The Witcher 3

Why do people like her so much? She's an absolute cunt.

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She's hot.

What the fuck is that thing?


She's charming and funny you pathetic Triss fag scum

In order to recognize a cunt you have to be around women, at least a little bit, at any time in your life. No, mom doesn't count.

Tfw Lambert got best girl

She's a strong independent beautiful anglo-saxon woman who doesn't need no man.



I don't.
I choosed Triss.

Oh cool the worst witcher game thats over hyped by nerds who wanna fuck in game avatars. I cannot wait for a quest that is just go here hold DETECTIVE SENSE to find some special trail that leads me to a location to kill something. Oh but it gets better when i get half through the game and it just becomes a legit baby sitting simulator were i have to baby sit a kid and a slutty sorcerer. God forbid the story was about a witcher doing actual witcher things. But no just throw another shitty side quest which is just DO YOU LOVE TRISS OR YEN? k mass effect.


Shes one of the two things that keep this fanbase even remotely alive so I guess people have to tolerate her.

Not like witcherfags have anything better to discuss

They could have at least made her visit you at the end of Blood and Wine if you went for her in Hearts of Stone and didn't romance Triss or Yen.

>has bantz
what else is there

>personality matters

She is hot and young looking.Triss looks good when her face is completely frozen but when she starts moving the facial muscles the cracks show up.

Her father beat her into one

yes but she's in constant bitch face.

Thats hot

Thought the same initially so I tried to romance triss then realized how garbage that route was. She's the Canon match for geralt plus she grows on you.

Moms can be cunts too.

So why was Witcher Trump so butthurt about mages and minorities like elves and Dwarfs?

Forgot my pic so I'll repeat.

Why was Witcher Trump so butthurt about mages and minorities like elves and Dwarfs?

>play Witcher 3 for the first time, never played any of the previous games
>I'm supposed to find this woman, apparently she's important
>Find her, she's being a bitch to me, don't know why
>Just be a bitch right back at her, choosing all the most negative responses
>Geralt and Yen still bang


>Tfw Lambert got best girl

I told her to fuck off and she ended up dancing on a pole for the king.

That wouldn't have made sense though, Shani had to leave to help on the frontline again. She'd have been too busy to come visit/stay with you.

Yennigger of Chickenberg

He was mentored by Philippa.
No wonder he became a sociopath.

You're a monster

Because the majority of Sup Forums have never been in a fulfilling relationship they all gravitate to the notion that "Love" is a lie that an evil entity like "The Jews" sold them.

Thus they lean away from girls like Shani and Triss and see Yen, a bitch who is verbally abusive as well as cold and distant as a sign of a "Mature" relationship that they should aspire towards.

Felt good seeing this cunt where she belonged. Wish you could let the same thing happen to Phillipa.

Do you think the pole penetrated her cunt or her ass?

No shit I feel disgusted

>Hurr I live in a land with a king who is going full genocide against nonhumans and mages
>Gerult I wanna go to the king begause I think I can buy him over :-DDD

Natural selection, dumb bitch.


Plus she's powerful as fug.

I stayed with Yennifer for the kid


But she loves you.

Triss doesn't.

>But she loves you.
Yeah thats why she cucks you and immediately goes and fucks some dudes if you break up with her.


You can cuck someone and still love them.

>this is what yennfags actually tell themselves
We're done here


Mages manipulate everything, They try to control kings from the shadows.
One tried to manipulate Radovid, But they did not realise he was an alpha male so told them all to fuck off.

He does not really care about elves/dwarves but knows its an easy way to gain support.


found another yenncuck

That's the good stuff.

I honestly thought Lambert was gay.

You know that the actual author of the books has gone on record saying that games arent part of his canon and that they dont represent his work very well right?

Like hes actually fuming at the games.

He could be bisexual.

>tfw that quest was the best date in my life.

samoyeds really are the best dogs.

>broke up with

How do I get them to change clothes?

She cucks you in the books before you break up with her. Unless you want to say that the books dont matter, in which case every criticism for triss pretty much disappears and all you are left with is a pretty nice and caring triss, and a snotty rude cold and ruthless yennifer.

>Tfw you'll never be possessed by a ghost and dance and kiss a cute girl.

too much hair in my couch and dresses

>cold and ruthless yennifer.

More like sexy and cool.

i know they shed a lot but they are SOOOO CUTE and the friendliest dogs in the world

Its ok if you are into femdom you dont have to hide it

>Unless you want to say that the books dont matter, in which case every criticism for triss pretty much disappears and all you are left with is a pretty nice and caring triss,
Yes, so kind and caring that she didn't tell you that she wasn't your sorceress waifu.

