it's going to be great isn't it
It's going to be great isn't it
Doubt it.
why, they've nailed everything from the trailer. cloud even has that crazy depersonalized look in his eyes.
We'll see when part 1 comes out in 2025
surely they were just trolling about the episodic bit haha
>not even the complete game
>have to wait another gorillion years to play the full story
>people will buy a PS6 for this
Honestly? It has a good chance, Square knows they can't fuck this up.
>exclusive pro-order materia
they're just playing it safe to make sure there whole terrorist hero plot doesn't coincide too much with current events and such before releasing it . they don't want to cause ww3.
The game seems like it will be broken up into three disks like the original. The "episode" were getting is a Demo of the first disk like episode Duscai was just a demo of the full FFXV game.
No turn based no buy. Arpgs bore me.
Why? FFXV was mega trash. They can't into A RPG + see you in 2027
>tfw Cloud riding the dolphin will be cut and instead he'll jump to insane heights like in Advent Children
>to big for one game
if it's actually 3 modern AAA games worth of content in the final fantasy 7 world I'd be happy but I can't possibly see that being the case.
I hope they show the game at e3 now that ff15 is out.
I'm sure will be at least decent, but "episodic" and "remake that changes the whole gameplay" are pretty big red flags.
I'm actually looking forward for all the "nostalgia googles vs ADHD" war threads, though. This shit will be hilarious.
A fully explorable Midgar alone would be enough content for 40 hours of play.
Why do people even bother.
There is no way it's going to be nearly as good as the original game, Squenix isn't going to recreate the entire thing minigames included, at best you'll get a faithful replica of the original plot with all the extras trimmed off.
And even then you'd still better off playing the original.
I was excited until I saw the FF15 battle system.
The most boring battle system I have had the displeasure of playing in a long time.
Im still going to buy it because I promised myself that I would buy the game if they ever made a remake
>it's going to be great isn't it
No, it's gonna be a fucking mess of a game; and make everyone realize why trying to remake a PS1 era JRPG with modern production values and sensibilities is a fucking awful idea.
Final Fantasy VII is literally one of the most expensive video games ever made, and it's fucking pre-rendered backgrounds and lego characters. Now, take that and try to make it all have the standards of a modern AAA game and you realize how fucking impossible of a task this actually is. They already split it up into episodes, because how the fuck else is this thing going to make back its money? Even then, I guarantee massive amounts of corner cutting, shit will be changed and altered massively to the point that it won't even feel like FFVII anymore.
You simply can't make a game like FFVII in todays AAA landscape.
>it's going to be great isn't it
No its going to be a spinoff of FFXV combat for sure, it'll be fucking garbage.
They could do an action strategy system while still keeping all the materia functionality intact, but they won't. They could have time slow or pause while selecting magic/skill targets and/or placement. They could allow you to cycle through characters with L1 and R1 keeping command cooldowns or ATB functionality.
It'll be mashing enemies with your sword for 50 hours. It's what Square thinks gamers want. The only reason Final Fantasy games have sold since XII is because it still says Final Fantasy on it.
If they somehow manage to subvert my expectations and make it how I know it could be, then it'll be one of the greatest experiences of all time. Literally no hope though.
It's fucking over.
I think Nomura said some things will be changed due to "cultural differences between FF7's release year and [current year]", or something like that. I can't find this interview anymore, though.
Maybe they won't remove trap Cloud (that would change the whole plot about the mansion too much), but I'm sure most of the sex jokes will either be toned down or just removed (RIP Honey Bee Inn) because Toriyama will throw a hissy fit if he sees Lightning using a blonde wig and getting involved with sexual content that isn't part of his own fantasies.
We'll see.
New trailer?
The quality of the game will rely entirely on Tifa's breast size.
I think that probably has more to do with toning down the terrorism
no, there's been a few new screenshots released though
>they can't tell the same story but better now because technology sucked when it was originally released
wat m8
>I like spamming Cure+All and Attack
Fuck off, VII's ATB combat is simply one of the worst aspect of the game.
>it's going to be great isn't it
I'm hopeful. The really shitty thing will be the gap between the episodes. It will totally fuck with the pacing of the story.
If they break up the episodes into continents, that would be pretty cool. gives the devs as much time to flesh out each one at a time, so the overworld may not be dead as fuck.
perhaps, but no ones gonna wanna dick around in Midgar that long, especially if we aren't gonna allah snackbar the other mako reactors in the game.
