What are some things that would make hard mode better? I'll start

What are some things that would make hard mode better? I'll start
>Changing weapons doesn't freeze time, you have to be in a position where you won't be hurt by standing still for a second

Anyone who says "lynels do more damage" or some artificial difficulty shit like that doesn't understand what makes games good or even challenging.

Fuck that lets do realistic expectations

Every weapon breaks in one hit
Every monster has double HP

Limited food supplies

>Game isn't fun anymore
>Nintendo fans insist that players just need to get better at it

Make food restricted to a "fullness" meter or condition (thinking like TWEWY) so you can't just fill up on a few dozen apples. If you want a lot of healing, you're really going to need to make your cooking count.

The static damage bonus that stronger enemies get should ignore armor, or reduce the reduction. Keep the 1:1 reduction for weapon damage.

More elemental weapons for the enemies. Not directly stronger weapons; having to work around ice boko clubs or flaming royal swords would change up the battles a bit, even if the damage output isn't directly higher..

It doesn't really matter since radishes and shit like that are the entire meta of cooking. There's absolutely NO NEED to cook ANYTHING that doesn't bring you to +1 or more hearts.

You are only setting yourself up for disappointment if you expect anything more than
>enemies do more damage

Why do that to yourself

A time limit.

In addition to Standard and Pro, there's a "clean" UI that doesn't show your heart count or stamina meter, or anything like "Press A to take."
You have to rely on adventurer's intuition.

Fuck off, a game that's about fun exploring should not have a time limit.

Max hearts and max stamina will probably be limited. It fits in with the other Hero modes in recent games.

I don't know if they're 'bold' enough to limit it to the starting values.

>120 remixed shrines.
>Food has to be held and eaten in real-time.
>Food heals at the same rate as hot springs.
>Guardians only eat one laser to the face before firing and moving at the same time.
>Guardians have melee attack to stop you from instantly raping them.
>New enemy recolors immune to flurries and multiple stasis, move faster, not HP sponges.

Then keep all the survival shit like temperature limits and such the same, that's rather perfectly balanced out as is.

There could be an interesting premise there.

e.g. How far can you get in 15 hours before having to fight ganon? 10? 5?

You could then keep track and show off the kinds of builds/item stacks people managed to bring to the fight.

>120 remixed shrines.
A third of the shrines in this game are literally just blank rooms where you get a spirit orb.

It MIGHT work if they changed it so you can still go into the world after beating Ganon.

Only auto-saves.

Yeah, you'd need to lower the effectiveness/rework alot of the recipes too

I'd like to see Link getting harassed by the various Ganon minibosses while out in the field. You could only drive them away, and not kill them.

They should replace all weak Yigas with the strong one, from the very start.

Another idea could be user-made challenges.

If you beat ganon/some other challenge with a certain loadout, then that configuration gets uploaded and people can try the same challenge.

Did anyone ever cooked elixirs?
they could try and make them useful

Clarifying: only ONE auto-save. No manual save. Game saves all progress as it happens ala Souls.

You have to live with your decisions & no scumming.

You could just, you know, not save manually?

Well remix all the puzzle shrines, I should have said. Not necessarily Master Quest levels of random fuckery but stuff that requires more precision or better equipment.

>An Extreme Test of Strength with much faster guardians carrying chainsaw blades.

>Food heals at the same rate as hot springs.
fuck that. at least double.

It's hard mode, faggot. Why do you need to undo progress?

>a game that's about fun exploring

The normal game is that already. Hard mode needs to be more than that. A time limit could be

>X days to defeat Ganon
>X days to get the Master Sword
>X days to enter shrines

They were useful to me in my second run.

You'd still have fairies, which people would come to appreciate a lot more if food was no longer plentiful instant 100% healing.

Would it still auto-save at the same rate? Because then you're still not really losing much on death.

How about
>Can't eat food instantly

Fixing the broken combat so that there's ample risk vs reward, as opposed to actively discouraging the player from engaging enemies.

but eating a +16 meal could take you well over a minute. That's not hard. just tedious.

The game saves up to the moment whatever you do. So not periodically, but all changes are immediately saved.

Real bosses inside the shrines instead of the boring mini-guardians.

Nintendo won't implement any of this; if they were smart enough to come up with this stuff they would have put it in the base game so it wouldn't be so fucking horrible.

>Hey guys here are my ideas for a better game!
>It's nothing but tedious drawn out inconveniences

>no armor, you have to rely on food and potions
>no healing during battle. As soons as the music changes, that' s it.
>Maybe new enemies? This would be a nice addition.

>Nintendo uses it as an excuse to further dumb down their games
>BotW 2: Majora's Boogaloo features a five hour long tutorial
>Critics complain it isn't as good as Twilight Princess, which had a 20 hour tutorial.

