What other video games characters represent Sup Forums, Sup Forums?
What other video games characters represent Sup Forums, Sup Forums?
Futaba is supposed to be 2chan, it's that close enough?
Considering Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the biggest boards on the site, probably some fat, retarded character nobody likes. Maybe pic related.
makoto is reddit
Alright, I get it Atlus. You think we're pathetic.
>normie Ann
>not Hifumi
not sure if bad bait or what
not only that, but he is the moon arcana, which is related to illusions, or in this case, delusions.
>unhappy, friendless beta male, undesired even by women of comparable circumstance, latches onto edgy counter-culture in an attempt to live out his power fantasies; however, lacking the real-world skills necessary to actually experience history alongside his heroes, he instead contents himself with shitposting about it online
really makes you think
He's Mikado
Do you guys hate him?
I feel sorry for him, and I think it's impossible to hate him unless you're dangerously jaded and bitter
Doesn't she use 2chan in some of the cinematics?
literally /ourguy/
makise "meme lord" kurisu
Same actually. I feel pretty bad for Mishima as well. He's clearly the way he is because of everything he's been through, over time. That doesn't excuse some of the things he tried to do, but unlike Goro he didn't act out on them as much, and calmed down with your support, and he's loyal as hell as well.
4 leaf clover!
It is a Sup Forums reference user culture right? xd
Also, what's the deal with artists drawing her like she is wearing stockings? They are leggings, not red stockings you dumb fucks.
>they are leggins
And just like that my boner dies.
About them friends, kid.
Accurate considering how most Sup Forums users are also Moonies.
Fucking this.
>one of the characters is named after Futaba channel/2chan
>the phansite posts read like they are taken straight from chan websites, all the posters are anonymous
Clearly the white american character having a random four leaf clover on their outfit is pure coincidence.