I hate those that shit on Inafune mindlessly. I dont' care about this or that drama with some feminist mod or whatever, or Mighty Number blunder. My childhood was spent on the NES+SNES. My friends consisted of Mega Man, Roll, X and Zero. His games stand the test of time. I dont' care if he never makes anything on that par ever again.
So thank you Inafune. Thank you for the memories.
Jayden Wood
he didn't make mega man tho
Levi Torres
Nice blogpost.
Aiden Martin
He brought on himself by getting on SJW level of dumb with criticism of how japanese gamedev worked. Turned out he wasn't so good himself either.
>everything which is not circlejerking on meme is blogpost fuck off underage
Bentley Brown
>i disagree with this post, but i'm gonna post "nice blogpost" instead of arguing with it. haahhaha
Ryder Perry
Would you fug fem Inafune, Sup Forums?
Leo Russell
he's fine in my book. He produced Dead Rising 1 which is still the best Dead Rising game atm. And he created the masterpiece Soul Sacrifice Delta.
Andrew Diaz
>Would you fug fem Inafune, Sup Forums?
I knew a Chinese girl who looked like her. Why do some Nipponese look like Chinamen and some don't?
Jack Lopez
Joshua Collins
First of all, Inafune didn't make Megaman, he was concept artist until Megaman 8 at which point he became producer for other Megaman titles, then he fucked off recently to maske his own gig. So, in that regard, OP doesn't know shit and is just jerking himself off thinking anyone care about how much he likes Megaman.
Secondly, nobody gives a shit about this whole MN9 fiasco. Can we fucking shut the fuck up about politics and SJW?
Grayson Bell
Who wouldn't?
Jaxson Johnson
>produced onimusha series >produced dead rising >produced shadow of rome >produced lost planet >produced ghost trick >produced asura's wrath >produced dragon's dogma
People may hate what Keiji did to Capcom by being the major proponent of outsourcing its series to Western studios to appeal more to Westerners, but he was also one of the few people at Capcom who were willing to go against the group pumpin out sequels after another without any risk taking. Both Capcom and Inafune would have been better off if they stayed together.
Dominic Smith
Ladies and gentlemen, the definition of a cuck!
Parker Davis
Ian Richardson
Liam Gonzalez
Based Inafune
Don't let us down with Red Ash. It's your chance for a comeback.
Ian Hughes
Intercept is closed down.
Levi Stewart
Producer doesn't necessarily mean he spearheaded the projects though.
Chances are, a director or a team goes, "yo, is it cool if I make this?" and he says yes, signs some forms, and get his cut and his name in the credits.
Hunter Miller
Inafune got lucky capcom isn't nintendo or sega, or he would get car accident like Gunpei Yokoi
Easton Allen
People hate Inafune because he lied about creating Mega Man in several interviews and during his kickstarter promo for MN9. He's not the creator of Mega Man.
Carter Davis
>People hate Inafune because he lied about creating Mega Man in several interviews and during his kickstarter promo for MN9.
He never did any of this.
Jaxon Miller
I always knew he'd make a good trap.
Chase Reyes
Aaron Peterson
Fact: Megaman fan autism is second only to Sonic.
Wyatt Hall
You still have to give him credit. Producer is a huge role regardless. They're usually responsible for securing the funding, hiring the team, keeping the team motivated / in focus and assisting in allocating resources. Also, sometimes having a hand in choosing the tech that is used.
That is a critical part of a large team project. Thousands of projects and businesses die yearly because they lack someone competent at these things.
Sebastian Young
I don't give a fuck about Megaman but I fucking love Onimusha and Soul Sacrifice so thank you based Inafune
Juan Edwards
Look up the Jomon and Yayoi.
Hunter Murphy
The two most important people on any game are the producer and the director. Mikami, as a producer for RE2, had more of an effect on the end result than Kamiya. Why do you think the first version of RE2 got cancelled? Kamiya was making a game too similar to RE1 and Mikami stepped in, cancelled that version, and ordered them to make RE2 more different.
Also see Most games Inafune produced wouldn't have been made without him.
Charles Wood
Are Japanese mostly Jomon or Yayoi? What is your average joe Japanese person?
Levi Powell
Producers are important, but creatively, they aren't.
Leo Hernandez
But they are involved in hiring the people who are creative, and in making sure the project can even happen and continues on the right track so that investors will stay on board. That is still massive. You might as well say they are involved in the creative side at that point.
Henry Brown
Spoken like a total retard who has no clue how directors and producers work.
Here's a little tip for you: Studios, by and large, don't get to choose their own projects. The one responsible for picking them for funding in the first place is the producer, and there are oftentimes a lot of things the producer wants that the studio has to abide by, and they can create a much stronger project than if the studio were left to its own devices.
Connor Wilson
>stop hating on Inafue mindlessly >mindlessly likes him because he was in the credits of muh childhood
Jose Brown
I don't think anyone besides shitposters would argue that Inafune wasn't a key player at Capcom.
The issue stems from the fact he's talked about as if he's a creative head and developer, which he is not, despite him presenting himself as one. He's never had a hand in actually developing games and even when he was a concept artist his only real notable designs are from the X series. But advertising yourself as a producer doesn't sound as good as being the father of your favorite franchises, so he's taking advantage of those misconceptions.
Every independent project he's had a heavy hand in up to this point has crashed and burned, not just Mighty no. 9, because he's trying to run Comcept the same way he ran franchises like Mega Man without the branding or budget to back them up. As much as he shat on Capcom it's become apparent that he needed their support.
Brayden James
He's better than nothing
Chase Davis
He introduces himself as a "game creator" which is a technically true but highly misleading and vague term. He's also adopted the title "Comceptor" which is another vague as fuck term.
Reading this profile, it makes it SOUND like he personally created these series, not just worked on them.
Nathaniel Edwards
Dominic Rogers
He should have stayed as a producer, it was the thing we was best at even though turned into a westaboo later down the line, we may have at least gotten MML3 finally.
As for Inafune who the fuck knows, two of his other studios shut down, Comcept is the only one alive but they havent updated anything in months, its unlikely they're even alive anymore. I want to believe ReDash will be his redemption but outside of a clip of the anime in some project teaser they've showed off nothing.
Aaron Ross
>its unlikely they're even alive anymore.
Inafune has enough friends that he can keep getting jobs done for the time being.
>Don't let us down with Red Ash. It's your chance for a comeback.
I strongly suspect the Chinese funding was just him trying to save face. He got at least some funding, which may not be enough to finish the game, just so that he doesn't have to admit defeat.
I strongly suspect Red Ash is never going to come out.
Benjamin Peterson
Megaman has too many sub-series to group under one tier of autism.
Thomas Roberts
Its not like Chinese game studios dont exist now but the deal with Fuze if it ever existed likely fell through. As for Inafune, if Comcept does shut down I just wonder who would hire him
Colton Torres
>but the deal with Fuze if it ever existed likely fell through.
Ryan Johnson
It would have been great if he directed them instead.
Actually, no, it would not, since mn9 was his directorial debut.
Hunter Ward
I'm just guessing since theres been no new information for years and the game is supposed to come out this July.
Joseph Reed
And the director is the one who leads the creative aspects of the project from there.
Inafune is not a director. In fact the outsourced most of development to Inti Creates.
Luis Robinson
>and the game is supposed to come out this July.
That was based on the original Kickstarter date, which was already too rosy. That date is dead since the kickstarter is dead. The new time table is unknown.