Nier Automata was pretty cool, and had a lot of interesting things going, but after completing it less than a month ago, I think I can safely say it's a pretty forgettable experience. Aside from 2B's ass and the true ending, there's nothing that amazing about the game.
Nier Automata was pretty cool, and had a lot of interesting things going, but after completing it less than a month ago...
>forgettable experience
It resonated with me more than any other game from the past 5 years.
I don't like 9s
That's cuz you're big dumb weeb scum
Likely because you're an impressionable child that hasn't played enough games or consumed many stories that don't come inside of a video game.
Nope. Game is a goddamn landmark and will be discussed for years to come.
You could have posted this in any of the Nier threads that were already up, but I guess that wouldn't b8 as many people
You haven't finished the game, then. Ending E was a game changer. Few games reach that level of connection to the player
I would love to see your list for more memorable games released this gen so far.
I'll wait.
Name 1 (one). Only 1 (one) to make your life easier
>not embracing her around the chest or under the chest
>9s crotch deliberately keeping away from being pressed unto the thigh/hips
What's wrong with this artist?
You mean that's all you know from second-hand knowledge. Stop pretending you played the game.
breath of the wild
try your best sonybro
>breath of the wild
>zelda now open world too like every single other AAA title
The music alone was worth the price. Plus I just love Toobie
Yakuza Zero comes to mind.
There's plenty of others, too. It was nice of you to spare my time, though.
Keep huffing Yokotaro's farts, loser.
I only finished it last night and I'm already forgetting most details.
Ironic since I can still remember almost everything from Nier years later. Maybe because the lore in Nier was good and fun to dive into, while the automata stuff is just fluff
Way more fucking memorable then Horizon Zero Dawn at least.
Literally the game before it that wasn't a watered down sequel
You are a retard and a pleb
I did. It was a good game. There's just nothing that special about it in retrospect. Really, what was so great about it? The part where I played as an angry teenager that fought via spaceship hacking minigames instead of the excellent battle system? Or the trite nonsense about robots not feeling emotions but then expressing them in the same sentence?
Woah, so deep, bravo taro-chan.
>yakuza zero
Funny that you can only think of recent games. That kinda shows how memorable this gen is regarding games
>thinking about memorable titles
>can only think of titles released a couple of months ago
try again kiddo. Not liking your favorite POS game doesnt mean I didnt play it
as opposed to automata fake open world?
See that shit? you cant go there since there's an invisible wall. Maybe if you all rabid fanboys buy 10 copies they'll have decent budget next time.
So which one of you baiting faggots are OP?
The music is pretty nice to listen to. Bought the OST after finishing all endings.
Automata is more memorable for the story, themes and set pieces.
The ending E credits sequence and what comes after, completely obliterates anything botw tries to do to shine above the competition
Automata is filled with memorable moments, set pieces, characters.
The music alone is enough to make it shine above most
>running on gtx 1080
>textures worse than BOtW for PiiPuu
>there's not even an option in the settings for shit LOD and textures
automatafags are defending this
Whats this
>you just have to play the game 4 times for it to become good user!
The music is honestly just sentimental garbage meant to lend emotional punch to otherwise goofy-as-fuck story ideas.
>hurdur robots have feelings too
This game is for babies.
>i think botw is the greatest game ever because open world shit is new to me
It's funny how obvious it is when shitters who haven't played Automata try to shit on it.
2B wasnt even the main character.
9s was your average shounen shit edge character. He would fit right in Tokyo Ghoul.
beck luck next time kiddos, here's the superior game
He is in the beginning. I kinda like how he character arch progressed.
Him going nuclear.
I wish he wasn't a kid tho. I would rather him being an adult.
Dragon's Dogma. I felt more connection to my pawn than any of the characters in Automata. If you thought Automata was seriously that good, you need to read more manga.
It's funny how people think claiming everyone who dislikes a game didn't play it is a valid defense.
What game is that? Is that nioh?
The problem is that his character arch is what 2B's entire character was built around compared to A2 who had her own story to tell regardless if 2B or 9S disappeared from the story.
2B was ultimately a damsel masquerading as a badass chick like the trailers showed and I felt betrayed for that.
>character progression
>tfw bought the game at launch and put 40+ hours in
>can go at length why the story is spotty as hell and wasteful with how it presents itself
You aint telling me shit famygdala
I bet you're the same stupid shitter who didn't get the mackeral joke at the DLC stream and then got mad flustered trying to say he forgot about ending K because it was so "forgettable."
Only the game that absolutely destroyed Bloodborne.
Why are you so defensive about people saying they didn'tlike Automata though? Sup Forums isnt your hugbox.
>dragon's dogma
>having any kind of emotional connection with anything in the game
For fuck sake, I don't even know what the game was about.
I remember that a dragon steals your heart, and that mercedes is best waifu.
Besides that, I don't see how the game can connect with you emotionally long enough to be remembered.
>look at me I'm retarded
Real talk
Is Automata too intelligent for Sup Forums?
So many of the complaints completely fail to understand the topics the game tried to explore and the lessons Taro-sensei wanted to teach us
Cool bait thread
Not as cool as this 5 though
Would anyone have seriously bought or played this game if it wasn't for 2B's juicy ass?
The biggest problem with the game is that Yokotaro works his hardest to make the game as unpleasant an experience as possible, despite the quality combat system.
>what's that, wanna fight some robots? Lol too bad! You're gonna hack them now because 9S has a boring as fuck moveset!
>what's that, you don't wanna replay half the fucking game again? TOO BAD. Here's 9S!
>What's that, you're having fun as A2? LMFAO here's NINE-ESS!
Everything also just feels so incredibly forced and only superficially touching. No single idea in the game is fleshed out or explored in depth; it's put together in an incredibly poor manner, and the exciting, intense parts are padded by shitty fetch quests and hacking minigames.