Me personally, I really hope they don't fuck up the OST. it was an important pillar in what made FFVII a classic. With the episodic release, I'm worried that SE is gonna fuck up at some point and we may see a HUGE time gap between episodes at some point. They have already spent many years making FFXV and we haven't even seen much of Kingdom Hearts 3, which is fucking nuts. Likely case is that we really won't have the FULL FFVII Remake experience in our hands until maybe 2023.
>spamming argument
the exact same could be said about arpgs
I'm not worried about it breaking up the pacing if it's segmented exactly like the original was. I think you're leaving midgar was the start of disc 2 which would mean a whole game in midgar.
With the success of Persona 5, surely they would change the gameplay back to ATB, right?
Its always funny when people get mad at this for not being TB when all of the Playstation FF games tried as hard as possible to look like action games
>I think you're leaving midgar was the start of disc 2 which would mean a whole game in midgar.
what? In the original game, start of disc 2 was after beating Jenova (LIFE?) in the ancient city.
>pic semi-related
Your party would have been at all major continents at this point.
If you meant that SE said the whole first episode is in Midgar, then I really don't know what they could do to fluff up that whole segment, without it getting boring. The beginning midgar segment was pretty short in comparison to the rest of the game.
>they've nailed everything from the trailer
yeah like MGSV amirite?
>I really hope they don't fuck up the OST
This reminds me how disappointing the OST of the new Dissidia game is.
SE dropped turn-based combat for mainline games because Final Fantasy is just a brand and they want to make sure their AAA console games will reach the largest audience possible on international release.
Wishful thinking, but it's going to be one AAA game split up to look like three and it's going to cut everything interesting about original like materia customization. All content around materia grind is going to be also cut. Golden chocobo and knights of the round are going to be trivialized most likely also, because people could never get into chocobo breeding. The game is going to be entirely marketed to the advent children group that never played the original.
But XV was a massive success and sold like 5x more than P5
It was over before it even begun
It'll probably be more or less the same. expect there to be a wig that makes Cloud look like Lightning from XIII ;)
comparing final fantasy sales to persona is a joke.
SE has always had leagues better sales than atlus flat out. Numerous directors in SE also want to stop making final fantasy they just keep churning them out because they know they are guaranteed sales. And openly have said that on numerous occasions. SE truly hates their fans, because the fans keep forcing them to not move forward. I think at one time even Nomura said SE/SS should have dropped FF all together when spirits within and the anime unlimited dropped the ball so hard it made Squaresoft tuck it's balls into Enix.
There's a wait mode for people who don't like ATB.
>I think at one time even Nomura said SE/SS should have dropped FF all together when spirits within and the anime unlimited dropped the ball so hard it made Squaresoft tuck it's balls into Enix.
Nomura is one of the worst parts of SE
And he literally fucking hates his fans, because he's said that they only keep making final fantasy because it's guaranteed sales. Hate him or love him he's based on that statement. You fucking people keep asking to eat shit you're going to eat shit eventually.
well, they could just make it fully explorable
Where did he state that?
I don't buy Nomura games
>He hasn't bought Kingdom Hearts RE: Birth Drop Sleep/2 Days
You're missing out user
Thats literally what they said it would be
Anyone still spouting the >episodic meme is a retard who cant do basic research
Its going to suck because it isn't a 1 for 1 remake but a new game based on FF7. Why give people what they tell you they want when you can give people what you think they want.
no user. we all played FFXV and square's version of a AAA game nowadays is good story, three side dungeons and some watered down game mechanics
Because what people say they want and what they would actually want are often separate things.
The HD remake/full remake opinions have always seemed split evenly anyway.
Why did you play that shit?
got it $60 at eb and a mate was going through some heavy depression. kept him occupied for a few days
>yeah like MGSV amirite?
Please stop, I want to be positive for once in my life.
This is legit the best thing I ever heard about that game
hey i can't say all bad things on it. the fight with pretty boy was shit but the visuals were stunning. ifrit's design was neat, i get hyped every time ramuh rocks up and leviathan's trial was very nice. hell, i'd call seeing shiva's corpse to be one of the best miniscenes i can name in terms of atmosphere. it just sucks i bought a game and not a movie.