even born on earth.
Weren't most UNSC marines Mexican and Aussie though?
every time
Dude what?
Do you think the war on terrorism is racist?
What a cringy faggot
>It's still secular propaganda isn't it?
>people have gone on religious crusades and kill for their religion before
Fuck off christcuck. And btw, im not saying the first christian crusades were bad. They were 100% justified and its too bad they didnt wipe out the mudslimes for what they were doing to the christian people.
This is the stupidest opinion on war since le black science man
Somehow I would bet anything you live in California or Sweden.
I'm sure if they had known that mudslimes would be a plague today that they are now they would have obliterated any trace of them.
Kinda like if how the forunners had known that the San'Shyuum (prophets) would have turned into genocidal religious fanatics they probably would have cleansed them instead of repopulating them after firing halo arrays the first time.
stop hating muslims you war mongers
who cares where I live. It's just a perspective because the first game was released in 2001 the same year and 9/11
>stop hating muslims you war mongers
I cant tell if this is bait or you are just a brainwashed liberal. Il tell you what though, i will personally pay for your trip if you agree to go live in any majority muslim country in the middle esat for 2 weeks with 0 body guards. Why would you need body guards? Muslims are so peaceful after all. Would never hurt a fly.
>The covenant had constant Christian references and they are not seen in positive light.
It's not like they could have used any other religion. The only serious religion that the average Ameribro and Eurotrash have ever heard of is Christianity and the other Abrahamic religions.
Greco-Roman? That's for fantasy games. Buddhism? Shinto? Nobody in the west ever heard of that.
There is literally nothing wrong with racism.
I already have. Dubai is great. Try it.
I think they used Islam more than Christianity. They have prophets instead of priests
Shit Wahhabi country they just want your Western money
>Dubai is grea
>living in the most westernized city in the middle east
Oh you. Thats like me going to little china and saying iv been to china
It would be speciesism not racism you silly cuck.