Why would he go to jail for 10 for self defense from his girl getting raped, is the Japanese legal system that bad or is it just more awful Yakuza tier writing?
Why would he go to jail for 10 for self defense from his girl getting raped...
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it's not self defense cause he wasn't the one getting raped
Even for defense for someone else the situation could spiral out of control
self defense laws don't exist in japan. it goes to trial and that has a 90%+ conviction rate.
Japs love rape.
If you stop a rape you can get sued in Japan, moreso than in Murrica. That's just how it is.
Japanese legal system is shit over rape, I will try to find an article about it I read a while back
>is the Japanese legal system that bad
It's pretty fucking bad brah
Japan is pretty fucked up. If police arrests you, consider yourself a convict because they find a way to sentence people to prison 99.9% of the time
Japanese legal system is so bad that they made a videogame about how bad it is (Ace Attorney).
Literally 99.99% conviction rate.
Though I hear it improved in recent years to a whooping 99.98% :^)
Yes, it's that bad.
Have your fantasies been crushed you fucking weebs reading this!?
Japan is literally one of the biggest shitholes on the planet. All of the nice things you heard about are false. Fabricated by the government!!!!!!!
In reality, Japan is full of crime and criminals, with some of the highest rates of rape, murder, suicide, depression, alcoholism and work hours in the world.
user, pretty sure anyone that's actually legitimately interested in Japan and not just Kawaii Uguu Moeshit anime is perfectly aware that the country is pretty shit.
Heck, you've got games like Yakuza, Ace Attorney and Persona 5 that don't explicitly tell you how fucked up their country is.
They can't criticize things in the open so they resort to criticism through entertainment mediums.
Kind of like ex-soviet block countries did during commie occupation.
Except world isn't that simplistic.
There is lots of shit in Japan and they should fix it, but it doesn't meant it can't have good things ether.
I'm happy that I wasn't born there, but I'd gladly visit there as a tourist at some point.
>"But she had a lot of things bought for her, right?"
they have to run their train system like mexico, a.k.a have one entire train car dedicated to women so they don't get groped
>I'm happy that I wasn't born there, but I'd gladly visit there as a tourist at some point.
Friend was an exchange student there for like 3 or so years and said that even tourism went down the shitter, at least as far as Tokyo goes.
And suburbs are all extremely racist, especially Osaka.
Whoops meant to say xenophobic* instead of racist, though racist as well but that's only against chinese, koreans and niggers really.
>awful writing
3 years is pretty long time. I was thinking more like vacation.
>Game literally tells you to fuck off if you say Persona 5's events aren't fake because they're that likely to get sued if it doesn't.
>Parent company operates entirely in opposition to the ideas of the game.
You can say the same about Nigeria, man. That doesn't make it good.
He used to go on vacation there yearly before he became an exchange student. He said the core problem of why tourism went down the shitter is because you've got districts that became tourist bait exclusively and they don't even have truly Japanese stuff there anymore. Just regular murrika-tier stuff so tourists will feel more at home.
The Kamurocho (called Kabukicho IRL) from Yakuza for example? It's literally a gaijin district now.
Kabukicho is in an exception. Everybody knows that. Not to say the phenomenon you describe does not exist, but Kabukicho is an extreme case.
I can't find that article which is a shame because it was all well articulated (it wasn't vice or some shit like that) but it's even written in the law that fault is placed on the victim if the victim and the attacker happened to know each other.
Overall laws in Japan are shit and crime is extremely under reported because of the culture of collective shaming and victim blaming that it's perfectly acceptable over there. Bullying and mobbing are extremelly common in Japan to the point it's considered acceptable behavior.
I used it as an example because it's the most prominent one of how a district went to complete shitter in a span of 10 years.
>Albert Wesker
>Yoshitaka NOT MUH DAIGO Mine
>Sudden final boss Aizawa
Rubber bullets was fucking hilarious, you shut the fuck up.
I doubt it has that high of a murder rate
It's YUME.
I was shitposting.
Never take what anybody on Sup Forums or Sup Forums or /jp/ says about Japan seriously.
Just because you were shitposting doesn't mean what we said isn't true, consider suicide.
Yeah, rubber bullets was genius.
In Japan they have two definitions of rape, tsūjō and fushizen.
Tsūjō: a sexual attack by a complete stranger, this is the "real rape".
Fushizen: The victim and the attacker knew each other therefore the victim could have made something to prevent the attack, or the victim could have cause the attack. These are not considered "real rape cases" and rarely proceed.
Hypothetically because Yumi was a hostess and also acquitance, she basically "put herself in that position" so it falls on tsūjō and nothing would have been done. Also Dojima is a filthy rich yakuza that can get away with anything.
>so it falls on tsūjō
fushizen, I fucked up
>mfw the only thing i admire about japan and other asian countries is their cj system
It literally makes my dick hard knowing that you can swing for a pound of marijuana in Singapore.
If there's one thing Japanese law is strict about it's drugs. Get caught with drugs are you are basically banned from everything and everywhere, this is why you rarely see drugs mentioned or used in Japanese fiction. Zero tolerance law.
Good thread.
this sounds pretty fucking terrible, yet I want something of a kind to be a sub-story in yakuza, where you get to blow the badguys shit up really badly. I really enjoy when motherfuckers get whats coming to them really hard in a way they understand.
I would like to see something of a persona 5 spin off which is all about stealing hearts dealing with shit like this.
>"But she had a lot of things bought for her, right?"
Japanese police really wouldnt like twitch whores, kek
I'm pretty sure something as small as a possession arrest (conviction or not, doesn't matter) can potentially get blacklisted from even visiting Japan. But lots of east Asian countries don't fuck with drugs.
