Can you recommend me some unconventional or weird PC games? I mostly play CRPGs and adventure games...

Can you recommend me some unconventional or weird PC games? I mostly play CRPGs and adventure games, and I really like those "pretentious" games, like walking simulators, or something like Pathologic.

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Try Suicide streaming

Dominions is fun

Odd games?
Hmmm off the top of my head

Stanley parable
Alpha protocol (just because how broken and OP stealth pistols are)
Mount and blade warband
The forest

EYE: Divine Cybermancy
Try to understand the story without reading spoilers
Have fun

Are there games where you don't have to kill? Or at least not kill every thing that moves?
I like walking simulators because of this, but they are mostly very badly written.

Inquisitor. It's not very popular, but it's an ARPG with a extremely huge emphasis on dialogue and story.

You play an Inquisitor looking for Heretics. You can claim people are heretics without any real evidence and hang them. I killed a whole town once. It's great fun.

The Talos Principle is bretty good.


stanley parable has no combat whatsoever

>Every japanese RPGmaker game ever made.

normie tier

Some games that I have enjoyed are Deadly Premonition, Pathologic, Stanley Parable and Way of the Samurai 4.
I hate how these "deep" games are trying to be philosophical and dark, it's like a 14-year old read Nietzsche for the first time, and now is contemplating life and death.

Fuck, wrong picture.

The Path
Knytt/Knytt stories
Small Worlds (the flash game by David Schute, not the mmo thing)
Mondo Medicals/Mondo Agency
Opera Omnia

I liked these.

This sounds amazing. Any gripes with the game, though?
And ARPG is Diablo-like, right?


>extremely huge emphasis on dialogue and story
Don't forget the extremely huge emphasis on one of the shittiest combat systems introduced in an ARPG. I still enjoyed it, but don't torture yourself by picking anything but the easiest difficulty.

Yeah, Diablo like.

The combat is pretty average. Even or a Diablolike. I'd honestly suggest playing on easy to speed up the game a bit.


The Void

If you like adventure games you owe to yourself to play Eric Chahi's games

It's hardly a Diablo-like. It's a weird mix of Baldur's Gate and Diablo combat, you're just missing both the (already arguable) depth of the former and the fluidity of the latter. The combat, both in quality and quantity, is by far the worst aspect of the game.

The Path was made by the same French couple that made The Graveyard, The Endless Forest and Bientot l'ete?

Oh, yes, it's great. Sometimes I listen to it's OST, same with Pathologic.

Can I play an inquisitor (female)?



If you like walking simulators then i can recommend giving The Path a download. It's pretty 2deep4you but it's alright to waste a couple of hours on if you're into these types of games.

I don't think so? I can't really remember. It's been years since I played it. And I only completed it once because the combat was so off putting.

It's an amazing story / RPG, but an awful ARPG lifeweb and lifeweb are pretty nice for creepy and somewhat obscure games

I've played these when they came out.
I liked The Graveyard, but others are trying to be Bergman's films a bit too much.

Fract OSC

Exile 3 Ruined world

Oh, and Walking is worth a look too, although its definitely not something everyone is going to enjoy.

I really enjoyed this.

Divine Divinity.

It's basically Inquisitor level of world interaction and dialogue, but with a Diablo theme and good combat.

Candy Box is unconventional I suppose. It's an ASCII art game.

Post more stories

Upcoming weird-game

Are there any realistic games? I mean, I need something that feels like a walking simulator, but isn't about aliens, or some other paranormal shit and is written like a good novel (not like some fan-fiction crap).
I would love a Crime and Punishment game, mostly because I'd like to see how they implemented it into a video game.

Is Inquisitor any good?

That soda drinking game.

Alpha Protocol. RPG that promotes stealth and no kill

This is great. Much better than it's sequels, in my opinion.

Sorry, user. that was wrong picture. I don't wanna post off-topic shit.

>Are there any realistic games?

Just read a fucking book dude. You basically just asked "can you recommend me a game like Gone Home, but good?" The Answer is no user, no one can.

If you can ignore the combat? It's literally 10/10. The interaction with the world, and more specifically with NPC's, the questing and Lore are all amazing.
You can go around and burn people at the stake just because you think they're a heretic. And unlike most games where you're just some random nobody, in Inquisitor you're a high level 'Inquisitor' from the most powerful church in the country. When you go to towns, even the Mayor will bend over backward to accommodate you.
In the very starting town, there is some woman who trades in alchemy and such. I accused her of heresy to get information out of her. And burnt a bunch of other people at the stake for insulting me.

However, the combat is a giant drain. I'd honestly suggest playing a Priest (caster), stacking the speed stat and only playing on Easy.


OFF, by mortis ghost

I mean a game where the main character isn't an Übermensch.
I wish someone would make this, though, I'm getting sick of action-packed video games, films and other modern media that just promotes this mindless crap, but at the same time I'm sick of those CRPGs that "have so many choices" and are longer than all Tolkien's books combined (!), but all they are is purple-prose crap.


It's just a conventional JRPG with a whacky script though. Same as Space Funeral. There's no substance.

Space Funeral

Crypt Worlds

I recommended you several games with zero writing at all that manage to be excellent games, some of which even met your "walking simulator" requirement. A game can tell a great story, or provide a great experience, without a single written or spoken word, and they can do this better than any other medium, you're just going to have to dive in to the indie deep end to find all the actual artists and not the idiots charging $40 for a 2 hour walking tour of their poorly written novella idea. Most of the people who turn out to be excellent writers don't write for vidya, and most most of the people who want to create a unique experience in vidya for you either never get a chance to because they work for a company that doesn't care for their artistic vision or they make games as their hobby and you're going to have to download everything you find and accept that you're going to play a few duds.

Just play Glum Buster

I've been seeing this get a spike in popularity lately so fuck it, i'm gonna give it a try.
Wish me luck.

It plays like Crysis and Invisible War but worse lol

Play Thief 1 and 2, they are walking simulators done right. The atmosphere and sound design are god tier. There's also plenty of varied fan missions.

Also, check out Yume Nikki.

I thought this was pretty decent, the OST was sweet.

You should play it like a generic FPS so you won't like it