How much should one spend on their first custom pc?

How much should one spend on their first custom pc?

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Depends on how much do you want to spend on it, what games you want to play on it and at what graphical fidelity.

Between 700 and 1k minus the peripherals, just get a 10$ keyboard.

If you want it to last a long time, investing on a good CPU is a good idea. You won't typically upgrade a CPU because of new socket types needing new motherboards, but graphics cards can get upgraded somewhat regularly.
A CPU is especially important for emulation, as emulators typically only use the graphics card for drawing at high resolutions.

You can build a machine that's more powerful than any console for $200.

$600 if you want something that'll just about do the job.

$1000 if you want something that'll last a decent time.

pretty much this.
I got a laptop for that much and it was a mistake though it's good machine and run alot of games with gud fps up to 2015 at least

Yes but software developed for consoles is standardised and will (hopefully) perform better on dedicated platforms as opposed to a PC.

I have $3600 and I already have a monitor. What should I build?


a PC (^:

console gaming is cheaper.
Games will always run unlike PC.
There is seldom lag.
Consoles cost only 250-300 dollars while PCs cost double.
Games are optimized for your console unlike PC.
You have to upgrade your PC every few years and the components will be expensive while consoles last more then 5 years at least

A raspberry pie. You can get enough power of it to browse Sup Forums and never play games like the other 99% of individuals who visit this site and you'll have like 3400+ left over at the very least.

I love you user!

A reason to live

>consoles last more then 5 years at least

Yes, ignore the that they're releasing new versions of consoles every two years now good goyim!


Means very little because the mentioned platforms are terribly weak.

>200 bucks for a pi
what the fuck

Well, I included top tier keyboard/mouse and speakers also. Add in a 128GB+ sd card and a large external hard drive for more bonus space.

I plan on getting this for my first build:

How does this look?

>amd cpu and gpu

Like you'll complain a lot in the future about games not running well.

>nvidia shills

If you are a britbong then no more than £1400.

There's being a shill, and then there's the reality that AMD is treated as second fiddle.

Go for it if you want, but you'll get more headaches out of it.


>seldom lag
>when the games are perpetually in a state of lagging with low refresh rate and fps

>Game will always run

Lots of console games out there "run" at a level I would consider unacceptable on my PC.

Averaging 25FPS when nothing is happening and then dropping to literally 15fps and below during action scenes is not acceptable.

If you have Just Cause 3 on PS4/XB1 and don't want this? Your choices are

-Fuck you Poorfag, buy the Pro system
-Fuck you

On PC?

- Turn down Settings
- Dick with config
- Upgrade PC

>tfw spent at least 2k on my rig
>only play games that require a toaster
Steam is shovelware central now. I hate it.

>$1275 build and only an rx 580
try going for a gtx 1070 at least
$145 for only 120gb ssd is terrible value, you probably won't need a 850W psu instead of a 500W and x370 mobo instead of b350

Nothing. Just haggle people for used parts and put that junk together. If it works, you got a PC!

Typical uninformed console bullshit
I wonder whats next... maybe the pc has no games meme?

Thanks, I wasn't really sure if I was getting a good value for the parts I chose.

>drop $1.5k
>only play shmups on shmupmame, league and watch movies

fucking i'm retarded

This is why I've always held off. I could very easily see myself dropping a ridiculous amount of money to make sure it was the best it could be, but I know damn well I would rarely play anything deserving on it.



>friend has a pretty good computer, worth $900 at least
>only plays Civ V (he's a casual)
>instead of upgrading his PC, HE MAKES AN ENTIRELY NEW BUILD
>spends well over $1000 on this new PC
>only plays Civ V still

>Games will always run
Tell that to the old COD games I couldn't run or return on my PS3 that were never patched.

>tfw still on 5850
>can still play StarCraft: Remastered
Shine on you crazy diamond.

>mfw celeron budget-savvy master race
>integrated HD 510 graphics
>still can play all blizzard games fine

This would be me.

Look how console gamers shit themselves in giddy excitement when a game from last gen gets ported over either as a remaster or through backwards compatibility.

If PS4 and XB1 could play every game from every generation from their system lineup I almost guarantee there'd be people with modern systems playing basically nothing but last-gen games on it.

