>no "only on playstation" on the box
PC when?
>no "only on playstation" on the box
PC when?
Nioh is not even good to care about it.
It's not better than Lords of Fallen as Souls clone.
It has better combat than Souls.
kys desu
these japs need to get their shit together.
Why do they keep disrespecting PC gamers?
What did we ever do to them?
They need to open their eyes because being idiots that refuse to sell to willing customers like us will only hurt them in the long run.
Otherwise they can go die in a hole like the peasants scum that they are.
God it makes my blood boil
It's objectively better than lotf. Still, the format gets monotonous after a while.
>What did we ever do to them?
>LOL 3 stances bro!
Yeah, never mind that the stances are busy work. 90% of the time you are only using 2 stances at most and not that it matters at all when you have the sickle-ball weapon that makes every other weapon useless because of how OP it is, and it's not like Dark Souls where you have frequent enemies that are weak or strong to certain damage types encouraging you to change tactics or carry another good weapon, in Nioh all you have to do is spam the long range attack with the sickle-ball weapon and you win against nearly any enemy type.
It was just a prank bro
game is already forgotten
>what's in the cover matters
Well, look at this cover.
And both from the same studio :)
Another begging thread.
No wonder people call them PC cucks here.
Just because you're shit at the game doesn't mean you're right, most of the time i thought the same, why use other stances? Then i learned how to play and was changing stances all the time and taking advantage of each of their strengths.
Ahahahaha nope.
I don't know how far I'm into the game (I just unlocked the third region), but it is not only leagues above Lords of the Fallen. but it is a great game on its own.
In fact I'm enjoying it more than Dark Souls 3.
>you have frequent enemies that are weak or strong to certain damage types encouraging you to change tactics or carry another good weapon
Don't lie.
When the timed exclusivity period Sony paid for is over. Probably a year from release.
it's not a souls clone pcfriend only thing nioh has in common with souls is the lvl up system and stamina/ki
it's more like onimusha with diablo loot and great combat desu
Nioh has absolutely terrible variety of enemies, the inventory and loot are fucking awful as well. Most bosses are garbage.
It's just as bad as the lords of fallen. Both Nioh and lords are failing hard to copy Souls.
>It's not better than Lords of Fallen as Souls clone.
are you that fucking salty you pcdweeab?
I never said the game was hard, it's easier than DaS and the amount of times you NEED to change stances are so low that it doesn't merit mapping a held shoulder button and face buttons that are entirely dedicated to this pointless stance changing mechanics.
>LOL look, that enemy is crawling! I better change to my low stance to hit them easier
Nioh is so fucking overrated.
sony owns the publishing rights everywhere outside of japan
if team ninja wants to publish it here then they have to pay off sony first which they wont
>sony owns the publishing rights everywhere outside of japan
Got a source, m8?
Nioh copies Souls, that's true, but it does its own thing unlike Lords.
The combat is great, the stances are nice and all the items you can use.
There is nothing wrong about the loot (keep the one you like, sell / disassemble the rest) and the bosses are great (to be fair I wish they weren't such damage sponges; that umi-bozu boss has way too much health even if you use the bonfires)
The funny thing is, I liked Lords of the Fallen too and I'm looking forward towards the sequel.
Being a PC + PS4 dude is great; I can play anything I want to.
Are you seriously implying that Nioh has more enemy variety than a Souls game?
But Ninja Gaiden II is still 360 exclusive, what are you on about.
There's that other similar game but let's not confuse them, note the sigma in the title, completely different.
Probably never.
>nioh isn't better than lords
Such a bad shitpost
>But Ninja Gaiden II is still 360 exclusive
Bro do you even know about the Sigma games on ps3?
Oh no, Nioh has a pretty bad case of lacking generic enemy variety (human, zombie, oni, one eyed giant, elemental floating spirits, that flying asshole), but you're talking like Dark Souls enemies were so varied on stats and properties that you have to change weapons all the time. I've finished entire playthroughs using nothing but the +15 regular Zwei, and you average Souls players doesn't use any more than two weapons for the entire game (the ones he wants to use for that particular character).
