What do you think of Outlast 2? A few days left. HYPE

What do you think of Outlast 2? A few days left. HYPE.



The game looks rad as fuck man! HYPE!

In one cut-scene in the game ... a female creature prepares Blake for a ritual. She says, "I want to see your true face. Your seed will burn this world." Shortly afterwards, he objects to having psycho-active dust blown into his face, yelling, "Nope! Nope!" before he stumbles into a forest clearing.

His vision blurring, he witnesses what appears to a ritualistic orgy. His wife, Lynn, calls out for his help, saying, "It hurts! Oh god!," as she hangs from chains on a raised platform at the front of the clearing. Humanoid creatures, their skin grey, spattered with blood and scarred, implicity have sex as others pray, or chant, or gesticulate.

One creature has another bent over a rock, thrusting as they implicitly have rear-entry sex, another sits astride the pelvic region of a creature prone on the ground, moving their hips rhythmically as they too implicitly have sex. Two other pairs of creatures in the clearing are also implicitly having sex.

As Blake yells for the creatures to "Get away from her!" a female creature, her greyish breasts bared, pushes him onto his back, holds his arms to the ground and repeatedly thrusts her crotch against him. As Blake protests, saying "No! Stop that!" the creature thrusts again, before placing its face over his midsection and then sitting up and wiping its mouth.

Although much of the contact between the creature and Blake is obscurred, by it taking place below screen, the sexualised surroundings and aggressive behaviour of the creature suggest that it is an assault which is sexual in nature. The Board is of the opinion that this, combined with Blake's objections and distress, constitutes a depiction of implied sexual violence.

In the Board's opinion, the above example constitutes a depiction of implied sexual violence and therefore cannot be accommodated within the R18+ classification category and the game is therefore Refused Classification.

define rad

hey man! Discuss the game please!

>please respond



Dont personally care about the game but watching streamers play it is going to be fun

What is there to talk about? The game's not out yet.

how about you stop assuming my gender?

You need to leave before you make me any madder with your faggotry.

Oh shit I'm sorry! Please buy the game! Rad!




Your game isnt worth my dolaridoos.


>Your game isnt worth my dolaridoos.

You misunderstood my implications. The mere fact that you watch let's plays, means you are the cancer. People that watch let's plays then talk about a game as if they played it are worse then the shit my dogs excrete daily. If you want to experience a game so badly that you are willing to watch other people play it; just buy it, or pirate it. What's the next step in the slippery slope of retarded things you faggots will make into a fad next? Watching others eat foods? Watching others react to music that they're listening to?

Kill Your Self.

There is no one in my age group that watches let's plays, thank fucking god I was born early enough to miss the missing chromosome band wagon.

Buy the game please



First of all you sound deranged.

Second of all I didnt make any comments about the actual game.

Third of all fuck off

>anime posters

Shilling aside, I do want to play this. Got Outlast 1 for $10 on a sale, and I found it to be spooky. My favorite part was at the end when you find the truth, that the entire asylum was just a hate and despair generator to manifest a corporeal hell demon by the plans of a 120year old nazi scientist.

It seems odd that I adored the ending to Outlast 1 so much while others absolutely hated it. As I see it, the game only could have had a few possible endings. 1 - the protag dies and nothing gets resolved. 2 - it was all in the protag's mind all along. 3 - Protag solves the conspiracy surrounding the asylum and escapes.

"ooOOOOooo NaaaAAAaaAZHhhEeeeEEEssZZZZzz"

>Second of all I didnt make any comments about the actual game.

Are you not this same person here? that said this:

>Dont personally care about the game but watching streamers play it is going to be fun

If you aren't the same person, why do you care so much? I don't care what you think about the game, just stop watching Let's Plays, faggot. Go play video games or watch anime or get laid. ANYTHING ELSE is a better use of your time than watching other people play games. Just don't do it.

Hello? Rad!







how desperate can a shill be?
also sage

Buy the game please


Holy fucking shit must really be desperate for this game to not be utter shit

Please buy the game. It's rad!

Edgy dogshit. Kill yourself, shill.

Hide-and-seek horror is only slightly more complex than Pac-Man and not nearly as fun.

Please buy the game! I'm begging you!

I didn't like the first game.
This is a shill thread, isn't it?

Im actually looking forward to it and enjoyed the first one and its expansion.

Very good man. This game is rad!

it's an underage thread


Fuckin aussies

Yeah Rad!



I hope it's on the same level of disturbing as whistleblower. That's the kind of horror that sticks with you. Not the le spooky poodeepee jumpscares.

Can't wait. I've been looking forward to a good horror game. Tried Siren Blood Curse and was disappointed. I'm sure this is scratch that itch though.

Don't really care for jump scare walking simulators.

Can't wait to pirate it and then uninstall after 10 minutes cause i don't like horror movies

>Not the le spooky poodeepee jumpscares.
Are you joking? That's exactly what the first game is.

What the hell is this thread supposed to be, falseflagging?

It's obvious a real shill wouldn't be this silly about his shillings but then what the fuck is the point of making this game look bad?

Ice cream? I love ice cream!

The base game yes but the DLC did it better