Hey, what if we charged a monthly fee for people to use their own internet and get some shitty no-name indie games?

>hey, what if we charged a monthly fee for people to use their own internet and get some shitty no-name indie games?
>holy shit, these retards are actually buying it!

Other urls found in this thread:


Yeah but M$ started that crap.

Didn't even get any free games out of it to begin with either.

At least they get better games and a good service

Blame Microsoft. Fucking Xbox was a mistake.

>Hey what if we upped the price and then gave them the same shit indie games
>LMAO genius, John.

>what if we do the same?

Yeah its fucking dumb
>bump up the price
>the "free" games take a massive dip in quality

Microsoft and Nintendo(soon) do it too.
And they don't give out free games.

xbox did it first and switch will have paid online in near future too

thanks microjew

>b-but microsoft!

How many times a year is psn down again?

Who cares who fucking started it, now everybody is doing this shit. Why was this allowed to propagate into an industry standard? You people must realize it will only try to expand, just wait until some colossal dumbass pub like EA tries to charge "dedicated server fees" for non-MMO titles. Imagine if they pulled that shit with a Battlefield game. Yeah, we'll all point and laugh here on Sup Forums, but the drones of reddit, neogaf, gamefaqs, etc. are ready and waiting to eat that shit up.

People on Sup Forums assume that just because we're all old and jaded and quick to detect a scam, this will somehow protect PC from all these shitty kike practices. You're dead wrong. There are enough retards willing to part with their money, these attempts will be made. Just like paid mods, it's coming and the publishers are ready to fight for it by using idiots and teenagers against us.

>Sony we should have free online on the PS3
>Boss people don´t give a fuck we got free online, they have no problem with paying for it
>Why the fuck is Xbox getting so big with online that cost money?
>Fine pay online for PS4
Blame the retarded customers and Xbox Live Gold

I'm a big PShead but after they increased the fucking price of ps+ I'm not renewing. Idk what the fuck recent great games they think are worth playing MP in rn. I may cave in if the next SFV character is awesome, otherwise i can just play it with my friends

I like how at the same presentation where Sony ripped into XB1 for being always-online they slyly introduced paid online.

they didn't raise the price for ps+ in europe unlike nintendo
they sell the switch for over 30€ more than in the us here for no fucking reason and wonder why we don't their shitch

PC will never have to deal with this because a larger percentage of the PC gaming consumer base are adults

Not defending it but you do get free games with it for Xbox.

What do you want to do about it? I hate Justin Bieber and Miley Cyrus. I tell everyone of my disdain for it. They are still world top selling artists. Can´t save everyone mate. And don´t waste your life trying. Just save yourself for as long as you can. The average human got shit taste and is retarded beyond saving.

I'll sum it up for you

>ps3 launch $599

>ps4 launch $299 + $60 a year for online

>anyone with a IQ over 1
>oh this is exactly the same as $599 and I'll consider it as that when deciding to buy one

>anyone with brain damage

Sadly paid online services for game consoles are the industry standard, trying to back off from that now would be like trying to get phone manufacturers to stop making phones with touchscreens.

>just wait until some colossal dumbass pub like EA tries to charge "dedicated server fees" for non-MMO titles. Imagine if they pulled that shit with a Battlefield game
They have though.

>Minecraft exploded thanks to the kids even before it came to the consoles
>LoL is played by kids more than it´s played by adults
>PC gaming consumer base are adults
What did he mean by this? My cousin, kid paid for Overwatch loot boxes and give twitch streamers money.

>$360 = $599

>playing online on console

you might aswell go to a kindergarden and do a lan party

consoles are purely made for single player games

>Console generations are now 1 year long

And also online isnt a must.

Dumb frogposters as always

>being this shit at mathematics

I knew this would happen even if I said "a larger percentage". Calm down, you little shit.

My point is that consolefags have been having to deal with this for nearly 12 years. Nobody's attempted it on PC because it would be suicide.

Only I waited until the PS3 was 300 to buy it. And 360 was also 300. They only charge for it because people will pay for it.

>implying XBL isn't vastly superior over lol your info has been hacked and servers are down again PSN

pc gaming is the most underage fanbase there is you tard
not to mention all those 3rd worlders and rooskies

Consolefags and PCfags are the same. Retarded kids. PCbroonly is as much cancer as Consolefagsonly.

desu when MS was doing this you needed one subscription per account (meaning you couldn't play splitscreen online with one sub, unless the game allowed guests) and you didn't get any games either

it was also £10 a month

sony came along, introduce one sub for all accounts, free games and reduced the price to £5

>Paid online
>No refunds
>No name changes
>No custom avatars
>Often uses Peer to Peer instead of dedicated servers
Why is PSN such shit? Steam does all of these missing features for free. XBL has them for the same price as PSN. Even fucking Nintendo lets you change your name.

It's not about one or the other, it's about the fact that nobody has attempted redundant paid online for PC.