Steam just isnt holding your hand and spoonfeeding you. Do your research on what you want to play please.

I always had more problems with nvidia

>build first PC in 2006
>spend 1000 canadabux
>i play every game i want on it until 2013 because I'm good at knowing how to pick the best parts for the cost
>only ever replace the gpu once because it died
>build new PC in 2014
>spend 500 bux
>play 90% dota, but when I want to play AAA games like the new doom they run at 60fps perfectly
>will easily get another 4 years or so at least out of this rig

PC gaming is so cheap.

Can someone remind him how much the ps3 cost on release? Or maybe the Xbox one?

i've spent 1000€ on a computer that pretty much runs 90% of the games i installed on everything ultra,
yet i find no enjoyment in modern games and instead i'm having fun with my first time on old as fuck games like Fallout 1&2, LucasArts point & click games, 2D RTS, King's quests and a pletora of old game dated before 2000 that i haven't played before yet.

in short i wasted 1000€ when i find almost no joy in modern games, i could have settled with something slightly above a 560gtx which was my previous gpu that i used for years until it died on me last year.

also the shit meme exclusive cinematic quick time event expirience script action games they forcefeed you are pretty damn expencive at launch. And they even preorder that shit


10 years ago?
Check any new game releases, every massive gamebreaking issue is always coming up on AMD machines only.
You can call it a meme if you want but Nvidia shits out new drivers for every big release for a reason.

good post

you can upgrade keyboard and other stuff later on the most important investments are

the rest you will upgrade sooner rather than later and for cheaper (case, keyboard, GPU, RAM,) whereas if you invest in a good CPU/mobo you can keep them for 5+ years

Wait for Vega, it's supposedly 1080Ti performance for less than $400.

>nVidia cards don't display hair in New Vegas without a dll fix
>AMD has problems with newer games
>newer games usually require several patches to be playable

If you buy a game less than a month after release you're retarded anyway, so I don't see the issue.

Seriously 500 bucks over 10 years ago. Holee shit. Then the fucking thing YLOD's because they put dust as thermal paste on the cpu.

Mid tier amd build around 1000


High end Intel for 1600

What do?

>Games will always run unlike PC
You need a different console for each generation. A PC can run every game ever released on PC.


I was a poorfag PC gamer years ago, and you'd be surprised the games you could run on a patchwork toaster rig.

I had 4-5 year old parts, and I could still run games on medium settings at console FPS levels. (the console versions basically only ever run at medium graphics anyways)

>tfw i spend a a few hundred every couple of years to upgrade my PC and but still only end up using it for the internet

why do i do this? is it an addiction?

Maybe it's a hobby
Maybe you do it because it's fun

Mid amd
new games and 1440p+ isnt worth it atm

this, just pirate it all

I have GTX770, i5 4670K 8GB ram on a asus z87K, any upgrade tips?

Do you WANT to use it for anything else?

Totally this

I invested in an i5 4670k almost 4 years ago (around $350 I believe?), and I still can play everything. Mind you, that wasn't even the "hot shit" CPU on the market.

Also, don't try to future proof your machine by dumping $1000 on parts... those components will be easily half the price in a year, and don't perform that much better than the relevant performance/cost parts at $250-300.

>console gaming is cheaper.
said the sonyger who failed 3rd grade math.

Gonna shoot for 1440p 144hz now that I finally have a decent paying job, what tier CPU/GPU combo is necessary for this?

Why'd you think 3rd worlders love ps4? Same reason poor people spend on expensive shit as some sort of social status.

sounds like quite a personal issue i never had a problem with new vegas and i have nvidia
amd's two driver updates a year wont help you, enjoy complaining

kaby lake 7700k if u want the cheapest option.

USED gtx 1080 if you want the cheapest option.

t. nvidia employee

CPU doesn't matter. GPU 1070 and up.

i want to play new releases but i end up not having the time or energy, i guess. i have a backlog of like 100 games

I'd wait for Vega. Not because it's what you need, but because it should affect prices in a couple months.

