ITT: Real places that look like they could be from a videogame

ITT: Real places that look like they could be from a videogame
cont from >

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I want to visit Easter Island at least once in my life.



ah yes, the 'what we wished video games looked like' threads

always a classic



The Big Shell. A massive offshore cleanup facility 20 miles off the shore of Manhattan. I hear the cleanup isn't quite over yet.

I bet you get tetanus just by walking in there




We had a great thread the other day, why ruin it by permanently making new ones with the same pictures being reposted?



Post ones that at 1440p or above so I can have a new wallpaper.

Actually was here and could only think that this would be the training arena in a fighting game


wasn't there a call of duty map based on this?


Is that the Vomit Comet?

this is kind of portal esque

None of these images were in the last thread besides OP pic


Man, fuck Liam. didn't even finished the LP before he bailed.

Quarry House, Leeds.

I see this building all the time when I'm in the city and can't help but think that it looks like some villain's headquarters because of the weird looking antenna on top.

>the logging of Easter Island spiralled from the outside in, and up
>when the natives chopped down the last tree on the island, they could see it was the last tree
>they did it anyway


And i'm retarded, forgot pic

I know, I made the post after seeing the OP and the OP of the last thread and now I feel stupid.


It is in a video game



There's a battlefield 4 map that kind of looks like this

You should, ya dummy



Nah, looks like a 787 interior before they put the seats in.

Looks like that one late-game map in Black Ops 2

Lay off the anime, son.

wow, where is this?


The overworld of Sonic Unleashed is literally this.

Here is your exclusive Shadow of Mordor 2 screenshot bro


Read the OP

Bangkok, apparently

real is boring

What a retarded design.

Everyone would die in there because of smog.

Then why the fuck are you here

Would probably be scared as fuck at the top of this and seeing that dragon head
Never liked humongous statues and sculptures, always made me uneasy, worse if they're underwater


Dragons Dogma has a location like this.

yeah I just googled dragon temple, came up pretty easily

So make a different thread dumbass.



Hl1 is literally this

But the moon, though.

Looks like Oil Rush.








>torrenting a building
>no more seeds



Borean Tundra in WoW


Every church in Dark Souls looks like this. Except the windowless walls extend 5000 feet lower to the ground.

Yes, in Advanced Warfare. There's also Ilios in Overwatch.


wtf I love the world now




It's a shame I hate myself

Boom de yada

Are we just showing off interesting locales?



just chiming in again to say that now we have plenty of reposts :^)


Imagine how comfy it'd be living out there assuming the interior was refurbished to accommodate better living standards


>no one has posted this yet

Stand back and weep you idiots - feast your eyes on THIS

yes it is >real





That's actually how I'm feeling ITT
Was never really interested in travelling because I figured everything had already been discovered
But now I'm realizing that it's not about what hasn't been discovered, but rather what has and humans have made their own.
Thanks Sup Forums

That's because it has been in the old threads multiple times.

Absolutely not comfy.

>shitty to reach
>only solar or generated electricity
>shit your pants every time there is a huge storm
>fucked if someone decides to raid your ass

That's because it's posted in every thread and everyone knows about it.

this gives me Esthar from ff8 vibes