Basic assumptions

>people play multiplayer (most played games are all multiplayer)
>people own it for at least 5 years

Not hard is it. If you didn't work that out you're a literal child or retarded. Doesn't apply to everyone but it will apply to at least 90 percent of people

nobody cared about microtransactions or paid subscricptions for wow on pc
>it's okay when blizzard and gay ben do it

don't mention facts, just make me feel good about only owning a playstation

Stop and consider why you're arguing what you are. What is the point of defending paying for online?

Microtransactions are terrible. So is paid online. Consoles have both, PC doesn't.

This. I'd honestly prefer to buy a console for 500 pounds than have to put up with the online tax each year

>b-but MS

Fucking lol, sonyfags only know how to deflect

PC doesn't have paid online, correct. What it has instead is online-only games have each their own paid online.

>why can't I change my name from xXxdarksephirothxXx to niggerjew1488?

You're doing it again

>sony charges for a shitty service
>MS charges for a decent service

I-it's the same thing!

I bought into it for a decade when it was offering me all the PS1 classics for my PSP and PS3, shit was infinitely easier than using popsloader at the time to fiddle de diddle around with the different kernels to try and get one that fucking worked.

Nowadays it's worthless though besides aforementioned online play, but it was totally worth it back at launch, I think.

at the start you sometimes got quite good games in the monthly thing. it's been a while since i've been blown away by one, little big planet 3 is good for the kids though, they love it.


I don't defend it I saying that you're not in the position cry about "muh sony boogeyman" when all the others did it first and got away with it


Just boycott the practice. They can just do it because people keep buying it like episodic games, DLC and all that shit.

The consumers validate everything. If something sells they push it, if something doesn't sells they change the strategy.

This is the reason why i wait on generations, i rather play a game late and make sure what the generation is gonna be like than jump on day one and regret it.
This gen it's gotten so bad that i am thinking it's the perfect time to switch to PC... i can always play this gen exclusives (if they get more than 2) later remastered for PS5 or Xtwo.

PC is literally the home of microtransactions

>sonybros are this fucking shit at maths

You realize some poorfags don't have 600$ to drop at one time but maybe can throw down 400$ because they're living paycheck to paycheck.

So? Why do you care? Nobody is forcing you to buy?

daily reminder most third party games have their own servers you literally are paying microsoft and sony to use your own internet and still see ads

PS+ went downhill about 6 months, maybe less, after ps4 came out. Once they made it mandatory to have it to play online and sold enough ps4s they realized they didn´t need good "free"games or sales as incentive to buy plus and now sony is just coasting on easy money because sonyfags, like xbots, decided paying another internet fee is acceptable

Are you retarded?

He said children and retards

You'd only be that poor if you were one of those

so this is the power of sonybro intellectuals

You say that on a board that justifies rampant piracy as some crusade and pretending to make 100k a year but are obviously poor as shit because they believe spending 60$ on a videogame maybe twice a month will drain all of your finances because they're retarded children who don't in fact make 100k a month, but live on mommy and daddy's allowance.

>You say that on a board that justifies rampant piracy as some crusade and pretending to make 100k a year but are obviously poor as shit because they believe spending 60$ on a videogame maybe twice a month will drain all of your finances because they're retarded children who don't in fact make 100k a month, but live on mommy and daddy's allowance.
Don't disagree with any of that lol

I'm just saying "Don't be surprised when you get a lot of loud screaming faggots pretending since 5 of them agree with each other they're somehow virtuous in being poor" because this same shit applies to piracy.

>defending paying for online

I'm paying for it because i want to play online so what am i suppose to do. Sit in in my room and stare at the wall ? Everyone is paying while you boycot so you aren't doing jack shit about it and they know it. It's too late to vote with our wallets because they've got the big US by the balls.
To make it stop would need violent action in the vein of going somewhere and start bashing heads. But please vote with your wallet while i pay, enjoy your offline while it's still a thing.

Are you? I'm agreeing with batman by showing you this shit trend already started. The "adults" buy this shit.

If you mainly play multiplats than PeeCee, otherwise not really much you can do

even if everyone on Sup Forums suddenly stopped, you know what it would equate to? Less than one tenth of a percent of their paying userbase. IT wouldn't matter, at all.

Because gaming got so big, and so inundated with people who simply follow the latest new shit thrown on TV/advertised to them, no amount of critical thinking or voting with your wallet will compare to them simply buying the games and paying it. Do you know how many people buy CoD a year? And almost every single one of those buys it to play online, guaranteed. Get THEM to stop paying, and you might see a change, probably not though, because other games are still huge.

if you're implying it isn't because those same retarded faggots on xbox moved over and started paying for PS+ when PS4 absolutely shit all over the xbone, m8, take a look at the launches again.

But they don't need to in order to play online.

>PC's greatest Exclusive is free online

Im mad as fuck that mines renewed automatically. I didn't want to pay for this garbage service again.

So xboners are the reason why we don´t see good games on ps+ anymore?

You won't laugh when microsoft throws you in the shitbasket with the rest of us.