At least a GTX 1080, but there are games which won't get even close to 144FPS at 1440p on a single 1080. If you actually want to aim for 144FPS then 1080 SLI with an OC'd 7700K and a x16/x16 mobo, or a 1080Ti at absolute minimum.

Still a single 1080 should pretty much guarantee you a good 60+ FPS in most games, it's a good choice for 1440p if you don't want to go overboard with the money you dump on graphics cards.

I spent $3k for a 64GB GTX 1080Gtx monster and it is the best money I have ever spent. Had not played pc games in 10 years and it is endless entertainment where GTA5 or rust at 4k plays flawlessly and I use it for work as well video editing it cut render time from hours to literally 3 minutes. Best money I ever spent and every day is brighter than the last. Do it and don't worry about the money you will be dead soon enough anyway.

That statue has great ass.


what is the point of this exactly? you're literally throwing money in the trash

>video editing it cut render time from hours to literally 3 minutes
Every hour not spent rendering is money back. I have made alot more than this computer cost by having time back. Money = time.

an AMD based build is typically better bang for your buck, no hate on intel or nvidia but if you find yourself strapped or on a tighter budget AMD components are much cheaper, how ever they have fewer high performance parts, and some of their GPU series suck royal ass.

The curent rx 400 and 500 series are pretty fine

I almost feel bad for AMD, when this is the mentality customers have, even when they have the best product available. I'm still amazed the 970 sold as well as it did after the 390 launched.

Its like with apple they pay premium because they think they get premium when in reality they only pay the name. And apple uses amd too.

>even when they have the best product available

AMD doesn't ever have the best product available. Ever. Has never happened.

What happens on this board is people like you rooting for them because they're the "underdog", and the competition is "overpriced". In reality they're a mostly inadequate competitor who has the ask lower prices because they produce inferior equipment.

Its the amd has more problems meme wich isnt true

Battlebots proved that theory. as far as rendering games though, i have some serious doubts

Depends what you want, personally I would not go too far out of what I could afford since yeah having a great pc is nice but it's not better than financially fucking yourself.

>Battlebots proved that theory
oh god thats funny.

audible kek.

How is their stuff inferior when all the benchmarks and reviews tell us they are good bang for buck? The gpu drivers got better and work fine and the ryzen cpus dont explode or something. Intel also uses pretty shitty thermal compound on their headspreaders.
Most of the people dont even care about 500$+ cpus and graphics cards.
So whats even your point?

What kind of videos do you edit ?

>Intel also uses pretty shitty thermal compound on their headspreaders

what? no they don't, dude. Shit like this is made up non issues.

The real world doesn't operate on benchmarks. AMD problems in games and poor drivers as well as massive CPU driver overhead often diffuse any "bang for buck".

>rooting for the underdog
Nah, I'm rooting for AMD because nVidia is an anticonsumer company that would steal your dog and sell it back to you - and market this as a feature - if they could get away with it.

In games where nvidia plays their dirty tricks to tax amd performance with overuse of tesselation and shit like this. Also the cheap thermal compound stuff is what you get when only one company rules the market and gets greedy.
Not realy a fan of that stuff.

Why even bother with PC? It's dead.

>some youtube video that presents an ignorant, one-sided "understanding" of some way that nvidia has "fucked you"

righto chap

>In games where nvidia plays their dirty tricks to tax amd performance with overuse of tesselation and shit like this
Or rather AMD hardware chokes because of poor tesselation implementation

>thermal compound thing again
kid, look: it's a non-issue. Intel isn't going to jeopardize their industry position with fucking bad thermal compound. lol.

>mfw people are buying 1080ti's, 1080s, and 1070's while they use a single 1080p monitor

Why the fuck do people do this? My 290 (and most other higher end cards from about 3 or 4 years ago) still kicks ass playing most games at 1440.

Also this...

>Why the fuck do people do this?

echo chambers like Sup Forums where you get told that you can't possibly enjoy something below "ultra" quality (even though "ultra" looks 1% better than "very high" for a 30% performance drop)

im about to play deus ex mankind divided on low. I can't remmeber the last time I played a game on low. Probably never, in my life? I bet it still looks better than on console, rofl.

They plan ahead, for both future-proofing and 144Hz.