dead bird vs dead cage?
Dead bird vs dead cage?
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Did this choice ever have any fucking difference other than one minor detail in a cutscene involving the alternate reality Elizabeth?
I didnt matter. Nothing matters.
doesn't matter
y was this even a choice?
bird btw
>here make this dumb ass choice that makes no difference to the way the game plays out and is only supposed to make you feel like you're somehow impacting the story with a completely irrelevant decision.
Shit writing.
Shit gameplay.
Shit characters.
Good art.
Shit game.
Elizabeth's pussy
they are both pretty tasteless
Nope. None of the choices matter.
The only one with any apparent significance is surprisingly who you choose to throw the ball at, which is amusing because 1. You don't actually get to throw it any anyone anyway so there should be no other way for people to tell what you were intending and 2. You get an item either way, just from a different person.
A thread full of people that didn't understand the game.
I bet you thought Spec Ops The Line was thought-provoking you shitter.
Game was pretty good until they made everything that happened meaningless thanks to dlc, Dewitt killed himself to end all Comstocks but somehow one escaped, how stupid is this?
>Dewitt killed himself to end all Comstocks
There's still an infinite amount of dewitts and cumsocks because he's not G*d
wait a minute
>being this mad over having to pick a necklace design
Then what is the point of anything we did in the game?
Non every choice you make in life has overreaching consequences, not every choice in games has to.
If you get immersed enough, it should no matter that in 2 hours of gameplay there will be a fork splitting the plot in a different direction based on your choice.
Sometimes deciding that you want to throw the ball at an interracial couple is a contained decision that helps character building and that's it.
bioshock infinite is the deepest game/intellectual experience that i have ever had in my life
I don't fucking know, I never got to that point, I couldn't get past the card puzzle at the start
Dead David Cage?
I'm gonna shove my dick down your boi cooter chuter if you false flag on me again, Tom.
it's fine though because none of the choices mattered on purpose
that makes it a-okay
None, because Ken Levine is a fucking hack with no talent or wit, so he made a shitty game with a concept that's hard to execute seriously, and couldn't even make the universes work like in Rick and Morty
Instead your lack of impact culminates in a twist of a climax where you still accomplish nothing, as with accordance to their own rules there's infinite universes leaving infinite cumsocks and bookers.
Thos is actually my most autistic moment in vidya. Legit sat there trying to choose which one and it got to the point where I asked for advice to pick one.
All the "choices" in the game were left overs from when Infinite was an entirely different game before Levine lost it, ran out of time and/or money and then proceeded to scrap everything and throw together a bunch of mangled shit.
None. If every possible thing happens then there's no such thing as a significant event.
Which scrapping was this? There were multiple. He scrapped the game multiple times.
Nothing, Everything was pointless, Its not even clear on why Comstock needed to die, Just pointless revenge
Do you make every choice in games like that? Could it be you who are autistic, user?
That's my point. It's just a cobbled together mess of previous builds so it's full of meaningless shit.
The ultimate proof of this I feel is the voxpops, who happen in an alternate dimension somewhere in the middle of the game with no real relation to the actual plot that's going on, and who are only really there to give you dudes to shoot at the end of the game.
What exactly is wrong with your choices not mattering in a game?
>"Why even have them then?"
Why not? It's not like they slow down the gameplay or anything.
It was there the whole time I... I just couldn't spell it.
Conservation of detail.
Imagine if your wife/mother called you to ask if you want a blue shirt or a red shirt, and later on she comes with a green shirt home.
It's insulting, like why waste my fucking time, at least other games pretend to give the illusion of choice, this one can't even be bothered with that.
severely underrated post
They actually do. The choices stop you dead in your tracks until you choose something regardless of impact (which they have none). You know what's a more impactful choice? Choosing not to push the button to stop Elizabeth from dancing. You could literally fuck off on the beach for hours and that's still a better choice than picking whatever those twins want you to do.
>waste my fucking time
It takes literally less then a second to click on one of the options.
>The choices stop you dead in your tracks until you choose something regardless of impact (which they have none)
Then just pick something randomly, which, again, takes less than a second.
This game is mediocre.
What if I liked Spec Ops: The Line, but hated Bioshock Infinite?
I never noticed that the bird was dead before
Chekhov's gun.
Don't include pointless shit.
I feel you. I couldn't figure out how to open my collectors edition so i could never play it
>It takes literally less then a second to click on one of the options.
That's one second more than I should be allowed to waste on something that's of absolutely no significance whatsoever. Imagine being asked if you REALLY want to open your inventory every time you pressed the inventory button in an RPG. It's completely redundant.
