>Game now runs at 60 fps in both Handheld and TV mode
>Battery last 5 hours with it instead of 2.5 with other games
>Controls were fixed so they were more precise
>You can change the angle of the camera in Story Mode to one that suits you better
>GOAT soundtrack
>Online multiplayer is completly stable now
>Game will be getting more maps and characters as FREE DLC
Fuck BoTW, why aren't you playing the superior Switch exclusive?
Game now runs at 60 fps in both Handheld and TV mode
I can't get past the first world, even on Beginner.
What's wrong with me?
>£50 for a phone game
And it's still full priced title.
I would take that $700 and buy a 1080ti, fuck this Nintendo shit
>>Phone game
1080ti to play WoW or CSGO or some moba?
Great investment.
Man, I guess the pound has really plummeted in value. How's that Brexit going for you?
I'm really looking forward to the price drop. Never owned a Bomberman and was excited for this, but I really can't justify 50 dollars for a game that I know will be 10 used in a year. The highest I'll consider going is 25
Thrilled over the free update though. If they keep stuff like that up, this could eventually evolve into the definitive Bomberman game
I'm also on the fence. Hopefully there will be a price drop around the time Splatoon comes out and I actually buy a Switch.
>all that exists are exclusives because I'm an asshurt consolefag who has nothing else to justify my shortsighted decisions
Lmao kys
>Giving any money to modern Konami.
Its $50.
I'm waiting for the upgraded Switch version with better battery life and OLED screen.
>konami gave enough shit to improve their game with free content and 60fps after the release
>m-muh kojima!! :(
Its fine, but it feels like a step down from that 360 Bomberman they released a few years ago
Pablo you're going to need a lot more than that to buy. 1080 ti in huehue land.
Paying full price for a bomberman game is retarded. Most of them are the same.
It's pathetic they had to lower the resolutions to 720p and 540p just to get a game as shitty looking as this running at 60 fps
The Switch's hardware is so disappointing
[Citation Needed]
The game is still 720p. What are you smoking?
The price kills it for me, much like Puyo Puyo Tetris & Wonderboy.
I WANT to buy them, but since they're exactly what I expect them to be and have existed for years more or less as other entries in my collections, I don't feel like dropping the MSRP on them. I'm also old and know that once Kart 8 comes out this week, the online for every other game is gonna take a hit due to everyone migrating to the next AAA title on the system, which could help expedite the price drops for other games.
It's 19 bucks. How much cheaper do you want it? 5?
Well, at least the only legitimate criticism for this game now is the price.
Oh, they'll definitely continue supporting it until the price drops low enough for bottom feeders like yourselves to get it.
I'd go $10-$15 range on that one, since I understand how much work they put into it and the updated visuals, but at the same time, it is a literal coat of paint over a $2-$5 Master System title.
I'll most likely buy it between the lull of Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2, since the VC is the only other thing close to attractive to me at this point. Blaster Master Zero scratched an itch and I want more traditional games to play as a result.
Quite the contrary m8.
>x game is exclusive to consoles
>petition race port begs until at least a year or many years later they get the port
It used to be 1080p in docked mode and 720p in handheld mode. They lowered the resolution to 720p in docked mode and 540p in handheld.
>multiplayer mode's pixel count dropping from 1080p to 720p in the Switch's docked TV mode and from 720p to 540p in portable mode.
So which would you rather have.
1080p 30
729p 60
>"citation requested"
>provides proof
>"I didn't want 1080p anyway"
I'm not that guy but i see you bitching about it so I'm asking which you would rather have.
BoI is better desu.
Fuck off, Kojimafag.
I'd rather have 60 fps
I just think it's pathetic that Bomberman isn't even some impressive looking game. I blame Konami more than I do the Switch's hardware though both are obviously at fault to some extent
>buying a system at launch
>literally has no games besides bomberman and zelda and some shovelware
Isn't it built in Unity?
I'm not surprised it's not got amazing performance.
I'm disappointed that all the characters from the N64 games are gone.
>Says system has no games
>Mentions 2 games for said system
>it's not like bomberman generations or 64
Don't want it
64 was good, but generation was trash
Considering Konami actually did something right for once, I'd give this a pass.
It's fucking Bomberman. So what if the rock textures are a little blurrier?
>GOAT soundtrack
The soundtrack is average at best, user.
And don't get me started on the Saturday-morning cartoon voice acting.
It's not a BAD game though, by any means.