All you'd have to do is not take damage. If for whatever reason you were injured you could just heal up at a stable or town. Plus you could use fairies for instant healing still yet, they'd just be limited to the 3-6 you can catch while at the fountains.

Have an MP bar for Runes

You fall you actually die

Save points instead of save everywhere.

Shrines have time limits and will reset if you don't complete them in time

No infinite climbing shit.

Enemy move sets that are more varied and harder to deal with seems like the obvious answer. I would expect that much effort rather than the typical lazy method of adjusting a few values since it is going to be DLC.

how are you actively discouraged?

Does any enemy use consecutive vertical/horizontal attacks in a combo? That'd be an easy thing they could do.

I like that the dodge in this game has no i-frames and you actually have to dodge the correct way. Flurry rush is too much of a gimme though.

>game doesn't pause in menus
>you have to cook food to eat it, you can't eat raw ingredients

That'd just be clunky and frustrating. And remind everybody that the game should've had WiiU gamepad functionality.

I think that something needs to be done about food usage in combat, but having to futz around with menus in combat is not fun.

>Not eating raw steak

What are you a fucking casual?


Combat as a whole would need to be reworked in order to adress some of the game's bigger flaws. If more of the game was like the Great Plateau or Eventide Island, with tons of low health mooks and low durability weapons, then combat would feel more Superhot and less JRPG.

Harsher survival elements all around would be great. Hunger, thirst, need to sleep. The game has a ton of elaborate systems but not enough character variables to play with.

It'd be cool if the elements were harsher, if strong wind and rain made you colder than it does, if being in the desert made you thirstier, and if Link's stamina was tied to his condition.

In the normal game it makes perfect sense to leave all of that out because it is busywork, but with an optional hard mode I'd like to see that kind of change.

Make the Yiga Clan relevant during the game, like having them actually seek you out and ambush you during the game, attacking with more than one member at a time (and having the big guys come at you as well).

Flurry Rush also isn't based on avoiding attacks. It's more that you have the right dodge choice during a considerable window - but you could be already well outside of the range of their attack before dodging.

A good example are the spears. If you're far to the side of where they are attacking, easily out of harms way, you can still side-dodge and get the flurry rush.

Tying it to actually being near a hitbox and dodging would make it much better.

Dear god no they're so fucking annoying

i expect:

no champion abilities from divine beasts

"you can't eat here" when you are flailing around in pain or flying through the air

no fairies

great fairy prices will shoot up

it won't be that much different, unless you relied on mipha and daruk to beat guardians

You can't eat food in combat, only drink elixirs. And if you leave combat and eat, enemies you fought also eat and gain full health back.

you have been visited by a durian of full heal +20

eveything is motion controlled
> to eat food you hace to chew in front of the IR sensor of the joycon
>to change items you have to make movements like you are searching in a bag
>to start conversations with NPC you have to say "hi!" o "hello" to the switch microphone

The posibilities are endless

- Can't pause the game anymore
- Lose all orbs on death
- Other players can use a Red Shiekah Slate to invade your World and steal an orb from you after killing you

The only one of those that makes sense is the Ganon part.

Why the fuck would there be a limit on the Master Sword?

Also the shrines have been waiting forever, they can wait a little longer while I come up with new ways to kill myself.

All of Hyrule turns into Eventide Island

Need a jukebox/mp3 player. The ability to play any song in the game when you heard it once.

Good idea?

>Why the fuck would there be a limit on the Master Sword?
To make sure you always take hearts instead of stamina and fall for their trick when the actual weapon blows a fat one

Enemies dealing more damage, requiring the player to be more consistently good, IS good difficulty.
You can't make up an arbitrary cut-off point after which enemy damage stops being "genuine" difficulty and becomes "artificial", stop pretending you know what makes anything challenging because Egoraptor or some other e-shithead made a video about hurr challenging but fair cuz i say so guyz

So what about the people that were smart enough to not buy a Switch?

Only allow warping to the towers.
More aggressive enemies.
Harder enemies spawn immediately at the start of the game.
Shrines no longer appear on map even if you've activated/completed them.
You can only have one champion skill active at a time and can't switch to other ones if one of them is on cooldown.
Health/Stamina upgrades cost 8 sheika monk testicles instead of 4.

It doesn't change how you fight at all, it just changes how frequently you work through your inventory of full heal + 4 durians

He wasn't being arbitrary.

Increasing numbers isn't a genuine form of difficulty; it's just making it take longer. However, adding additional attack or defense patterns and requiring more alertness is a more stimulating and demanding form of difficulty.

It's like taking a test that grades you more harshly vs a test that requires more knowledge.

You're a fucking retard if you can't see the difference.

Finally got around to Ganon, it'd be nicer if they made the boss fighters more, well, like boss fights.
They just felt so lacklustre.

