What're Sup Forums's thoughts on video game streaming?
What're Sup Forums's thoughts on video game streaming?
Too big for its own good
>e-celeb doing successful challenge runs=good
>random e-celeb having fun=bad
It's only still "succeeding" because Amazon is dumping money into it in exchange for basically nothing.
This isn't sustainable.
>friend simulators playing FotM games=bad
absolute fucking aids
Most streaming as well as let's plays are for people who have no friends.
If you are a skilled person who wants to help other people, explain your choices, give tips and aren't a cancerous meme spouting faggot, it's good.
I only watch 2 people on twitch.tv, one is a RE3 speedrunner who is actually pretty intelligent and discusses several things, the other is a Pokemon Showdown player who does the same, they hover around 50-100 viewers.
Hitbox.tv is a better twitch.tv, but I rarely see people use it. If you are a lonely faggot like me who would enjoy others company I think streaming is no bad idea, I also though about streaming but I don't know where to start and the market is pretty saturated. People would judge me because I "stream"
Its garbage.
A comfy stream with a bro is rare. Anyone with over 20 concurrent viewers has such widespread cancer as
>donation pop ups
>follower pop ups
>subscriber pop ups if applicable
All these things cripple the watching experience.
God forbid you go into a large stream.
We've fucking regressed. Video on demand with Youtube, and Netflix, and even shit like PVR changed the fucking game.
Do you remember how shitty it was to watch all the commercials, and being forced to watch something at whatever timeslot they decided your show was on? And they'd change it on a fucking whim? Does anyone remember?
Now we're apparently regressing to a really shitty format of live. Live is good for some things. Live is great for tournaments, or other events that have some level of production value and are kind of time sensitive (like E3).
But twitch is literally a shitter watching experience than youtube with garbage pop ups, and retarded people shitting up the experience, and you still have to tune in at the current time.
'Hey guys, today we'll be playi-'
'Oh my god, thank you SO much for the 3 dollars BigDickG1998, have some *MWAH* and some more *MWAH*! Give that guy some emotes in the chat everyone! Thank you thank you thank you'
'And before I forget, thank you xXxcuntdestroyerxXx for the resub! 2 months holy shit, thank you so much, I really appreciate it, give that guy some love in the cha-'
'AnalProlapse69, 18 dollars are you fucking kiddin-'
When you watch someone in the middle of a story, get a notification, do their spiel, and then get back into the story without skipping a beat, you know it's all fake.
It's all so rehearsed and scripted. It's disgusting.
hitbox is worse in every single way besides lower stream delay, which is a given since it barely has 1/1,000,000 the userbase.
Or people who are just bored and want to watch some gameplay. I check it out sometimes before I buy a game., or if I'm laying in bed. The IRL shit is dumb though.
Good if you're watching tourneys/esports. Bad if you're just watching random e-celebs spout memes and beg for donations.
I'm pretty sure even the donators are aware it's fake but they're just so dumb with money that any kind of reaction is worth it in their mind
>watching people play video games under any circumstances other than seeing if the game is worth buying or to see a tutorial for something
Basically aids unless it's a speedrunner doing speedruns.
I don't have any issues with it existing, it doesn't bother me.
Personally though there are only a few good streams like the NLSS.
Can Beam be the rival to Twitch that Hitbox wanted to be? Youtube Gaming is pretty much dead despite probably being the best of all the choices, Hitbox is just people from Poland playing CSGO, but Beam was bought by Microsoft putting them on an even playing field with Twitch.
>even playing field
not even close, it has no fucking users, OR viewers. It's about as relevant to streaming games as livestream is.
Streamers are literally babysitters for manbabbies
I meant even as in they have a big company bankrolling them now. Odds are Microsoft won't even promote Beam anymore and the service will be left to fend for itself.
yeah that's more like what will happen. I don't think it's even close to fair then, either, though. Amazon has so much more marketshare and recognizability. I would argue more people use amazon than microsoft products, globally. I know it seems ridiculous, but think about it for a minute. Microsoft has been on a steady decline for the last few years in the OS sector, their xbox/gaming sector has flopped horrendously, windows phones are almost nonexistant, meanwhile amazon keeps growing bigger and now they're adding those stupid fucking echo shits.
I just watch videos that YouTube channels put up of some of the top 500 OW players. I watch these videos to try and learn about their techniques and methods. I think it has helped a little bit. I'm only like level 27 or so, but I noticed that my qp games were getting harder and it turns out it is pitting me against some diamond players, one had a season high of master. (But then again is also mixes in silvers, golds, and plats so i guess it's fairly random?)
I've never watched a live stream but if people were willing to pay money to watch me play and give commentary, I might would do it sometimes as thing on the side. I wouldn't have those silly popups and shit though.
if the channel has less than 2000 viewers it might be good
no one would donate to you or want to watch you if they couldn't be on the stream.
the thing people fail to realize is nobody watches a stream to watch the streamer. They watch the stream so they can donate and have their name flung up on the screen so the (hopefully) thousand other people there know THEY donated. So THEY can be special. so THEY can be acknowledged.
That's why you mostly see 12-15 year olds donating, they're attention whores.
I don't understand the "lol just play the game yourself faggot"
Hmm.. Maybe I wanna watch someone play it?
To see their reaction, how they play, etc.
>tfw too dumb to make money on Twitch
I'm not funny, entertaining, good looking or a girl
Just wish some dumbass would donate money to me
Does anyone have an opinion or comparison for the new, increased bitrate?
Going up from 3.5 to 6 seems like a big change.