Can someone explain why games keep increasing in size? It's fucking annoying that games releasing today often go over 50GB for no apparent reason.
Can someone explain why games keep increasing in size...
Blu Ray discs became standard for both consoles so developers just stopped caring about compression.
more space for grafics
It's still a relic of an old method used to combat piracy. The idea was that pirates wouldn't download things if they were bloated to shit and would just buy the disc to spare their connection. Pirates didn't give a shit and downloaded it anyway, or repacked it so it was often less than half the size it used to be.
Now that discs are dying for anything but consoles and datacaps are becoming more common, it's literally just a way for them to fuck the consumer.
Higher textures, uncompressed sound files etc.
If the game is bigger then more people will want to buy it because if it takes up so much space it must be good!
HITMAN 2016 takes up 100 fucking GB of hard drive space on my computer and it's only got like eight fucking levels.
Having a 200GB hard drive is suffering
Audio is a huge offender.
Multiple languages
High fidelity audio samples
Both of which you can thank Kojima for.
It's not just that. It's uncompressed textures, uncompressed audio, all of the audio for all of the localizations in a single install instead of separate downloads, etc. It's encouraged laziness that only hurts non-pirates.
>The idea was that pirates wouldn't download things if they were bloated to shit
Well to be fair it probably still works considering the majority of pirates are Chinks/BR's and Russians.
To punish pirates,
When games are 10 terabytes people wont bother to pirate,.
If you open any modern game and look at the files you will see the game itself is usually only 5-10%, rest is uncompressed audio and random fake files.
As an Eastern European I can confirm our ISP are cheap, fast and uncapped. I pay like 10euro/month for uncapped 100mb download speed.
Why do you think the Russian pirate groups are the only ones performing data compression magic with their repacks, while Codex and them just release the game as is? It doesn't stop anything or anyone except Americans (most of the world doesn't have datacaps) who actually buy the product.
Drives are relatively affordable for end users, wait for a decent deal and pick a tb.
Since we have more space developers see less reason to compress files, decide the time to condense code would cost too much, and over seem to be sloppy. But even if every developer did care about this we would have some level of exponential increase since games continue to grow in size as in level sizes, game length, voice acting, cut scenes, 1440p and 4k textures.
Because if developers have a lot more space to work with than they realistically need then they just don't bother compressing anything. See the PS1 version of Chrono Trigger.
How does a resolution change increase the filesize
>pirates pirates pirates
but it affects legit customers exactly the same?
in fact isn't it slower on average to download from steam than from mega? plus then there's smaller repacked versions
most of the bloat comes from having audio for every language under the fucking sun, they should really just let you choose what language you want
higher resolution textures are bigger size files, pretty self explanatory
but that has nothing to do with rendering resolution
>except Americans (most of the world doesn't have datacaps)
I was under the impression data caps were an Australian phenomenon. I've never heard of anyone in the US having data caps on home Internet
doom is 60GB with so called "uncompressed" audio
but it's audio quality is still the worst I have seen in my entire life
fuck install size bloat
most games nowadays are bought digitally on PC so you'd still have to end up downloading all of the bazillion GBs, pirate or not
its only shit anglo countries like america, canada, australia and the uk that have that shit
lollin at people saying eastern europe has bad internet, theirs is way better than ours because their infrastructure is way newer
Leaving audio uncompressed gives you a bigger bucket but you still need to fill that bucket.
what fucking game is this? i haven't seen any game break 100GB
Again I've never even heard of data caps in US, I'm not sure we have them
data caps haven't really existed outside of mobile data in the UK for over 10 years now, it's just Americans really
Blu-ray is the standard for consoles and everything else is digital distribution so they just dump 50gb of completely uncompressed audio and textures and another 50gb day one patch.
>but it affects legit customers exactly the same?
Like I said, it's a practice that still continues from back before disc based media wasn't kill. It will likely stick around just like all of the other dumb failed anti-piracy schemes do.
If you only have 1080p textures the game looks like ass on any resolution higher than that
To facilitate people who use 1440p and 4k they need to include textures native to those resolutions whether you use them or not.
You can get a decent 500gb hdd for like 50 dollars or less at this point, 1 or 2 tb is under a hundred
You have no excuse
Comcast (I'm sure you know who they are, right?) has strictly enforced 1TB monthly caps on most of their users. The other major providers also have caps, but they're usually not advertised unless you go looking for it.