Blood and wine is strangely colorful, its like a dream, are you guys sure it isan't the geralt majora's mask equivalent?
This might be his personal heaven after he died in the crones shack(the canon ending)

because eva green is so pretty that..oh it's a video game character that looks just like her..idk

only because he was a retard for getting a lump sum instead of contracting for royalties

She has a vagina

welcome to humanity

>o kind and caring that she didn't tell you that she wasn't your sorceress waifu.
It was actually way better for you this way because the fact you could go so long and not even care about yennifer at all meant that the spell the djinn had put on you didnt hold as much power over you as was once thought. Also she knew she was better for you than yennifer, who literally didnt even try to find you until ciri was in trouble

It's a different country, it would be like going from northern central Europe to Italy or Greece in the middle ages.

Doesnt matter really. If the author says the games and the books arent part of the same canon then they arent.

He's also extremely buttmad that whenever he shows up to the author meetings for his series of sword and board fantasy novels there's no one there that's at least half his age.

That's exactly why I like her so much. I love hot mean bitches.

>b-but it was better this way!
a relationship built on dishonesty is shit
>who literally didnt even try to find you until ciri was in trouble
god forbid a mother try to find her child before her husband

I am into femdom though why aren't you?

Unrelated question, can I keep on playing and doing sidequests and dlc and shit after I finish the main quest? Or do I have to start a new game?

>Why do people like her so much?

Only mentally retarded Yencucks like that one:

>a mother try to find her child
Shes not her mother, you know that right? The fact she was fucking off going god knows what (probably sleeping with other men) and didnt care to look for you until she needed you to get her out of a mess means she doesnt love you. Thats all there is to it.

i am into femdom but only because im a dyke. Its kinda different.

>Also she knew she was better for you than yennifer,
Deciding what is best for someone without their input is definitely a great way to build a stable relationship.

So this thread tells me then

Yen fans = Femdom bros

Triss fags = Patriarchal shitlords

Yep, you can do all that stuff after finishing the main story (although certain side quests in the main game will/might become unavailable)

>Disgusting Triss faggot Dyke shitter

Chinese knock offs always have something wrong.

>making fun of our president
Ummm that's illegal you cuck, you can't make fun of His Highness here on Sup Forums

All those faggots that bring up that she kinda cheated on Geralt ONCE, conveniently forget that Geralt himself wasn't the best loyal and loving partner either.
After their first encounter, he deluded Yen into thinking she was the woman of his life, then left her and ran away like a spineless faggot without uttering a single word (pic related). This made Yen feel like she was just another of the many whores he fucked on his travels. He never met again for almost 4 years after that.
When they got back together he cheated on her several times (even when they weren't on breakups) with many other women (Fringilla Vigo and Shani to name some).

I hate Geralt's taste in women. I didn't like Triss nor Yennefer. Triss was boring as hell and Yen just didn't seem likable at all to me.

Shani and Fringilla are both objectively better women, but you can't choose either of them sadly. I liked Ves too, but she never wanted anything more than a casual fuck and she'd probably run off to play soldier with Roche anyway every chance she got.


>Its kinda different.
is it different in a world where sorceresses exist?

>She's an absolute cunt.

that's why she's so likable. also, if you'd read the books, you'd know it's just a pose

>geralt literally put under a spell to go after yennifer
>have no way of knowing if he actually likes her still
>see that yenn treats him like total shit
>loses his memory
>doesnt seem to care about yennifer
>does him a favor and doesnt remind him so that the djinn spell doesnt force him to go looking for her again

Yennifer could literally get away with sleeping with 5 men in front of geralt while telling all of them that geralt was bad in bed and he would still want her because of the djinn spell. Triss was 100% doing him a favor by not reminding him.

>getting triggered by dykes
>hat Geralt himself wasn't the best loyal and loving partner either.
right which is why they were terrible for eachother. Geralt never cheats on triss once until he breaks up with her at the end of 2 at which point its not cheating

Wait did Trump and Steven Universe have a fight or something?

because MUH BOOKS

I dont know, are any of them bisexual other than Phillipa?

I completely agree 100%. One of the games dumbest choices was coaxing you into helping her and being her pet just because "she's the love of your life". You're a fucking witcher ffs

Why was she suddenly in a whore outfit in the next game anyway?

>Shes not her mother, you know that right?
If you go with that logic Geralt isn't her father either. Point is that Geralt, Yen and Ciri are a family as dysfunctional as it might be.

I am into Yen because my job as a male is to replace mom, she would take care of me.
Triss is a slut for youngsters to have fun
Yen is a wife for when you need consistency.

Consistent at being a cunt, maybe.

People into steven universe are naturally too smart to like trump so its kinda obvious they never mix.


>Geralt isn't her father eithe
Geralt isnt her father you inbred, the emporer is. Thats literally why he sends you to go find her at the beginning of the game. At what point did i even imply geralt was the father of ciri?

Hes her "adopted" father because of

>best girls are the Var Attre twins
>can not have