post only mobile games worth a shit ITT
Post only mobile games worth a shit ITT
tower defences
this and Brave Exvius.
It's even better than the flash game, desu.
Give me some pro cat strats anons. I just started a few days ago.
get the Samba cat, 3 other 50 cent cats, and spam the shit out of them
then let a long range attacker like the nerd cat
How is the 3DS game?
you can beat chapter 1 and 2 with maxed ninja cat
Big fan of VOEZ, Albion Online, and Kingdom, but none of those are exclusive to mobile.
Yu-gi-oh Duel links
hitman/deus ex/lara croft go
Get the Crash Fever collab cat (Happy 100)
It's a crappy salon cat ripoff but it'll help a lot early game.
NEVER sell cats for XP (unless you get a duplicate gold cat)
Don't buy the special cats unless you're really having trouble
Dragon Cat (Lizard Cat) is incredibly important for chapter 3, don't neglect it.
>No synchro , XYZ, or any of that bullshit after it
>Speed duel format so duels go by quicker (regular rules will be coming later)
>Gems out the ass every time so you can always buy new card packs without spending money
I'm having fun desu ,rank silver 5 right now I also just got double summon. Pegasus level 40 is a bitch
Shattered Pixel Dungeon
>tfw trying to get Mobius from the collab stuff
please o cat god
TheoTown before the latest update
cracked Jubeat Plus
Rust Bucket is a pretty good puzzle game, but the store page advertises it as a randomly generated roguelike.
Super Cat Bros
I love Battle Cats so goddamn much.
Tried it on a recommendation from Sup Forums actually
Crash Fever
Unison League
I wish they didn't keep the energy system in the 3DS version. Hopefully they make another version without microtransactions some time in the future that doesn't have the energy system.
Oh shit they made a mobile version? I know they made a phone version of Burrito Bison.
I don't get the appeal of Battle Cats, I didn't enjoy it at all
Kind of a bafflingly faithful port with differences in the latest parts of the game because the mobile game's development is ongoing
The energy system doesn't really hurt it that much given the extremely reduced cost to reload.
What hurts the game is that they never update it. Anti-alien cats exist when the alien enemies aren't in BCP. No new levels or cats like in the mobile one.
>so its the same shit every map? Whats the point
crash fever looks fun
I started playing 1 week ago or so.
Got Mobius and had no idea what it was.
She's quite good. Slow though.
She's a heavy anti-red unit. Low HP but brutal attacking power and the ability to push back any reds.
I don't actually need her since I have Bunny and Canard to kill reds, but I love how cute she is.
blue board you degenerate
>mfw crazed sexy legs has thigh-high tattoos
VOEZ is fun. It makes me wish Tap Tap Revenge was still around though.
I got her before getting Valkyrie and now I'm not sure if I should have upgraded Valkyrie all the way.
Also, the last evolution of Mobius costs about 500k. I dunno if later on the game that's nothing but goddamn.
>tfw started months ago and can't clear absolutely fucking anything
I just play it for the collection aspect at this point, I have 3 Ubers yet I can't get through anything past Expert.
I'm saving on cat food but I read everywhere that buying any of the cats is a waste of it.
What do people do with the cat food then?
Sure, upgrade Valk. She's ok (although she's only really great after getting her third form)
500k is a fair amount of exp regardless, but most cats jack up the price to evolve anyway.
which ubers
Save it for gacha draws that give a guaranteed uber rare cat.
>worth a shit
Phoneposters need to die.
Nurse Cat (which has carried me throughout the entire game pretty much)
Bomburr, which I haven't even used.
Princess Kaguya, got her not too long ago and she seems nice but I still have to use.
Right now I'm stuck on Into The Future Chapter 2, and for SoL I can hardly do anything.
It's not a mobile version, its an entirely new version.
shh kid
I will personally vouch for this game
It's basically a BattleBots simulator. While you have no direct control, the smallest adjustments can influence how a simulation plays out due to every part changing the physics of your car
i am curently playing this game
A simple fun game that gives you something to do for 20-30 min everyday. Exactly what a mobile game should be.
Pokemon shuffle, that shit is addicting as fuck. Been playing it for almost 2 years I think and I haven't spent a single dime o it because the game gives you the option to grind everything in a way that doesn't make you wanna kill yourself.
Nurse Cat is a A tier uber, protect her properly and she should b able to prolong Bahamut's lifespan (she's mostly a support unit).
Kaguya, I have her too, but she's basically a second Bahamut. Does shitloads of damage but her ability isn't great for where you are.
Bomburr is useless for you right now, since zombie slaying units are only needed in late SoL stages.
Do you have all the anti-alien treasures? You will need them to progress at all.
3DS one is better, can save coins easier and less "multi-heart stages"
I understand completely that 3ds has an advantage when it comes to amount of hearts you can save at a time or the meowth stage not giving you rocks, but that's because you have to actually buy the 3ds.
Yeah, just wanted to make sure to post that in case people wanted to try it and had both a 3DS and a phone, since the 3DS version is more friendly to new players.
Is there a way to tell if its a guaranteed rare gatcha? Or the game simply tells you so?
>not owning a 3DS
>the best platform of the generation by literal miles
Game tells you, there will be a little "100% uber rare!" purple thing above the 1500 catfood draw button.
Yeah I do have all treasures.
This is wgat my setup looks like, I just use the top row for buffs and bottom row for units I use.