Big places have outgrown that kind of shit but as you get further out in the sticks you run into much smaller ISPs or big ones who don't give a shit because they have no competition out there. There are people who still use dialup.
Hi, I've been in and out of the video game development for almost 20 years. My two cents on the subject:
We don't want our shit bloated, sure back in the day there was bloating due to laziness, bad coding, etc. However, to be honest that's really just an insignificant percentage of the bloat now.
It's just like most people think, and has to do with all the media (i.e. assets) we pack in.
Even though sometimes the "length" content appears to decrease sometimes (though not in the case with games such as Witcher), there's two things currently driving those numbers up.
One is the *amount* of materials we're using now. People notice now if there's only a few animations, or if we re-use the same textures, effcts, sounds, or layouts. So we pump up the variety. We put in custom animations for each model, even ones we might only use once (sometimes, especially, if we only use them once)
If we have lamps or drawers in a room, it isn't the exact same one very time, right? Gamers don't accept that change the color bullshit anymore I'm their AAA titles.
Second, the quality is making a massive difference right.. uncompressed FLACs or WAVs, with 5.1 surround, or 2k textures for ones we previously would've used 512, or 4k textures where we would've used 1k.
Sure enough the code expanda too with more custom shaders, sometimes eve just for one spot in a single zone as a one-off effect (or for a cutscene). More advanced A.I., no longer simple state machines, but using behaviors.
The point is, just a single zone now means gigabytes of data added to a project, what used to be the size of an entire AAA game in the "old days"
To be honest we're going to see more expansion. Not so much with code (but still more), and not so much with audio (at some point there's not much more than uncompressed 7.1 blah blah that'll cause any more massive leaps). However, as GPU capabilities increase, we're going to continue bumping those polys and adding more textures (and higher-res).
A lot of places do, because so many people in the US are using the internet for everyday, mundane things that service providers found a goldmine in limiting or even throttling data to encourage you to spend more money on faster and faster packages.
You see yuropoors bragging about fast, uncapped internet largely because most of the general public can't afford it to begin with. Johan Dirt Farmer might not have a data limit put in Uzbekistan, but that's because nobody else in his radius does.
No its Australians and Canadians, I have never heard of anyone in America having a cap on home Internet, I only know people from those two countries with data caps
Not sure why everyone thinks it's an American thing
>because most of the general public can't afford it to begin with.
American education lmao.
>I have never heard of anyone in America having a cap on home Interne
Then you simply don't talk to anyone at all.
>or repacked it so it was often less than half the size it used to be.
Almost no repack is 25% smaller size yet alone 50% unless they remove things which they often do.
Enjoy your game with lacking cinematic, shitty audio and no high quality textures.
Repacks are fucking cancer, only russian kids with modems download them.
>Almost no repack is 25% smaller size yet alone 50% unless they remove things which they often do.
Literally the very first link on this site:
>Original Size: 32.2 GB
>Repack Size: from 18.9 GB [Selective Download]
Most games have their prerendered cinematics poorly encoded too. The file sizes could literally be less than half of what they are with a negligible difference in quality.
Are you fucking serious? There's tons of games that easily go over 100Gb, especially MMOs, even relatively obscure ones like The Secret World and shit. Jesus. Vapourware, Star Citizen that's still in Alpha is at 100GB. 100GB has definitely become the new 50GB.
exactly, fuck burgers in their stupid asses
Here's another:
>Original Size: 51.2 GB
>Repack Size: from 31.2 GB [Selective Download]
No, it's because they don't have fucking asshole ISPs bringing any attempt at progress grinding to a halt with collusion, lobbying, and lawsuits. Just look at how ISPs reacted to Google Fiber.
Not in Canada bud
>being this new
We may not have datacaps but our average connection is slow as shit (unless you are one of lucky few who can get virgin fibre)
This. Stop funding the console kike.
i suppose they wanted to give us another good reason to pirate, repacks that are 1/4 the size
Based FitMutant.
>resident evil remake gamecube
>1.5 GB
>resident evil remake hd remaster
>16 GB
>datacaps are becoming more common
literally the opposite of what's actually happening