>retard who can't speak English talks shit about a game he hasn't played
>couldn't even read the 2nd line
average Sup Forums
>what can possible be Nioh Sigma
You can still have a Nioh version for pc and bone. Hell, even switch.
Why don't you try reading his post before replying?
welcome to Sup Forums
He edited the post afterwards, the 2nd line was added
but it was literally made to be hacked
Dark Souls has that too.
DS1: +5 Chaos Zweihander (though that might just be the meme)
DS2: I don't know.
DS3: The DLC doorshields or the dual greatswords from the last DLC.
. . .
Is the game worth $70? Is it decent or it was only hyped because the PS4 didn't have anything else? (this has happened before).
KT's not going to let this one stay on PS4 only. This is one of the few games that they've made that's actually good and they know they can't confine it to just one platform.
Leather set + Zweihander = win
In a lot of games you don't need to master the game to be able to finish it, most of the souls games are like this, the difference is nioh has a lot of tools, i could finish the game only using one stance or i could change stances all the time to use parries, better dodges, stance skills, etc and deal with shit way faster and efficiently. it's not about needing to change stances is about knowing when one stance can be used to fuck shit up faster.
The main complaint I've heard about it is that the level design is pretty poor, with bland locations and no continuous world.
I've got the physical copy for 50€ which is like 52$ on day one
anyways, was totally worth it and I'm looking forward to the dlc
did you try the timed demos?
>multiplayer on the box
MP when?
>DS1: +5 Chaos Zweihander (though that might just be the meme)
It's a meme. Chaos zwei didn't take to much stats and scaled off humanity
>DS3: The DLC doorshields
No. Nnno.
And guess what. None of these are too good for pve to the point anything other does not matter.
>only hyped because the PS4 didn't have anything else?
This is correct. Nioh is garbage. Notice how it has barely been talked about since NieR, Persona 5, DaS3 DLC, etc.
>hurr muh blood muh difficult
it's the same shit you autist
It's pretty fun and I've seen it go for as low as 40$ in some places.
Worst parts are the levels and enemy variety. Also the ability to cheese the game with talismans but I think they have nerfed them.
it's already there, it merely seem like it's not because the chances to meet another player and in the right plane of existence are very slim
the sticker is there to represent that
PVP update along with DLC in 9 days.
I hope the PVP is good because if it's not, then the longevity of Nioh is severely diminished. Hell, there hasn't been a general for months.
I bought it for $60. I'm really liking it; it's a pretty solid game.
It's different from Souls and Bloodborne so if you're searching for a 1:1 experience you're going to be disappointed,
I thought Nioh played a lot more like ninja gaiden in that the combat was way more reactive and engaging. More so you can learn the pattern you must do easier than dark souls, but the timing required to pull it off is much harder and reflex based. Actual combat is better in Nioh, but Dark souls has the whole rpg, open world, character building on Nioh.
How can people look at this cursed logo and think that any game branded by it can be good?
Because I played Nioh and it was great.
nearly everything I've played with that logo been good though
but of course, I don't play * Warriors games and their clones
I honestly care more about the dlc tho
all I want is to rape some oniholes again
I don't know man, last I played from them was Nioh and it was garbage.
I'm looking forward to the Odachi, hoping it won't just be long 1kat.
when the heck is the DLC already
>let's not confuse them
Who would ever confuse the improved port with Sigma in the title over the shit original?
>awful mission structure straight out of a f2p iPad game
>terrible characters and "story"
>small, uninspired, boring level design that even Onimusha rivals
>pointless, out of place, filler loot system
>shit enemy variety
>looks and plays worse than DaS3 and even DaS2 despite being visually and technically simpler and not being open world
Do you also enjoy eating your own shit?
Sounds like someone couldn't beat the boat boss
Are we getting Okatsu and Ginchiyo skins? Have they heard our pleas?
I must have this
>I hope the PVP is good
You know it wont be
What did OP mean by this?
I got a little more than half way through and then sold it, the only good boss was the vampire lady, the giant seas blob boss was boring and took me 3 tries.
>he couldn't even beat shiggy
lol conquered af
you need to use your mind's eye to see its rightful form
>console cuck falseflags as a pc bro
>console cuck #2
like clockwork
Stopped reading here.