Fuck Konami still.
generations was only good for its multiplayer, so i don't see why you wouldn't be interested in this one
Is it 1080p?
Your mother didn't want you but you're still here.
>Konami actually doing things right
Holy shit. Vita port when?
>tfw Bomberman Jetters is dead
>mfw all of the devs that were ever interested in Vita are now migrating to Switch
So is Sup Forums full of poor white trash or something?
no, Sup Forums is full of college students and pirates
The only thing good about this game is the 2D bomberman art.
i'd buy this game if it was on pc since it's the only not-dead platform i currently own aside from 3ds and ps3
this console generation is one big bag of fuck and switch is way too expensive for what it is
>not dead
persona 5 came out, it's dead now
more or less i guess
Well shilled Nintenbro.
is shovel knight shovelware?
i mean, i know he has a shovel but still
Me either. Haven't played it since the week it came out. Gonna give it another go with the update. Maybe the updated controls will help.
>doesn't have Louies
>no Max
>no characters with special abilities like Party had
>doesn't have costume customization on the level of Bomberman Live
>no new mechanics or stage types whatsoever
I mean I still want to play it but this shit sucks dick.
Bomberman was and will always be boring as shit.
I don't know how it still gets games, even it's multi-player is always boring.
The Dastardly Bombers have diferentes abilities if that helps. Can't do anything about the rest tho.
>no new mechanics or stage types whatsoever
stages now actually have different elevations though
the dastardly bombers have their own special bomb they can use
>Bomberman will always be boring
You take that back right now, buddy
How are you actually supposed to beat the bomber bosses in this game especially Karaoke Bomber and her proximity bombs?
you could play literally the only game on a switch with a 1080ti
I still don't understand how this person made an identical screenshot using the Wii U version of the game and the Switch version even though there's no way to transfer save files across them
>posting some dumb kusoge as "switch's only game" in a thread about the best switch exclusive
get the fuck out
1st or 2nd form? 1st forms I just usually kill myself along with the boss at the same time.
>nintenbro struggles to deal with his buyers remorse: the post
you forgot to attach a hilarious wojak to your post
Konami can go fuck themselves.
Yeah, first forms. The AI is too good and some of those special bombs are bullshit like those proximity bombs that don't even give you time to react like landmines in older games would.
Look at the DPAD icon on the "Switch" version.
They're both the Wii U version on PC.
post launch free content means there will definitely be microtransactions coming, all the hooks are in the code already
fuck this trash
Good eye. I had a strong feeling it was just a shitpost image.
could always play bomberman online pc bomber-world.com
because i don't have a switch
>Free DLC means paid DLC
What did he mean by this?
Is it fun?
more fun than it was before
>in the code already
Source? As far as I know, Switch games haven't been dumped yet.
The damage is done. Too little too late
On a fun scale from 1-10, 10 being the most fun, 1 being not a good fun game. Where does this game lie?
The multiplayer has been fixed? Fuck yes finally. It was practically unplayable before
The in-game artstyle doesn't seem all that appealing to me imo. I wish they'd tried to match those cutscenes a bit better.
you literally pay gems for continues, the game is built on a currency economy
The game is pretty hard, even harder than the Super Bomberman titles on SNES, so it's no surprise. Are you just trying to do a 1 credit clear or something?
I would give it an 8 alone and a 10 with friends
You earn the gems by beating worlds, you don't buy them with real money. Really, it's not very different from the system in Bomberman 64 the Second Attack. It's more strict in that you lose a lot more if you get game overs, but it's relatively the same otherwise.
Either way it's on just about every other platform.
You'd be a moron to buy a Switch for it.
And? You get those gems playing the game, not by paying microtransactions
Pre patch it was a easy 4/10
Post patch puts it at about a 7/10
>in-game currency = real life currency
I knew Sup Forums was full of idiots and trolls, but finding one who fits both at the same time is... nah, that's pretty normal. Try harder, nigger.
With Karaoke Bomber, it's been pure luck for me. Often enough she'll just detonate the bombs while she's near me and kill herself. Sort of like Golem Bomber or whatever his name is in Super Bomberman 2. He was prone to killing himself with his own bombs.
Otherwise, there's always the suicide method. Trapping yourself along with the CPU together is easier than just trying to rap them. They're just too smart
Simon Belmont, Pyramid Head, and Vic Viper character/bombers are coming to the game soon FOR FREE