A couple of years ago SIngapore hung some aussie heroin traffickers. Australia tried crying but they don't give a fuck. Based Lee Kuan Yew still lives from the grave there.
criminal justice
probably a reaction to the whole opium kerfuffle
a foreigner found posessing drugs gets deported for eternity
Is alcohol completely legal? I mean I know that you can buy alcohol in Japan, but is it like the US where you have to hide the container and such, or is it just a normal thing to buy?
It is the fact that he supposedly did it with a hand gun. Japan has extremely strict firearm laws and the only thing you can really get is a hunting shotgun or rifle.
Alcohol and cigarettes are free game.
they sell it out of vending machines my friend
No open container law. But it's not socially acceptable to walk and drink anything at the same time.
There are literally vending machines with alcohol and cigs in Japan. Kids can use them if nobody gives a shit.
Forgot to mention that but add it to This is why characters solving everything by fisting each other isn't so weird
As long as you are over 20 you are ok
These vending machines are super rare, you probably won't find any if you travel to Japan unless you are actively looking for them. Also Japanese vending machines require IDs and shit, and cigarettes and alcohol machines only work at certain hours.
Just finished Yakuza 0 the other day. Why did I end up liking this guy the most?
he's a cool old man
saw them all over nagasaki, but yeah the cigarette and alcohol ones require ID
>you probably won't find any if you travel to Japan unless you are actively looking for them
Factually false unless you live in some suburban shithole.
Why is he so smug
I fucking hated him throughout the whole game, but I nearly teared up when he died.
This guy was my favorite
How long do I have to wait for a price drop for 0?
Nishitani went too fucking soon. His last scene was incredible.
Being an Omi
this Majima looks like he's about to get fucked by the protagonist of Sweet Guy
He covered up the attempted rape to protect Nishiki and Yumi, also the police is corrupted from the core.
Similar thing happens in persona 5, so I'm assuming that's how the Japanese "justice" system works?....
>Insert "DUUUH I WAS JUST PRETENDING" image here
>tfw just got rekt by two tigers
I love this series fampai
Where do I go in the series after playing Yakuza 0?
Wait for the remaster of the first, or play 3/4/5?
The Japanese justice system is awful. For one you're essentially guilty until proven guilty. Second, the lawyers are all about prosecution, not defense. This means your choices as a defendent are pretty bad due to most lawyers not wanting to bother with it. Third, the system is about judgment. Yea that may sound correct when you first say it, but the Japanese justice system is concerned with sentences rather than justice.
You can read up on it more, but it's a pretty common tropic over there. Games, movies, and novels have all touched on it being rather injust in intention.
until proven nonguilty* you mean, ftfy
No, he's right.
Guilty until proven guilty
no, he means guilty. it was a joke you clearly didn't understand.
>Japanese justice system is concerned with sentences
no, they're only really concerned with how to batter criminals into submission so they work better in the society. that's how jap prison sentences work: most of the time is spent literally brainwashing the prisoners into being good little worker bees.
No you retard, yours literally a fucking oxymoron.
Western world operates on "Not guilty unless proven guilty". Japan operates on "Guilty unless proven not guilty".
There is also the aspect that cases are only taken to court if it's assumed to be won, and thus police might ignore difficult cases.
>most of the time is spent literally brainwashing the prisoners into being good little worker bees.
That's how rest of the society, also works, so nothing new there.
How fucking dense are you?
>cases ignored because "it's not bad enough"
>cases ignored because they are too hard
what is the Japanese justice system for then
Corruption. It's one of the most if not the most corrupt in the world.
Someone didn't play 3,4,5 and especially 6.
Him and Lao Guai were the only characters I outright hated, but his final scene with Majima really saved the character for me.
>i liked him in the end because he was nice and sacrificed himself for the nice good guy man
Underage please leave.
I just wanted to wreck shit with the crazy son of a bitch just once
Literally a bunch of asshole policemen worrying about public image 24/7.
Yeah, that's exactly what I said, good job.
So can anybody explain to me why Kiwami is only selling for 30 dollars? Are they trying to shoot themselves in the foot"?
Because it's basically an expansion for 0 and your average consumers would complain about that being full priced. Also you're a moron for actually being upset about cheaper stuff.
How is it an expansion? Was Yakuza 5 an expansion for 4?
>Why are they selling a low budget mod at a low price? Are they trying not to piss people off by making them pay full price for half the game they just played?
Ace Attorney is closer to the truth than you think. If the prosecutor says you did bad, you go to jail and that's basically it
Is it really short or something?
Yakuza 5:
New Cities
New gameplay mechanics
New minigames
New animations
New renderer
Yakuza Kiwami:
Did they sell it for a discount price in Nipland too?
It's literally the best
Kiryu had Nishiki take Yumi out of the room so he was found with a gun in his hand and a dead body in front of him
He wanted to take the blame for Nishiki so more than likely he just kept his mouth shut and left Yumi out of his story and just took a straight sentence
>most likely
That's literally what happened though, you even have the cutscenes where they're questioning him and even fully suspect that he's just covering for someone but he stays silent so they can't do anything other than sentence him as is.
I wasn't aware this was the case. That sounds scary.
Yeah it looks pretty fucking awful.
You've got current-gen models, shaders and lighting, but with PS2 animations (including lip movement) which looks low budget as fuck.
Lemme find a cutscene.
Here you go, includes the old hilariously terrible dub as a bonus for laughs.
Kiwami's not a mainline game like 5 or 0 were. Less budget, less new content. And this is recycled assets the franchise, even in 5 for all that new content there's still stuff from the PS2 in there.