Will this be the final nail in the coffin for kickstarter games?
Will this be the final nail in the coffin for kickstarter games?
No, not at all.
Bloodstained, like Yooka-Laylee, will be exactly what people paid for and will receive lukewarm reviews because people don't like that particular type of game anymore.
Videogame kickstarters will be unfazed and life will continue...
As long as they meet the expectations of the people who paid for it and don't do some stupid drama shit before launch like MN9 and Yooka Laylee they'll be fine. They already released a playable demo which is a good sign.
Demo was good, so I'm going to say "No".
You keep posting that webm.
I don't think its doing what you think you want it to do.
I don't see a problem with it.
I dig this lighting
>this cost millions to make
A amateur can make that kind of quality in a unreal engine lmao
not that user but for myself in particular i fucking hate that they opted for 3d models instead of sprites
that's my problem with every single bloodstained webm
Go on then. Do it.
No, Shen Mue will
I still don't understand what's the point this .webm is trying to make.
The level is too red, I guess?
The camera movement is too fast or snappy in certain instances which feels uncomfortable. Other than that yeah I think it looks fine.
The demo on the ship looked fine though.
>Overstretched, one single color ugly looking pixels
No thanks, I'll keep my 2.5 UE.
If it turns out to be bad, it'll continue to reflect really bad on "big" kickstarter titles. Smaller kickstarted titles have and will continue to be made and occasionally be really good.
If Star Citizen ever comes out, then it will kill Kickstarter games
i could just be a nostalgiafag but i absolutely cannot fucking stand 2.5D
also all pixels are single colored anyway, if you add more of them that means more blend together and look less ugly
nah it looks shit. i haven't played the demo but you should just buy rabi ribi instead because it'll be at least 100x better.
I don't like it either, but that's what they said they'd do on the Kickstarter campaign.
DXC also looked like ass as 2.5D, but it's still a good game. Playing the demo, it it holds up to SotN and its clones, so I'm not that fussed to be honest.
I think it looks decent, the movement physics look good, graphics are okay, I like the light and the animations
Fuck off. Yooka Kaylee failed to live up the standards set by the BK series 20 fucking years ago, its lukewarm reception had nothing to do with the style it went for. Same goes for MN9 and likely Bloodstained.
That game also shit
If we were getting something like pic related in HD yeah, I would be with you, but pixel art (good one, not the trash you see in Steam Greenlight) is a lost art.
The Castlevania Chronciles X is the only Classicvania I've played.
It's a damn fucking fine game. I even went and found all the secrets.
you just blow in from stupid town?
It was telling the amount of shitters who began doing LPs of the game to capitalize on the hype when Shenmue 3 was announced and then abandoned it. Or the nostalgiafags who picked up the games again only to find out how bad they had aged, but couldn't admit it without looking like retards after almost crying in public.
Unlike Banjo and Jewka-laylee, even if Shenmue 3 feels exactly like the previous games it will still fail.
>not that user
Sure you're not ;^)
And also not the daily bloodstained hate thread with the exact same title
They said "we're going to make a Nintendo 64 era-style collectathon game, not "We're going to surpass the Banjo Kazooie games".
Like MN9 and many, many other games you're creating fantastic impossible scenarios inside your head and getting disappointed when the real world is nothing like that.
>look at all this time I've spent on this shitty game.
You sure showed us huh?
Modern Shenmu is Yakuza you pleb. It can be done right.
you need better taste in games breh
Not by devs who stopped making games 20 years ago
Except I didn't say anything about surpassing the originals. I personally would have been overjoyed if YL was merely as good as BK and I think most other people would feel the same. The problem is that it doesn't live up to the same standards of those games. It is actually worse than any of the old Rare collectathons in just about every way.
Shadows need to be darker and there should probably be a slight tweak to the walk cycle, but other than that it looks fine.
I kinda like the way it looks. It's hard to describe but it has some sort of puppet-house aesthetics to it.
>get the boot from konami
>have to pander to shit head western sjws
>game features stronk womyn meme
Absolute trash.
Shut up rabi-ribifag, you throw your pathetic uguu ecchi bullethell garbage into every metroidvania thread.
Repeat after me: Rabi-Ribib is not a metroidvania.
