I'm the Boss of this board
I'm the Boss of this board
Other urls found in this thread:
You sure are.
Fuck you.
[ Fuck You ]
Fuck you.
>it's a "i'm totally not 14 and not from rebbit check out my meme thread it's so original and has never been done before aren't I so cool" episode
This isn't video games, faggots.
I was highly disturbed to find that Gachi is now a normie meme. Never would have imagined
「Welcome to Bedrock」
Is this dare i say..................................
Uh ah dont think so
>parroting a force /vp/ meme
Im you kid with hair as i dont shave or wax my chest hair faggot id fuck your ass way better and i could take way bigger than you faggot
this, and it's fucking awful
>muh sekret club
What are you twelve?
I don't mind that it's popular, just that they're not as funny as the japs with it
Wet a gurt threb
what is this from?
This dyke thinks hes a hotshot
It's always been my DEEP DARK FANTASY to be boss of this board.
faggots like you ruined everything
kill yourself
Since when?
Just seems un likely