>games also have always online DRM
So worth it

i always hear this, literally years ago you guys sprout this shit all the time

if paid mods was able to rupture steam apart, imagine paid online

Probably not directly, sony probably said "all these people are paying for it already no reason to give out higher quality titles if they are" and then started working through indie titles instead of trying to get the licenses from EA or ubisoft or whatever. That shit takes weeks if not months to set up. It took me 8 months to get my game xeodrifter up on PS+ when I actually wanted it to launch on the platform because it came with an offered promotion of them advertising other renegade kids games. But that didn't happen and it was like three times a week I had to get fucking progress reports on what was happening because they wouldn't contact me to let me know how things were progressing or if they needed something from me. I didn't even know I had to call for almost a month after I put in the application. Eventually I called my partner contact and they said "well they accepted the offer 3 weeks ago they're just waiting on information from you and your company" without fucking telling us they needed it.

fucking christ it's a damn chore. I got way off track though. I think the larger userbase has made sony more cocky and have less desire to go out of their way to try and get AAA games to have people subscribe to the service. If they're subbing to it for online, why bother continuing to get blockbuster games for people to want to sub?

>Microsoft or Valve having the balls to charge for people to use their online services
I could believe Microsoft doing it since they're already turning Win10 into their replacement for the Bone. And Valve might be retarded enough to do it a couple years from now, but not so soon after the paid mod hell.
And irrelevant of who or when, the backlash will be cataclysmic.

People threw such a shitfit about Gfwl and paid mods both Microsoft and Valve had to back down. The problem with consolefags is they don't complain enough, unless muh used games are under attack from Microsoft or that DLC code thing from a few years ago.

Well that depends on how you approach the issue. I am not telling you to stop playing but you could just not pay for the online or play online games only on PC where it's free.

One can for example not buy a DLC and wait till the game of the year editions that include everything, and even wait a little more to get it to a price that makes sense.

One can and should avoid pre orders to push them to stop shipping unfinished glitchy games.

I do agree that it would take a lot of people to agree to this for it to work but it's honestly the only way companies understand.
They don't fucking care about internet opinions and all that, for them those are just marketing tools so the only thing they understand is a decrease on sells.

I mean, what alternative do you have? stop being a consumer, becoming a dev, using unreal 4 to make a popular game, impose your way of doing things, get feedback and validation from the people and finally changing the system... yeah, that's not happening.

blame all the retards who bought an xbox 360

But that won't change anything. You seem to not be able to comprehend that Sup Forums is, at the very very absolute most, 250,000 people . And that's an extremely generous estimate. If every single person on here that currently pays for PS+ stopped, it would likely barely be more than 100,000, which would probably be less than a half or maybe even a tenth of a percent considering people who have ps3s and vitas and shit.

It's just not something that we can change. It has to be done by the general populace. And frankly, I don't even care that much, it's consumer rights rape, but what of it? So is being forced to use DRM to play any fucking game on PC nowadays, because everything has steamworks or denuvo and requires online checkins before you can play offline.

>because everything has steamworks or denuvo and requires online checkins before you can play offline.
This is either very recent or just not true. I've NEVER had this issue after I've downloaded a game, played it and then tried playing it later in steam offline mode

That's not solely what PS+ is, you also get some nice deals and free games.

did you not read what you even quoted, mate?
>requires online checkins before you can play offline
it's annoying, and incredibly fucking intrusive. The whole of gaming as a medium is rife with consumer rights violations, but because no one stopped them in their infancy, it is now far too late. No amount of "we can fight this" will change that. People will eventually wisen up, but we can't control it.

Steam gives you better deals and discounts WITHOUT making you pay a fee.
>oh boy I'm glad I pay a monthly fee to get a three dollar discount on this four year old game

>(((free))) games
>an extra 10% off a couple products once a month is considered a "good deal"

I stopped paying for it when I took a step back and realized I don't play online games on console.

MP is what muh PC is for.

thought you meant you had to do it every time before you play a game

Stopped bothering with plus once the quality started to drop went to Steam and never looked back.

This. Pretty much everyone I play games with got tired of ps4 having almost no games and paid online, we all built PCs and just use ps4s for the rare good exclusives. I don´t think I will ever buy a console again.

>it's okay when Sony does it

Sonybros always do this. You can highlight a shirt Sony practice and they'll talk shit about anything else while ignoring any Sony criticism

oh, nah nah. Denuvo is like once a week I think, and steam i'm pretty sure it's just something you have to log on once for it to update your entire library.

Not only did you not read the thread, you didn't even read the OP. Incredible, you just fling your dick on your keyboard and start typing random shit.

>ignoring the millions of but M$ did it first posts
Wow way to be blind sonybro like usual

>but M$ did it first
I usually see this and it´s usually followed by people saying sony is shit for hopping on the bandwagon. There are some people who defend it but the non retards still say it´s a shit practice regardless

Everyone does this shit, its because we can afford it and because the price includes sales tax.

Wait, the price in Europe includes the tax?

Then what the fuck do people complain about? It's usually 10% tax in US so it's $330 unless you cheat and buy it from Ebay or a 3rd party seller on Amazon and don't report it

>mfw japan's PS plus is fucking awesome

Always subscribed and loving it, I don't even give a shit about the multiplayer.