Hey guys, just got Persona 5 and started playing it, it's pretty amazing so far...

Hey guys, just got Persona 5 and started playing it, it's pretty amazing so far. I think I'm liking it better than P4 (the only other one of the series I've played). I think I'm almost at the end of Kamoshida's dungeon, I can;t wait for him to join the squad after this dungeon, I wonder how having an adult on your team will be, he looks like he'd be good in a fight.


what kind of post is this, is this bait, is this sincere

we might have to wait for the post to die to perform an autopsy to find out

anyways you never get to play as kamoshida, persona 5 works different than 4

haha yeah, that parts almost as good as the part where goro betrays you :D

Who's Goro?

>i wonder how having an adult on your team will be
Luckily for you, P2 EP already answered that.

The child detective that you start a social link with. He's given the wild card power by the guy who is pretending to be Igor that you fight as the final boss.

To bad completely honest, I was kind of hoping for a salaryman/woman teammate, or something of the sort, but they were REALLY pushing their "muh shitty adults" theme.

like literally every game

You mean yourself??? You're the traitor after all??

pretty much every Persona game save for P2EP is about teens in highschool, that's basically the theme of the series.


Joker takes this theme a little too seriously, doesn't he?

there are some adults worth fucking.

Sup Forums reference lol ?

whatever bitch, i could care less
now make me some fucking vanish balls while you suck me off

Correct, but not every game is about "shitty adults." They don't call Adachi a shitty adult in P4, just a shitty person.

bitch can barely make one in the whole night while I can make at least five, better put her to cook some curry or wash your dirty clothes.

It's just Ryuji, he has a huge grudge against adults. The game itself ends on the message that there are good adults (like Sae) just like there are shitty children (like Goro or many of your Mementos targets). You just need to be a good person and stick to your guns and everything will be fine.

can't even make fucking vanish balls right? why not just be godddamn useless

I wonder what Kamoshida's Persona would be.



Do you spoil people just because you got spoiled

Shiho's purity

>Good adult in any sense

Part of why the writing is laughable.


>Hey you need to turn yourself in so I can botch this guy's case up LOL
Sae is shit