The humor is also lackluster and worlds are potentially more barren than BK at times because they went for too large. Sure BT had large worlds, but at atleast something filled them, and they weren't as enormous.
t. la mulana player
Looks like a MN9 reskin
>have to pander to shit head western sjws
>game features stronk womyn meme
Yeah, I hate Order of Ecclessia too.
>Basically paid 10 million to give Inti-Creates a 4 year Crash course on how to make 3D and Unreal engine
Would have been nice if they knew how to use this hsit before starting the game.
Doubt it
>Sexy/cute anime girl protagonists
>SJW pandering anything
Even as a troll/shitpost, this still gets on my fucking nerves. Cease and fucking desist.
There was nothing wrong with YL. The game only got bad reviews due to the neon-nazi being butthurt that one of their echo chambers got the boot.
If you don't believe me, just look at posts like
t. the guy who plays games to ogle little girls
I'm curious to see what you would actually shit out.
Woah, keep LM out of your falseflag faggotry argument, please. Thank you.
bruh i don't need rabi ribi for that
You should've seen how harshly Jim Sterling reviewed Yooka-laylee, all because he hates platformers.
Yakuza games are fun because of the characters, the machismo and the violence, and they streamlined much of what made the Shenmue games unique, like going through shelves and drawers instead of menus, the day and night cycle, having to go to work or letting you talk to every NPC even if all you can do is ask for directions.
Ryo Hazuki is one of the blandest protagonists in video game history and the story already jumped the shark at the end of II with the mystical bullshit. Even the actual Yakuza team being backed by Sega would have trouble salvaging that franchise, let alone the hacks working on the kickstarter project.
You should check the pro and anti videogame piracy threads; that became an actual pro-piracy argument
>"Developers and publishers don't deserve the money because anybody can create a game in a short time without spending any money"
Nothing wrong with it aside from the controls, writing, and level design being worse than the 20 year old games it's supposed to be a spiritual successor to. Oh, and the awful lighting, generic character designs, and 4 minute load screens.
Worst thing about this Jontron shit is that it gives YL defenders such an easy way to dismiss any criticism.
I hate those that shit on Iga mindlessly. I dont' care about this or that drama with "Blunderstained" or whatever. My childhood was spent on the NES+SNES. My friends consisted of Simon Belmont, Trever Belmont, and Sylpha. His games stand the test of time. I dont' care if he never makes anything on that par ever again.
So thank you Iga. Thank you for the memories.
Is this bait? Awfully ironic if not since Iga had nothing to do with CV until the PlayStation came out, but a lot of supposed CV fans and Iga dickriders don't know that. Literally the same shit as Inafune taking all the credit for Mega Man.
Good kickstarter games:
>Octodad 2
>Blade Symphony
>Zombies, Run!
>Organ Trail: Director's Cut
>Guns of Icarus Online
>Wasteland 2
>Shadowrun Returns
>Cloudberry Kingdom
>Carmageddon: Reincarnation
>Detective Grimoire
>Defense Grid 2
>Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
>Planetary Annihilation
>Mercenary Kings
>Chivalry: Medieval Warfare (yes, that was a kickstarter game)
>Sir, You Are Being Hunted
>Divinity: Original Sin
>Risk of Rain
>Road Redemption
>Fran Bow
>Awesomenauts: Starstorm
>Sunless Sea
>The Fall
>Hyper Light Drifter
>The Escapists
>Hand of Fate
>Rain World
>Tabletop Simulator
>Frog Fractions 2
>Dragon Fin Soup
>Darkest Dungeon
>Shovel Knight
>Freedom Planet
>Hollow Knight
>Stardew Valley
>Skullgirls (DLC)
>Lisa the Painful/Joyful
The problem for me here is that it's really soulless, has absolutely zero juice. It needs snappier, more exaggerated animations and better shadows. Frankly pixel art would have been much better, but people associate that with shit quality, even if it's great art
Well how the fuck am I supposed to tell the difference when half the CV fan base is literally that retarded?
This guy gets it.
Yooka-Laylee's only shortcoming was that there were only five worlds.
ありがと うコンマン
I'm surprised faGGots aren't having strokes over the female protagonist.