Kinda tired of not being able to clear anything at all, so I will take any advice since I've hardly tried to learn how to play beyond spamming units.
I also have Chill Cat, but he gets killed off so easily on Alien stages dunno if he's worth using.
The last nintendo handheld I had was gba, and I played the shit out of it for years, then I never touch any handheld from any company ever again because I started emulating most of it.
I can't believe I fucking wasted cat food on that god damn Capsule Cat.
Wait, this game has cute girls?
Wtf are you doing
No wonder you can't clear anything.
Kick out Skelecat, Mr., Killer Cat, and only use Necromancer if there are floaters.
King Dragon Cat should be set to just Dragon Cat, he's much more spammable.
If you have Paris Cat/Salon Cat, replace your Ice Skating Cat.
Bring at least 2-3 meatshields next to each other for easy access, the catcombos aren't really worth it where you are.
why wouldn't it
>using Killer Cat
what the fuck
Wow. And here I thought it'd be nothing but cute and freakish cats.
Thanks, who should I be replacing them with?
Honestly the worst part about this game is the fact that there are no in-game stats. I know there is on the wiki but it's kinda overwhelming at first. Being able to quickly compare and contrast stats in-game would streamline the gameplay so much.
I said I only use top row for buffs, I just spam the bottom 5 units until I win.
>That achievement for completing a full level without using checkpoints
Mother of god, this is hard.
Best mobile game
Alright say I install battle cats right now
what tips would you give me vee
I was the user referring to the fact that there's a girl with huge tits in this, but eh.
I hope I get lucky with my next draw and get one for my roster.
Endless Frontier is the ultimate in idle game autism
I have literally everyday perfected exept the past week cuz i've been studying for finals.
Some obstacles are a fucking nightmare and trip me up dozens of times. I do my best leaping on the shitter.
Rate my lineup
>Killer Cat
It is mostly freaks, cute girls are hard to get, rare units usually.
Try watching some sample videos. I'd suggest a lineup of
Mohawk, Eraser, Jiangshi, Ramen/Chill, Paris
Dragon, Nurse, Bahamut, and any other suitable units. I don't know your cats though.
>using the evolved form of Jizo
Use the unevolved one. Also why so many meatshields? 3 should be fine unless you're fighting an onslaught.
Wait a minute...
>mobile "games"
choose one, underage numale hipsters
There is a Jojo reference, but it isn't that one.
Killer Cat is a joke character, the stats of the cheapest cat in the game but 100x the cost.
>Synchro, XYZ, Pendulum
you know no of what you speak
>Anything with barrels
>That one from like 3 or 4 days ago, a pirate theme
>With 2 of those fucking awful barrel gates at like 14 and 2
How the fuck do you guys tolerate the ads these games are plagued with? Shit triggers the living fuck outta me.
meh balance issues, people hacking, and terrible luck killed this game for me.
I hit the back arrow on my phone's lower right instantly.
For Battle Cats there is no ads 90% of the time, and if you launch it without an internet connection, ads don't load.
>anything but shit
Is this in the 3DS version? If it is, I'll buy it right now.
People hacking? What do you mean?
There was two barrel levels in a row and it took me like 20+ tries to get through.
Thundia should be there, yeah. 3DS one is bit short though.
What's the best arkanoid/breakout clone for Android?
Install AdAway, my man.
You do have a rooted phone, right?
None of the games I play have ads.
There was a hero duping exploit a month back
You know what? It depends on the game.
Use your brain a little before going "OMG ADS FUCK YOU DEVS YOU GREEDY FUCKS"
I've played a couple of very nicely developed games that required no money to be enjoyed and showed ads rarely, or to require a continue. Think about it. If it's a good game that you can see someone put a lot of effort into, will it kill you to watch a 30 second ad that will reward the devs with mere pennies?
On the other hand, games that are shit or overloaded with ads I just uninstall and give a low review.
These are my units.
Sorry if I'm being awfully obnoxious right now. I just like this game and there are absolute no threads about it where I can take advice from.
I hate myself for liking it
>literally just started
>get the event character with my first ticket
how good is he?
I love Battle Cats
I just wish there was a really good multiplayer game though
You lucky fuck. I've only got the Thief Cat, Witch Cat, and Pirate Cat from those rare tickets.
You could add heroes not long ago
You could even get some unreleased heroes
no one got banned for it
Nah, you're not being obnoxious dude.
Max Salon cat, first priority. She's one of the best rares, period. Stacking her is a good way to beat a lot of levels. Surfer Cat is also great for ItF, great range and fair freeze chance on aliens. Ignore Rich Cat the 3rd and Killer Cat, those are joke characters which only exist for catcombos. Artist Cat has ridiculous health, TF it immediately. Psychocat is a total bro in ItF, use him against most aliens, especially the Nimoy Bore.
I would tell you other units to do, but what stage are you stuck on?
Nah he's shit, but if you just started he's great. Midgame he is too expensive and his ability forces him to take damage to deal any good damage himself. Not absolute trash but mediocre. Mobius is the gold pick from the collab gacha.
forgot image because I'm retarded
one of these things is not like the other
Yeah. Barrel shit is rage-inducing.
>You can actually bounce on them, but the frame to do so is fucking microscopic because of their animations
>Barrel Gates feature 2 barrel producers on the side that drop to a platform that drop to another platform at the other end
>getting through is death