Persona 4

Now that dust is settled we can safely agree that Persona 4 > Persona 5.

Other urls found in this thread:

First off, no, the dust has not settled.
And second, you're objectively wrong.

That is objectively correct


Who the fuck is that between Nanako and Chie?

>probably makotofag
>mad because makoto ruined Persona 5

Wasted Potential



basically satan

If Satan were a Mary Sue tsundere instead of a persona.

I found p5 to be superior in almost every aspect. Sadly there is no Kanji tier party member in P5.

Nanako is for sex.

P4 can't be better, Potter and Akechi aren't in the game.


Sorry can't hear a thing over the sound of my AWESOMENESS

Nobody is going to admit that Persona 5 isn't the best because it made such huge leaps and bounds in technology and so from a gameplay perspective it's pretty objectively the best. But it's an RPG so who gives a fuck about gameplay. When it comes to what matters it has the weakest story, characters are worse than 3 but I'd say about on par with 4, music was better than 4 not quite as good as 3, social links for the party members were ass and every one ended up with "This person is being a dick, go to metaverse, oh you're a phantom thief huh!" There weren't really any that really hit ya like the dying pajamas man or runaway girl in Persona 3. They were all low stakes low interest.

This all sounds like I'm being harsh but I really did love the game. I just hold it to a high standard after so many years

Seriously how can anyone prefer poor MC from P5 over the BADASS MC from P4?

P4 waifus are babby's first waifus. It also fucked up on the whole "murder mystery" angle. Also every party member that isn't Yosuke or Naoto contributes nothing to the progression of the plot. Also everyone is way too eager to suck protag's dick.

I undestand the stealing heart theme but I agree having that as an obstacle in the social links do cheapen them.

I like how in Haru Social Link you don't change the heart of the company guy in mementos, you just face him and clear any misundestanding. it made it better, more endearing and organic, me thinks.

Also I have to agree P5 didn't have social links as trong as P3 sun, devil or tower, but it had a fair share of decent ones. Yusuke and The politician guy were bro tier, and even Ryuji had some high notes, too bad he was still a retard in the main story.

Nope, sorry.



>can we agree that [penultimate game] is better than [latest game]

No. Fuck off.

>P4 waifus are babby's first waifus. It also fucked up on the whole "murder mystery" angle. Also every party member that isn't Yosuke or Naoto contributes nothing to the progression of the plot. Also everyone is way too eager to suck protag's dick.

Fuck off

5 > P3P > 4 > 3

Fuck to the no, P5 is the best persona game so far and it's a major step in the right direction.
Can't wait for P6.

user's not wrong. P4's story is focused around a murder mystery, but it takes a back seat to all the SoL dickery going around. People in the town are dying and you're fucking around practicing for the Junes concert.

Chie contributes by making "crazy theories" that always turn out true.

I think I would have enjoyed Persona 5 more if I had started on Hard.

I enjoyed Persona 5, but I think there's little dispute that Persona 5's "normal" is like Persona 4's "easy". I could have changed it to hard midway but changing the difficulty in the middle of the game bothers my autism, and I was expecting a difficulty spike that never really came.

I'm not sure what it is about Persona 5 that makes it so much easier but I think critting is broken, and personally I think the ability to fuse personas above your level is a feature that should be relegated to newgame plus, because the moment I got that ability I fused Satan and stacked the shit out of passive gun/crit stacking abilities and armed him with One Shot Kill, and from that point on any encounter with an enemy that can be crit became a complete joke, and the bosses didn't really seem that challenging. In fact I think the only boss that killed me was shadow shido.

The skills just give you too much power. Once you get the gun ability maxed out you can ambush a random encounter enemies for half their health, you can use some bullets to knock down any enemy, teammates randomly mediate to knock down enemies (morgana does it to all of them), you randomly get the ability to hold up enemies immediately, negotiation becomes a thing of the past when you rank up Sun and such... at some point the game feels like it plays itself, and frankly because of how broken crits are I doubt even setting it to merciless would solve much.

Putting aside gameplay, the Prosecutor gimmick is funny as a meme reading about it on Sup Forums but in practice it's tedious. I don't want to listen to the Prosecutor say some retarded shit every time I start a new S-Link and watch a long ass cut in and cut out. The game loves to spoil itself at every possible opportunity.

Persona 4 felt like it was handled with more care. in my opinion.

Ludonarrative dissonance they call it

>Fuck to the no, P5 is the best persona game so far and it's a major step in the right direction.

P5 is only good in the prologue before you get awful members in your party like Futaba and Makoto.
After that the game is quickly turning into shit.

The whole railroad / sleep mechanics are awful as hell too.
P4 girls > P5 girls.