>Frankly pixel art would have been much better, but people associate that with shit quality, even if it's great art
I can say the same for 2.5D
people associate it with being lazy garbage, no matter how well it's done.
This screenshot is old, and looks better than what they have now. It has way more contrast so it looks sharp.
Why? It looks pretty good, except for the one webm that always seems to get posted.
This only looks bad because they're not backdashing through the level.
what exactly DO they have now? they haven't shown much else outside of
which looks like a work in progress.
one of the latest things was this, iirc
whoops, meant to link to
the only other thing we've gotten is this, which is a low res comparison of how they are using procedural generation for environmental effects and texturing and shit
Should've been 2D.
where is that image from? is it new?
but it is 2D :^)
So far he hasn't:
>double dipped in the crowdfunding well
>picked fights with the community
>outsourced to a shovelware dev
>misappropriate development funds
He has yet to deliver, but there is no reason to shit on him until it hits shelves or he closes up shop prematurely.
>>outsourced to a shovelware dev
Aren't the same guys responsible for MN9 developing Bloodstained?
WTF happened? I thought the game was supposed to be 2d like dragons crown. This is awful.
If you actually read the fucking kickstarter it was going to be 3D from the very beginning.
I don't think MN9's problems can be blamed on Inti, considering they also made the Mega Man Zero and ZX games, and those were quite good.
it's all about the direction.
also, Inafune actually decided to make a Mega Man clone that fundamentally doesn't play like Mega Man, while still trying to cram Mega Man elements in it, while Bloodstained is literally just another Metroidvania, that seems to play similar to the sorrow games.
im tired of this stale bait
>I don't think MN9's problems can be blamed on Inti, considering they also made the Mega Man Zero and ZX games, and those were quite good.
They're mostly to blame. They developed the game after all.
You overestimate how much of a say the programmers and shit have in the final product. Doesn't matter how good the team is if your instructions suck dick.
they did the grunt work, but Comcept and Inafune still had a say in what they did.
as well as the fact that it needed to run on every system short of the fucking gameboy, which neutered their gameplay options as well.
You can be a really competent worker, but nothing of that is going to reflect if your boss is shit, even worse if your dictate how exactly do you have to do things.
>they did the grunt work,
They made the actual game. Comcept just ordered them to amke a 3D mega man clone, in Unreal based on these designs and story. 90% of the actual game is their fault.
They had NO IDEA how to make anything in Unreal. They had no actual programmers. The guys listed as programmers were just guys who could use the Unreal level builder. Their ability to make 3D models was questionable at best.
>what Sup Forums wants
Whoever made the call to use UE3 goofed, especially with all the mobile platform targets they offered. Even if Inti did have competent dev staff on hand, they weren't going to make that fatass mess of an engine work on a 3DS. Epic seems to have gotten their shit together with UE4, but it wasn't ready at the time.
Looks like those prerendered n64 games.
>Whoever made the call to use UE3 goofed,
it cant be underestimated though that it also had to run on so many systems. the initial test footage looked pretty good.
they also scrapped what was supposed to be the main gimmick, which was that you could transform to tackle different obstacles.
in the end, it's just an overglorified version of the weapon copy, but with outfit changing instead of color changing. originally, it seemd much more involved, and basically, more akin to Axl's gimmick from the later X games. (something which would have actually been interesting, had it happened, instead of that dash to absorb nonsense)
fucking cave story 3D looked better than this shit.
im starting to think MN9 problems were because inti creates was involved.
3d is fine as long as it's done the right way. Example - Trine.
Bloodstained on the other hand looks absolutely disgusting.
>im starting to think MN9 problems were because inti creates was involved.
Inti are very skilled at 2D.
They are not skilled at 2 things:
1. Unreal engine
2. 3D modelling
Guess what Bloodstained and MN9 make them do?
somehow, the background looks better in this one because it has less air in the image than the original project. I just really dislike the fact that bloodstained has too much air in the background.
>it has less air in the image
>too much air
> what is marketing
> what is paying staff
> what is distribution
It's presumably a big game too (at least it fucking better be or igirashi is fucked) which takes time and money.
Keep telling yourself that.
> hollow knight
my nigga
If they made it 2D it would not look as ugly as this.
post yfw you didn't back Bloodstained
>mfw i don't participate in forced Sup Forums circlejerks