Where did it all go so right?
Where did it all go so right?
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This has got to be the worst Evo lineup in years
>game thats not out
>worst sf game ever
>party game
>GG is ok
>kof isnt on pc
>Injustice is only for that furry cuck
>blazblue is neat
>party game
>best fighting game ever made
Dammit, I still haven't got Central Fiction yet. When's Jubei DLC?
Until there's only 1 Smash at Evo, it will never be "right"
I don't even care which Smash game goes, having two games of the same franchise in a tournament with limited slots is atrocious
It should be one game per publisher/devs in all honesty.
>marvel 3
>best anything
They've been holding out on announcements for EVO, so Jubei will probably be there. His announcement files have already been found.
2016 was way worse
>still two party games
>Obligation Fighter 5
>Party games
>Shitustice 2
Fucking why?
>fucking marvel 3
>best anything
Jesus Christ.
This. And I like Smash.
They're about equal, 2016 was slightly better because they werent blatantly afraid that SFV would be overshadowed and move the more successful titles to Saturday
Pokken ruined 2016 way more than anything in 2017 can do. It delayed an entire day by several hours, fucked up the stage time for SFV, and gave an even worse treatment to KI as a result.
I'm shocked melee is still alive when it's been the same 3-4 chars dominating for over 10 fucking years on the same 5 stages.
I thought it was Sm4sh that delayed everything and that snowballed into Pokken which snowballed into KI?
where is Ki?
Sm4sh didn't delay much last year, Pokken had a top 8 full of zoners that went far more overtime. Neither is a good choice mind you, but Pokken is much more extreme in that regard.
It was a Player's Choice, but Marvel beat it. Runner-up was Pokken by the way, so KI didn't stand much of a chance either way.
>fightin tournament
>party games
>tfw Smash Bros might be a bigger property than SF in the FGC at this point
>still 2 smashes
>no KI and MK
I'm no fighting game expert but this seems to be awful.
NRS games lose their entire playerbase the moment a new one comes out, MKX died when Injustice 2 was announced.
Real talk, arms would've been the best pick
Melee fans will fight for a "Melee HD" until the day they're on their deathbeds
Why do people call smash bros a party game?
I didnt know "party" game was a genre. I mean yes its dumb that it gets 2 games instead of one but don't use "party" game as a way to discredit it.
>melee and umvc are STILL in it
Let them die already jesus
BlazBlue and Guilty Gear are fine though right? :^)
There should not be two Smash Bros.
If other players of other series can adapt to the new entry and move on, then why are Smashfags given special treatment?
Calling it a "party game" doesn't discredit it. It's just not a fighting game.
They aren't the same franchise
>Xrd AND Blazblue
They finally did it.
Now if only they could drop Marvel for something that isn't trash.
>2 different franchises with a new installment each
They have completely different rosters, graphic styles, and mechanics
Also, this is likely BlazBlue's final year at Evo ever, so it's not that big a deal
So yes, it is better than 2 games from the same franchise being featured
Until 0 you mean
>tr4sh is still there
2 smash game
no Ki
really make you think
It was meant to be a party game, then some people removed items and played on map they deemed felt "fair".
They also hate how it's more King of the Hill type fighting game instead of a get-your-hp-down-to-0 type of one.
Honestly, I don't mind it. But the fact they still play melee even though only fucking 2-3 can constantly win tournies makes me question why they still fucing bother.
The only good thing to come of this is that Melee is finally dying
Is zelda an rpg? Theres your answer. Is final fight a fighting game?
This is the best EVO lineup to date. No hot garbage like Pokken.
b-b-but its a changin meta that keeps gettin new and shit, look at this dude that plays this one character out of meta, isnt amazing?
It's not even about characters anymore, only two people can win such big events and none of them are particularly interesting to watch
because there are thousands of delusional faggots that think their scene is healthy when only about 5 people are able to win tournaments. melee majors have been "give money to armada and hbox" tournaments for years.
>and played on map they deemed felt "fair"
They are fair, they don't have random stage hazards that can alter the outcome of a match. Some people don't want that stuff potentially deciding who wins, even in their party game.
>no KI
Fuck this shit
All it needs is to remove Smash trash and get Killer Instinct in there
Injustice 2 is the resident westernshit fighter this time.
>tfw Windjammers didn't make it
Where´s Persona ?
There's already 2 ASW games there, Persona is the redheaded step child.
Persona 5 Arena might be cool, though.
>Still 2 smash games
Jesus christ, I don't even care about Melee because at least it's a Saturday final now, but FUCK Sm4sh.
The current version isn't even on console.
Wait for P5A in 2018/2019
>Evo Japan
>No melee
>No sleep fighter V
>No marvel
What went so right?
>where is Ki?
In a grave.
>Using a Smash community website to handle brackets
>Bring on Smash TOs to keep your event running smoothly
>Have Smash streamers handle your Twitch broadcasts
>likely more Smash entrants than SFV entrants this year
>Countless Locals, Regionals and Majors every single week
>Even with Eleague and CPT more pro teams are interested in Smash than Street Fighter
It's time to bow down to your Smash overlords FGCucks
SFV is inevitably going to be there, it's only not in the preliminary events. Also, you forgot to mention that Sm4sh is still in it.
are all smash manchilds like this faggot? Thats a kinda autistic and sad community.
