Hey guys, let me tell you my entire backstory
Also I am capable of telling events that happened where I wasn't even there and recall specific conversations
Hey guys, let me tell you my entire backstory
Also I am capable of telling events that happened where I wasn't even there and recall specific conversations
>gameplay is your day to day life
>every conversation in full detail
>even all the boring and uninteresting parts
>time for the ruse cruise
>suddenly memory gets hazy
>scene blocked out
Hope those other guys find their way here.
>OP has never heard of neo-noir
that part when building a relationship with Sae in the present gives you the power of the judgement arcana in the past
You clearly don't tell Sae everything, like how you plowed her sister. It's just the major events Joker was involved in.
So why do i see them scenes that have nothing to do with him?
The story is told from his head
>The story is told from his head
No it isn't you fucking moron lmao
>hurrrrr what is omniscience
you should've paid more attention in middle school instead of fapping underneath your desk to anime characters hahahahahahahaha
Does it? I remember getting a judgement rank up then trying to fuse a judgement persona and getting no burst and assuming that was because it hadn't actually happened yet, even though it's still listed in my menu. Maybe I'm remembering wrong.
>"I don't have much time to listen to your story"
>MC tells a 75 hour story
Obviously what you play is not exactly the same as what he tells.
>No it isn't you fucking moron lmao
It literally is though, and after every palace he tells her the next event repeate and rinse until they make it to current time
Why are you in denial?
The story is told by the first person point of view, if it was from omniscience the whole hazy memory thing wouldn't happen at all.
Persona is proof that weebshit is normalfag territory now.
To an extent you could argue Sae is filling in the blanks, but even then the "flashbacks" include parts neither was present for.
>ignoring to part about omniscience
omg Sup Forums is retarded who would've guessed lol :,,,,)
the "hazy memory" is literally from protag's perspective which is why it goes out of the way to zoom in on his head
i can tell why you guys play games and don't read or watch film hahahahaha
>mum mum i maek thrrad on Sup Forums
He is not telling the whole story to sae, he is answering her questions as he starts remembering cause the drug loses effect
Explain the director cutscenes
It was interesting to see how Op the wildcard ability was.
>All Slinks start off with a deal
>Sae offers a deal to MC
>Becomes putty in his hands
>His power means she cannot resist the SLink progress or even notice it is happening
>Has her as his teammate by the end of the conversation.
That power would be way too scary in real life you literally have no way to resist he he encounters you on civil terms unless you chimp out.
Play the fucking game.
He doesn't say everything you're playing to Sae.
It's just a parallel storytelling-wise that is sometimes used to hide things but that's about it.
omniscience hurrr durrrrr
it must SUCK to be so retarded rofl
It's a videogame you autismo
Sup Forums or rather internet as a whole is constantly crying about spoonfeeding, but when something isn't, they cry and say it's crap because it doesn't make sense (since they don't get it because the work isn't done for them)
so typical (and pure hypocrisy, as usual)
I would say the game switches to whatever is most convenient at the time.
>reliable first person narrator for everyday life
>third person narrator for scenes like Sae lashing out against Matoko
>unreliable first person narrator for scenes where Joker's memory seems to get hazy
true and if they still don't get it when its explained to them a million times they call it pretentious for the rest of their lives
user, stuff like that happens every single day.
it's called having Charisma.
and making Friends.
just a friendly neighborhood /fa/g actually ;)
interesting tho since i seem to kno more about your precious vidya than you do???
Not to that extent bro he basically got someone who wanted to catch him all year bend over backwards and risk everything to help him. You and me both know wildcard has natural success socially. For fuck sake the people he rank 10s fix like 90% there problems in life. It's like if some dude came out of no where and magically fixed all your problems and you are indebt to him for the rest of your life. That shit does not happen normally but he does this to every single person he has the time to actually hang out with. It's unavoidable to love him by the end and thats a dangerous a fuck ability.
Iirc, when it ranks up it says nothing about fusion exp or gameplay bonuses
If he said every detail, Sae wouldn't interrupt to ask questions like "we discovered you have x, how did you get them?" or "who taught you these things?" when you started a slink