It has some pretty great highs, but way, way too many lows.
MGS2 did it better wholesale sorry kid
It was emotional in the mechanical sense. The same way the first Dark Souls experience was emotional when you first met the community.
Me and my pawn slaying a burning Griffon while in mid air then plummeting to our deaths into the sea was one of my best experiences in an RPG. You can't recreate that shit Automata because everything is scripted.
Well, this shit isn't new.
Not new for Kojima fans that's for sure. It reminded me of the crap it was pulled with MGS2 and lastly, MGSV.
At least Automata felt like a complete story unlike MGSV.
Either way, I understand what you are saying. 2B being so heavily promoted, the cover girl for Automata and honestly, more appealing than 9s.
2B was more charismatic has a MC. Sadly, that wasn't the case.
>meme gear shit
Lmao no thanks
Go suck kojima's dick somewhere else
Exactly. If you fucking don't kike 9s, this will leave you a bitter impression regardless. No, the post-game content doesn't fucking count because every open world game has that feature. If I wanted to play as 2B in an open world sandbox with nothing to do, I'll just boot up Skyrim.
>tfw [spoilers]Children's Cores
In what universe could a little thing like Nines satisfy 2B sexually?
At least Kojima has put out more than one mechanically functional game in the past 20 years
t. tarodrone
It's the internet, nigga, everyone is gonna be banal to people they don't like. I just personally find it asinine to waste your time shitposting a game you haven't played by regurgitating secondhand info.
weebs should off themselves
>played the game, enjoyed it, got 100% and let it delete my save afterwards
>read different threads about it
>find out about all sorts of things in the story that went way over my head when I was playing
Well, good to know all the effort from Taro and everyone else who worked on the game was just completely wasted on my dumb ass.
Witcher was good but get over it
You do it mate. Try to kill me you lazy coward.
>Koshit dicksuckers
Oh wow how the fuck haven't you all killed yourselves yet after the shitpile that was tpp?
Fuck off. If 9s was as old as Caim, I wouldn't have a problem with him. I just cant stand nasal teenagers acting like hot shit.
Heck if 9s was actually a 50 year old veteran android, this would be the best game ever for me. But a fucking kid? No thanks. That is one reason I can't stand most JRPGs.
How old are you?
>no freckles
stop posting this image
>cant even refute the fact that Taro is a glorified VN author who keeps memeing his way into AAA budgets
His best games were Drakengard 1 and Nier 2. Drakengard 3 is shit and Automata very nearly defines "tryhard", when you get over the honeymoon phass youll understsnd
Is there a mod to replace 9s with Nier yet? I miss papa Nier. This 9s faggot can rot in a junkyard for all I care.
What's wrong, baby? Feel insecure when you don't have a big strong man to self-insert into?
Older than you'll ever be. I simply cannot relate to kids in video games. Adults will always make the best protagonists.
>big dumb weeb scum
>post something better
>posts more jap games
Nier 1
Nobody was going for a west vs japan thread here man.
Nah, Automata is miles better than DoD1 and Nier.
This is now the Nier fans of the current generation folks.
Fuck I bet you prefer DaS3 to Demon Souls huh?
I agree that there's not much actual plot evolving before you. Stuff just happens. Like a road movie. But like road movies, it's not about the plot, but about the characters, the feelings, the overall atmosphere.
Maybe I don't play enough games, but this is the reason why. Most games just fall flat. Nier Automata brought back some hope to me that there's a future in this medium after all.
It makes me want to buy a PS2 and a 3 just to get more like this.
Only mechanically, its story is kinda trash in comparison
Maybe trash is too strong a word, but it barely holds up. It is better than 3 though
This is more of a Demon's Souls vs Bloodborne, fag.
>its about the characters
>9S is the only main who qualifies as a character
Nier's story is trash compared to Automata, retard. No need to get mad at facts, hipster.
You know he's right. Taro has made literally one good game in his entire career. His weird ideas aren't even that novel or impressive outside of video games; they're little more than crutches for his mediocre design philosophies.
Automata was a bit more subtle with some its themes (most of which it shares with MGS2), but MGS2 as a whole worked much, much better. Kojima might be a crappy, blatant writer, but at least he understands presentation and functionality.
No one will be talking about this game in 16 years, unlike MGS2.
2B's ass is the most exceptional thing about N:A
Where? I can not decide if I should get the World Book for the nice art or the OST.
Is the OST the Japanese one? I just adore the two android songs, wish there would be more like that.
No it isn't. There is barely any party chemistry in Automata. Everyone else that isn't 9s was a wasted character with very little screen time.
2B is hit the hardest because when she was alive she barely fucking talked and after that she's stuck as some stupid memory, eliminating any chance for growth aside from learning her past.
Even if I was a hipster youd still be full of shit lmao
>fleshed out or explored in depth
Actually that what makes it good. Events just happen faster than they would have time to sit down and lament over it. That's pretty realistic and relatable in my opinion.
My fucking sides. I mean, I read that in the "ESS TO ESS" guy's voice.
I'm so tired of seeing you in these threads, frenchie.
>shitting on my nigga 9s
>bad moveset
Here is your (you)
Nier fans sure are cancerous. Enjoy your forgotten hipster game I guess.
I'll keep coming
Post more lewd toobie
It's a fucking RPG. Party banter is an essential aspect to one.
It doesn't matter. She's not even the main character.
MGS2 was a worst mgs game though. MGS3 was much much better.
As much as I agree with you, Nier games are RPGs only in name
They are the definition of "action games with stats" and maximize on neither aspect as a result
I like how they're adding more costumes when you barely even use any of the girls in the story. Like for what fucking purpose?
Lmao thats its own thread buddy
Short answer is no