Are you me? That's literally my exact same opinion on this game. I think a lot of people are still living in the hype stage. When it first came out,anyone who criticised the game got gang raped here but after a while people started to accept criticism more and I think we'll finally be able to talk about it properly in a few months.

Pretty sure the second Palace counts as a difficulty spike, what with Oni being a common encounter. Or does that not happen on Normal and below?

P5 is constructed around the ambush mechanics, so battles end pretty much before they even start. that's why it feel so easy.

Only time I barely died was when for some mistake I was ambushed instead.

>P4 girls > P5 girls.
Except Ann of course.

Nobody in P5 contributes anything either so?

Futaba and Morgana literally do everything the entire game whereas every party member immediately takes a passive backseat as soon as their dungeon is over.

I ran out of text but one thing that was by far the most disappointing was Mementos.

I was shocked by how little content was offered by Mementos. For a 100 hour RPG they offered what, 20 sidequests? None of them were challenging either. It blows my mind. I was expecting all kinds of bonus bosses and stuff and we got like, The reaper, that's it, and the other bonus boss is NG+ only. Give me a break.

>P4 girls > P5 girls.
But the only good girl was Ai.

By step in the right direction I basically meant away from your kind.
I'm an SMTfag you see, no real interest in which girls you can awkwardly hold hands with.
Also complaining about railroading makes you seem retarded so stop it.

All 3 P4 girls are better than P5 cast.

Rise is undeniably the best Persona.

My nigga


>I'm an SMTfag
Could just say that you're mentally retarded ape with shit taste.

Well fuck you too you ronery weeb.

Chie is the BEST tomboy Persona.

>I'm an SMTfag you see, no real interest in which girls you can awkwardly hold hands with.
Wow... This guy is badass....


>karate bitch.
I'll give you Rise but that's it.


Yeah I'll totally be the first to admit there was some great ones. I did Futaba and Sojiro side by side and they both felt like what social links should REALLY be. They weren't detached from the game like the rest they felt organic and worked really well together.

That's kinda why I felt the characters were about on par with P4. Outside of Ai and Kanji there were basically no good social links in P4 but the party themselves felt really tight knit and enjoyable as if they were real friends.

I KINDA felt that from Persona 5 but I feel like there needed to be more downtime where the group just interacted. It felt like if they weren't in Mementos/Palace they never hung out. Even the fireworks festival and beach were just quick cutscenes with no weight.

I enjoyed p5 but none of the girls made me feel how I do about Rise

I am not ashamed to admit that I am above judging games based on their romance possibilities.
Oh wait why would I be ashamed in the first place?

>boring ass shogibitch


Persona 4 feels really outdated in comparison to Persona 5 like in dungeon design and the flow of everything (Each button on P5 leads to a different action on battle versus having to move up and down to select each action in P4 and how there's actual dungeons in P5 and then long repeating corridors in 5 for multiple randomly generated floors for every dungeon on P4

>I enjoyed p5 but none of the girls made me feel how I do about Rise
Beta virgins can call Rise a slut all they want (now they are forcing the meme about Ann being a slut) but Rise is truly one of the sexiest and best girls ever.

Persona 4 is terrible compared to both 5 and 3.

P4 fags are human trash and should be ridiculed endlessly for their awful taste in everything.

but especially their taste in waifus


Yeah I'm still tempering my criticism because I have an obnoxious tendency to immediately start criticizing a game after playing it (You should have seen me on Breath of the Wild) but I do think the game is being fellated a bit too highly.

At the same time I recognize it's been like 4 years since I played Persona 3/4 so I may only be remember the good parts and not the bad. But Persona 3 in particular left such a striking impression on me. Persona 5 kinda ended with a whimper and by the end I was satisfied but not floored. And even P4, I had felt so close to these characters finishing the game was bittersweet but I didn't take the same hit from P5 either.

I think if P3 or P4 were remade in the P5 system they'd be the better games free. But there's a dissonance between archaic feel of 3/4 and the flashy improvements P5 has made. I think people have to have some perspective though, P5 had an entire generation to hone its craft. It SHOULD be held to a high standard.

I really liked how every dungeon in p5 had some sort of obstacle gimmick and they didn't repeat and stacked them for future dungeons. They felt like DDS dungeons at times.

>persona isn't real SMT
who the fuck did you romance, your taste sounds absolutely horrid

Persona 3 is really bad compared to 4 and 5. Frankly all the reasoning I've heard for preferring 3 is the most retarded shit imaginable, but I'm open to hearing a good reason if you have one.

>let me show them my shit taste, everyone will see how shit is my taste on Sup Forums!!!



is p4 as bad as people say it is, or is it just a slightly disappointing entry?

5 > 3 > 4

Clearly not that awful bitch you just posted.