They closed the list, and they've said SFV won't be there, for reasons that no one really explained (maybe lack of arcades or licensing issues).
Nothing can be perfect, though, but at least it's not melee, which is a plus between a minus imo.
They've said it's not going to be at Sai, they haven't said anything about it not being at EVO Japan.
There's nothing wrong with sm4sh.
Melee needs to go.
>Injustice 2
>Revelator 2
>no KI
>no word on salty Catherine/Puyo Puyo Tetris side-streams
Yee naw it's shit.
T. Tr4sh autist
>There's nothing wrong with sm4sh.
It's fucking boring.
So is Melee but at least that's faster.
Both are shit desu, don't pretend otherwise smashfag
Please explain how its boring.
>So is Melee
inb4 "most technical and deepest fighting game" fags
Fucking delete this
Slow as shit, almost complete and utter lack of combos makes it so the punishes are significantly weaker and as a result making neutral a series of low-risk exchanges, the music in the game overall is good but in the stages most frequently picked it's dreary and dull.
There's a reason Sm4shfags get excited over even the smallest fucking combo, because the defensive options are overwhelmingly stronger than the offensive one, making resetting to neutral happen constantly. Even with 2 stocks it takes ages to remove even one.
Confirmed for never watching Smash 4. Every single character, even fucking Donkey Kong, has true combos. Some of them are very long, like Shiek and Bayo.
Get rid of Smash games and then it would be perfect. Also, Mike Z and the 20 fanboys still playing Skullgirls crying about this year's EVO was fun to watch.
Drop Smash Wii U or Injustass and add KI
Check out the Smash 4 civil war tournament.
It nullifies all the points you posted.
Who gives a fuck when the game is raped by a furfag?
You already know your fighting game is shit when Sonixfox wins it
Trash, Snore Fighter V and Kid's First Fighter 14.
>OP thinks it went right
Only floaties like Rosa are slow in Smash 4, and it's the same thing in Melee. Look at fucking puff and Samus. Not every character is a space animal.
>even Donkey Kong
More like Donkey Kong is one of the few who has proper true combos. Bayo has them, Shiek barely fucking has them and requires platform assistance to do so most often. The true combos in Sm4sh consists of 2-3 hits usually other than footstool shit, and generally just rack up damage rather than resulting in a kill. The recovery moves on the vast majority of the cast is absurd and the ledge mechanics makes it so the risk from falling off is far lower.
I can't believe Smashfags are this fucking delusional, there's a reason yor shitty game drags the time so hard all the time. 2 stocks and Bo3 takes longer than almost any Bo5 set in an actual fighting game.
I'm so glad Plup goes Shiek vs HBox, jiggs vs samus makes me want to die.
>No skullgirls
>No persona
You should probably pay attention to the games you try to push. Skullgirls specifically don't even want to be at EVO anymore with MikeZ actively saying that Combobreaker is the tournament which they value the most, and the current version of Persona isn't even on console, making a massive fucking split between western and JP players for an international tournament as big as EVO.
you all can kick and scream about melee all you want, it doesnt change that its still one of the most technical fightan games there is. not THE most, but one of the most, and certainly more than fucking smash 4.
Sf4 is back?
The ledge game in 4 is way more interesting than the ledge game in melee. You're incensivized to go out and challenge someone's recovery instead of just camping the ledge, and there are 2 frame spikes if you're a god at timing and prediction.
You can call it more "interesting" if you want because the defensive properties of the ledge in Melee is retarded. However, that doesn't change that almost every single character barring shit like Falcon have extremely safe recoveries from even off-screen, it's fucking absurd.
>most technical fighter
fucking bullshit
you just want to watch the same four fucking meme celebs sucking each others cocks and then circlejerk about it
fuck off and die
calm down lol
holy fuck you're a mongoloid, you just started frothing at the mouth at the mere SIGHT of those words.
since you lack basic reading comprehension, ill go over it again. it isnt the most technical fighter, but it is ONE of the most technical fighters. i guarantee you could get in a game of melee with me or any high level player and you'd have your ass absolutely obliterated.
Guilty Gear and Balzblue are great everything else is trash though with melee being especially trash.
literally every single fighting game
I like UMVC3 as much as the next guy but its not the best ever made.
>Rev 2 is still not out for another month
Why must we wait
no, not every single fightan game--only the best ones.
and melee is certainly not like other fightan games. at its base game, it seems like combos do not quite exist, but high level gameplay will have the opponent able to 0% you as they chain you into oblivion. there is an absurd amount of technical knowledge involved with every single movement that smash 4 wishes it could even come close to.
Just fuck off already.
>No Them's Fightin' Herds
>Injustice 2
and again literally every single game, keep talkin about technical knowledge and doesnt even know what it is. Are all smash faggots this delusional? Keep havin fun with your party game.
begone pony fag
>Complaining about melee and not about tr4sh.