Not to mention that you don't know the option does absolutely nothing, so it's more than "one second" because you have to weight the options.
For a game in a franchise about having some clever twist, it's pathetic to see them do NOTHING with that when its clear SOMETHING should have been changed by the choice.
There is nothing to understand about Infinite. It's supposed deep layers are all smokes and mirrors. There is nothing profound about Infinite, especially not the ending, which makes no sense in its own internal logic
dude, it was easy. it was a choice like in the OP, either you're a slave to the card or you fly free like a bird and ring them how you want. I chose the latter and that was the end of the game for me. 10/10 experience
>He wanted to have some twists and awesome tweaks in the game
>It turns into a run of the mill shit game
Yes, it does.
Then why even fucking have the goddamn choice to begin with?
Nothing but an illusion. It's insulting
This choice made no sense to me. The bird is obviously the "good" choice, and the cage is the weird somewhat sadistic choice.
My dick.
Doesn't matter, all that Elizabeth porn was the REAL Bioshock Infinite
The game's fatalistic story does not go very well with the multi-verse theory, because infinite possibilities that always lead to the same outcome makes no Goddamn sense.
You could have easily interpreted the bird as the Songbird at the time, and later on we learn that CAGE is a code for controlling the Songbird.
>CAGE is a code for controlling the Songbird.
wow, so almost like a regular cage. 2deep4me
Then don't say that the choice didn't make any sense to you.
other guy wasnt me. i dont think a choice can make sense if it has no effect
I just want to take a moment for us all to appreciate that you are mad about a video game wasting your time
I would have loved if the whole time, Elizabeth was judging the Booker by his choices to see if he was redeemed or another shitter. Like Elizabeth is a nutjob that has dedicated her life to finding all the version of her dad that are shitty human beings and killing them.
It's funny you say that because BSI was touted to being a very deep game that supposedly activated peoples almonds. But here you're claiming the game is mindless. Amazing.
It's not one of my favorites but Spec Ops was decent and kind of clever
Bioshock Infinite is irredeemable
I'm not that guy, I just think it's silly that you are upset about a waste of time wasting your time
what do you think of dialogue choices in fallout 4?
At least they gave 4 choices instead of 2, I mean 1.
>[LB] Don't be racist
>[RB] Be racist
>Either press: same thing happens
So what deep thinking was there to be had in Bioshock Infinite?
>Actions have far-reaching consequences in the future
Got it
>Doing one thing now can mean multiple things later, depending on how the future stacks itself
Got it
>Not everything that happens with good intent is good, and not everything that happens with sinister intent is bad
Got it
What was I supposed to glean from this game, other than "Your actions have consequences, Booker/Comstock"?
that just wastes more time
>yes begrudgingly
>no sarcastically
Not even, because no matter what choices you make, there is the same outcome. BI's one consistency is repeatedly destroying its own themes.
and before someone says "lol its a game its supposed to waste time,"; its supposed to be entertaining, selecting something for the sole sake of selecting something has no entertainment value
despite all my rage, I am still just a neckbeard in a cage
I don't give a shit about Infinite but I don't mind choices that "don't pay off" as long as they're not the meat of the game. Looking at you Life is Strange.
Fuck, ordering the characters by guilt in Silent Hills Shattered Memories is one of my favorite "choices" even if its effect has yet to be determined, if there is any at all.
>it didn't matter
He doesn't know
There's a difference between your choices having a different result, but not being impactful, and your choices LITERALLY DOING NOTHING.
>Throw a baseball at a nigger and a mick
>Don't do it
>Results for the 1st choice: A guy grabs your arm and says "HEY IT'S YOU!!!"
>Results for the 2nd choice: A guy grabs your arm and says "HEY IT'S YOU!!!"
>Do you choose the Bird, or the Cage?
>Bird: Elizabeth later shows up with a Cage pin
>Cage: Elizabeth later shows up with a Bird pin
I don't play video games to waste my time, I play them to be entertained.
If I was reading a book and inbetween every sentence was ThIs Is NoT a DrIlL ThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlLThIs Is NoT a DrIlL I would be rightful angry at sometime meaningless wasting my time.
If you just play video games to pass time that's fine but really not the best use of the medium, may I recommend bath salts?
It still hurts. I mean I knew it wasn't gonna be just like the trailers but man...They changed so much.
Which is good because none of the choices matter in any game.
do you think the people defending these "choices" are the same kind of people to acclaim catcher in the rye? i think that book was huge waste of time in a similar way, like the whole chekhovs gun thing