This isn't Battleborn

Only reason I like P4 more is the setting and Naoto, because I love reverse traps. A P4 but with the 3rd person perspective, bigger hubs, P5 combat system and graphics would be the perfect game for me.

wow dude..... you're so...... cool

4 is great. best characters and best vacations.

The music and story of P4 were better though in there being an actual mystery

Whats Larry doing?

3 > 5 > 4 overall for me

It's funny how those threads devolve into waifuposting so quickly, though

the only way your taste could be worse is if you are an ohyafag

Spats are a miracle of the universe as are tomboys

I would disagree except that 4 has my wife Rise in it.

p4 is pretty good, it's just too silly for it's own good I think. I mean you have a murder mistery going on that should be serious but it is underminded by the crazy antics of the investigation team. You don't really feel the stakes until the late game where shit hits the fan.

I see people calling Kawakami who happens to be my p5 favorite a slut more than Rise

Anyways, Lovers always wins

4 > 5 > 3

3 is fucking awful, almost as bad as 5.

Yeah they really dropped the ball with Mementos. Once I found out there was an optional side-dungeon I got really excited, turns out the music is fucking ass, everything looks like ass and it has like ~2 new enemies per section and thats it. Bosses were a joke, felt like a total afterthought.

P5 > P3 > P4


Ann is objectively the best and ONLY good Persona 5 girl.

Everyone else is trash. I bet you are also Makotofag and your ass is always on fire because everyone blames her and Futaba for ruining Persona 5.

Persona 5 was only good with MC+Ann+Ryuji+Morgana.

Ludonarrative dissonance is a dissonance in the gameplay and the story, not between one part of the story with another part of the story.

>change haru to her summer school uniform
>she wears spats
She just got even better.

Shitty fanfic character making a decent game bad.

I think they were afraid of going too hard on Mementos cause one of the most universally mentioned cons of P3 is how Tartarus feels same-y and not very fun to explore. While I disagree with that, I can see why Atlus didn't put that much content in there

but you'll have to agree that her poetry is god-tier

>Larry meme
>posts an even more boring girl

P4 was the first I played and so far it's still my favorite, I can't get over the feeling I got from playing it...everything about it was so comfy and perfect.

>everyone blames her and Futaba for ruining Persona 5
stuff that never happened

For me it's the characters and story that elevate it above 4/5. As a GAME obviously the series got better as it went on. But the crux of what makes an RPG work for me is the investment in story and characters.

A big part of what makes 3 work and 4/5 not as much is that development is PART of the story. Progression for characters in 3 was a part of the main story so Aki, Junpei and Ken's arcs for example carry on throughout the entire game and really change who they are as people and thus they get their awakened Personas.

In 4/5 however that development is removed and put into external links. The problem with this is that the writing has to then write a story and characters around the fact that some players will do ZERO social links. And so the development is minimal and inconsequential.

So you have characters like Makoto who are dynamic in their introduction but then they get their Persona moment and immediately are kicked to the curb and sit in the backline doing nothing the rest of the game.

This has an effect on the overall narrative in that while yes P3's is slow to start once it ramps up & the consequences are real things begin to get dire and emotional. The dynamic of a group that aren't friends but rather are forced into a situation where they have to carry the world on their backs because only they can do what needs to be done is a really engaging concept.

Comparing to P5 I just kinda felt like there was never any stakes and never any consequences. Right up until the end of the game it just feels like kids fucking around and being cocky. There was never a danger and even when things finally did start to hit the fan it was ALL ACCORDING TO KEIKAKU and is instantly resolved. You get thrown into a short final duneon against a boring and easy final boss that is finished through a cinematic rather than gameplay & then it kicks you from that really climactic moment to a sort of whimpering epilogue. Compared to P3's epilogue which left me floored.

Oh my you're using elipses to show everyone how unimpressed you are with my posts cause you think I'm trying to impress you.
You seem to think that not fawning over 2D girls in video games is something special then right?
Need I say more?

P4 is objectively worst of all 3 school drama's.

Fuck you Marie fags

the thing is tartarus was designed to prepare you for the full moon bosses, whereas mementos is easy as fuck and enemies are always much lower level that what you find in palaces, so it isn't even good for training. Most bosses in there are pretty underwhelming too.

Yes. 5 does not give me any short-haired tomboys. Fuck Makoto. Naoto a best. Chie a second best.

Dying pajama man pissed me the fuck off in P3 because he's one of the most egregious examples of forced drama in a game that manages to avoid that surprisingly well, given the premise. It's like they took a bunch of tearjerker cliches, added in sad music and called it an S Link.

The mystery was fucking garbage though.

So from this thread, I gather the reasons P4fags think it's better are:

>muh comfy
>muh waifu
And that's it.

>posting the inferior Persona 4 beach image