I had a huge problem with the design of Beast Ganon's "fight". Not just that it's basically mounted archery minigame, but they just straight up give you a weapon to get it done.
All the build up and gearing up over the hours and hours of gameplay and it just goes "fuck it use this" and even gives you an extra bow slot to get it.

I imagine hard mode is literally just going to be "everything has more health fuck you" rather than anything interesting, but man I wish they'd make the boss fights better.

I totally forgot this came out for wii u and pc, sorry

What they'll probably do is the most retarded shit ever

>replace all reds with blues.
>replace all blues with blacks
>replace all blacks with silver

So you'll run into the blues and blacks which can one shot you earlier. Same with lynels and the like, they'll start adding them in more frequently.

Hard mode is going to suck, just like most of botw.

Nintendo sold you all a beautiful lie. It's a decent 6 hour game expanded to 30+ hours because of an empty, bloated open world. Combat has zero depth or understanding required, and the entire game is gear based rather than skill based.

>New patterns and attacks for enemies
>Real time healing/Gear changing in battles
>Remixed shrines/Beasts
>Harder bosses
>New form for the final boss
That's pretty much it, removing stuff like quick travel will just make the game more tedious than anything.

How is it even possible to think an enemy doing 1 damage (you can face tank it an never thing about strategy), is not easier than an enemy doing 10 damage.

They're asking people to pay for it so I guess people want something significant.

I mean if it was just hero mode I'd imagine it'd be included from launch like every other Zelda game since Skyward Sword.

>more elemental weapons
Probably the best idea in this thread, the elemental keese are huge pieces of shit when you're focused on other stuff so giving your average bokoblin a frost sword would definitely up difficulty substantially.

Punishing != Difficulty.

If you have to perform something perfectly but it has very set patterns, requiring you to just execute perfectly or else die, it's not hard, it just punishes a fuckup.
>examples: Ancient Dragon and Vendrick Dark Souls 2
>will literally kill you in one hit and has a fucking retardedly big HP bar

For something to be truly hard it has to feel fair. Damage dealt should be appropriate, attack patterns should be appropriate. It should force you to understand the fight to excel, but you can get through it through use of extraneous resources if needed
>examples: Vergil fights form DMC3
>examples: Sigma from Mega Man X1

ITT: endless bad ideas

But there aren't any bonfires in this game so you'd just get constantly respawned in front of what killed you.

Unless you outright can't survive a single hit, all it does is make you spam healing items.

That's. Not. The. Point. You. Fucking. Idiot.

The point is that you're not being challenged in a meaningful way; you're doing the same thing, you're just punished more for it.

The best hard modes arent ones that do more damage, they're the ones which add new patterns, new attacks, and require more masterful gameplay to beat.

>he didn't sell all his stamina to the satan statue for heart containers, pull the sword, then trade it back for your stamina againa

>that pic
literally terrifying, what if theres a storm?

Remove Mipha's grace from the game. Boom, game is 25% harder.

Would've done that if I'd known the exact amount of hearts and hadn't discovered korok forest first of all the significant locations. Exchanging it and back again ten times is tedious.

>Not disabling the powers immediately except Ravioli's Gale

unable to eat food in combat. That made the game a breeze.

You can only eat one piece of food at a time. Doing so starts a eating animation that can be interrupted by enemies.

Flurry rushes no longer slow down time, neither does shooting midair

Watch it just be that you have max 6 hearts and your stamina is consumed twice as fast.

This, but also with the ability to queue up multiple pieces of food for convenience.

>Hard mode will just be 'enemies have more health and do more damage'.

>New story content will just be 'old man jenkins lost his glasses go search Hyrule for them' + a few dumb cutscenes, nothing to do with the actual game story.

>New challenges will just be 3 more motion control shrines

Expecting anything more is just setting yourself up for disappointment.

Can only heal by getting fucked by men.

Link can only carry 6 items.

Can only eat near cooking pots

weapon durability doubled

enemies react faster

No horses

Whenever you go to a town the men will want to rape you ( can only play as sissy link)

>appropriate appropriate FEEL fair
Buzzwords because, again, you are just rationalizing bosses you beat easily as "fair" while bosses you struggled with as punishing/unfair.

ITT: Failed idea guys

Food and ingredients spoil. You can freeze them to preserve them, though they wont be able to restore as much HP. Taking them in hotter environments causes them to spoil faster.

how do you struggle with a boss that hits you for a lot of damage and has a shitload of health. it just makes you keep mashing attack against it for like 20 minutes. didn't people learn this from father servo in automata?

>Hunger meter

>I imagine hard mode is literally just going to be "everything has more health fuck you

Why would Nintendo CHARGE for that though?

Your exclusive DLC for preordering the rest of the DLC is one ruby, five fire arrows, and a switch advertisement. Yes, on the wiiu.

How about Doom 2016 Ultra-Nightmare mode

If you die your save is erased. You have to start over from the beginning.