So which is it? Which did you like more and why?

So which is it? Which did you like more and why?

>inb4 original p3 was better

FES, no contest

The movies are better

Other than direct commands (that otherwise break the entire game for lack of balance), FES is better in every single way. They had to remove way too much for the full voiced double playthroughs of male and female routes.

FES for challenge even tho the story in the answer was trash. P3P for social links as you get them with junpei akihiko, ect

I like FES, the dates with Fuuka are much more enjoyable.

>Which turd smells better

>not liking Ken more

as if your opinion holds any value

Never played P3P, heard they removed all the cutscenes and it was more visual novel style and you cant physically travel in areas, and it more of a menu system instead.

No idea how that looks in game. Cant find any screen shots.

Would be nice to enjoy the differences with a female protag and new social links (same ones with different dialog? how different? or outright new characters?) but no idea how different P3P is compared to FES, at least content wise.

Ken was alright, but I don't have much in common with him, so it's hard for me to approach him.

Fuuka and I have a lot to share with one another.

It's worth it for the novelty of FeMC, but that's it.

Almost all the social links are at least completely or marginally different. Girls treat you like their BFFs, and the guys want your ass constantly.

Some of the heavier later one like the Sun are mostly the same.

ah I see, are you the same Fuuka guy from all threads btw?

Question for any PCSX2 users, do you recommend playing with the widescreen hack (with stretched ui) or stick to 4:3 aspect ratio?

Having played Persona 4 Golden wanting to go back to play Persona 3, I found P3P to be the only real playable one. Having played a ton of Vita and 3DS RPGs, the lack of cutscenes was a minor inconvenience compared to the portability, fast travel, and direct control.

Isnt the widescreen hacks all just stretching the game out? I cant imagine everyone making their games in widescreen only to chop 30% of the game out, and no way people remade assets for their 'widescreen hacks"

>They had to remove way too much for the full voiced double playthroughs of male and female routes.
They removed the overworld because they were too lazy to optimize a PS2 game for the PSP. FeMC only exists because they had removed so much she was easy to add. Like 90% of the other npcs lines for her are the same anyway.

Does FES not have fast travel? I only played P3P

>Isnt the widescreen hacks all just stretching the game out?
No, it actually widens the field of view. It'll display things that would usually be unseen beyond the left and right of the screen.

Not sure how well that works in Persona though.

the fov is increased for widescreen and the character portraits aren't stretched but some parts of the ui are stretched and you end up seeing weird offscreen shit like duplicate characters walking in place.

The square button does nothing.

I bought FES on PSN on my PS3 a while ago when it was like $3 but I never played it. Only on the PS2 but im too lazy to dig it out form storage

Is FES decent looking on the PS3? Widescreen without looking stretched or stuck in 4:3 box and soomed in to fill a 1080p screen from its default resolution?

If so ill just get my PS2 back out fuck it

It looks exactly like it looked on the PS2.

It'll probably run with a worse framerate too.

PS2 classics on PS3 are shit in every way.

Only remotely positive thing is native HD, but it's still stretched 480p

>but it's still stretched 480i

rough example

Wow. Bottom even looks better graphically.

Must be why PC master race fags jerk each other off so much

FES on PC if you can bear Tactics.
P3 is literally the only game in the series where you're forced to play with Tactics, so playing P3P for direct control is fine too.
A FES rebalanced for direct control would be the best, but that doesn't exist.

Why on PC and not just the PS2?

see 4:3 blows and being able to increase the internal resolution for the models is a big plus.

480i is eye cancer

The top is like 240p compressed footage, you really shouldn't think it looks night and day different like that.

480i with horrible interlacing still looks like shit.

I prefer P3P for replays but I'd still recommend FES first for anyone who hasn't played any version of P3 yet.

Not on a CRT with component cables, I'd still prefer playing FES on PS2 with that setup but emulating is the next best thing if you have a DS4 controller and DS4Windows, it's nearly the same experience and you do get better visuals with 3x native resolution in hardware rendering mode. I never use widesceen hacks because I fear it will just cause visual glitches in certain cases.

I don't see any others around, so I am going to say yes.

I'd say do it, you appreciate the environment more and it looks a lot nicer IMO.

There's a few quirks with it like people walking in place after they leave and the text placement being a bit screwy but if you don't mind those then you'll like it..

Why does 4's main cast suck so hard? I seriously dont like any of them. Should I just skip this one? I swear the only character I like is Nanako, Adachi, and Dojima. Chie, Yukiko, and Yosuke are so boring. Teddie is annoying.

Only played P3P, I had to read a fucking forum to understand that the MC died, that's what the lack of a proper 3D exposition does to you.

Portable, no contest. Because of P4's battle system and FeMC.


So you like taking tons of dick from guys who want to give you dick? Are you gay?

>battle system of p4

This makes it worth having all cutscenes and most animation removed including overworld stuff?

>Which one is better
>Don't say p3 though

I like p3p better myself, but youre a dumbass for making this thread.