I feel like Nintendo is in a position for the Switch to be absolutely amazing

I feel like Nintendo is in a position for the Switch to be absolutely amazing.
>Breath of the Wild was pretty good
>Mario Odyssey looks like the good parts of Sunshine and 64
>Splatoon 2 is the same as the Wii U version but it's good enough
>Reggie mentions in every interview how much he wants to do a traditional Metroid
>Miyamoto says Pikmin 4 is almost finished
>Masuda won't stop talking about the Switch
It seems like it's actually going to be what both the Wii U and 3DS should have been. I've never been this optimistic for a Nintendo system.

>Every single game Switch owners want to play is made by Nintendo
This is why you don't get third party games

>>Reggie mentions in every interview how much he wants to do a traditional Metroid
Reggie has literally no say at all in whether or not a new Metroid gets made.

Nintendo doesn't get Third Parties because for the past two generations Nintendo has made consoles that are hard to port to.

I think if the Switch manages to get some momentum in its first year it could start to steamroll. Getting that momentum is going to be the challenge, though. Launching with Zelda and Mario Kart is a good start, and Odyssey will help, but it needs real system-sellers driven by word of mouth. A game that does for Pokemon what BotW did for Zelda could do it. A good Monster Hunter game could do it in Japan.

They don't get third party games because they've been consistently pissing off developers since the N64.

You would think the ceo of noa would have some say.

NoA just sells games and consoles. They don't develop games. The japanese branch is the one that decides what games get made.

Why would the CEO of an overseas localization and distribution branch get a say in the creative direction of the company?

It's already doing pretty well in Japan. Splatoon2 will definitely give it a good bump around the summer time.

Can't disagree with those digits.

And? Who even gives a fuck.

Ah my bad. I thought noa was a critical wing of nintendo. Thats a surprise hearing that.

>Implying people buy Nintendo consoles to play anything other than Nintendo games.

The switch is only slightly less retarded than the Wii in terms of gimmick.


PS3 was a nightmare to work with but it still got multiplats while the Wii was piss-easy to develop for because it was an overclocked Gamecube.

Problem is what the guy you replied to mentioned, third parties just don't want to bother trying to compete. The other part of the problem is that third parties also don't want to make much beyond realistic AAA M-rated blockbusters and they historically haven't sold well on Nintendo platforms, the audience simply isn't there.

Better hardware won't change that, this is the first time platforms having different hardware was ever this much of a problem, and its because the west largely just wants to push games that look and play like realistic movies. No one had a problem making games for PS1 and N64, PS2 and XB, but its a problem now because of how bloated AAA development is. Third parties don't want to take risks and make original games for Nintendo because they can't sustain themselves on anything but their huge AAA games that need to sell 10 million copies. Nintendo making a stronger console won't magically make millions buy AAA games on it, so it still won't get support from them.

That's true. Splatoon was already pretty popular in Japan, and adding portable multiplayer will be right up Japan's alley.

>No one had a problem making games for PS1 and N64
Megaman Legends on the N64.

>reggie wants to do metroid
He is some PR dude, he literally gets paid to say what you want to hear, and even if he was being honest his opinion is irrelevant to this.

>Third parties don't want to take risks and make original games for Nintendo because they can't sustain themselves on anything but their huge AAA games that need to sell 10 million copies.
No it's because they can just make the exact same game and cut the weakest and most bizarre platform loose while still selling many many many more copies on PS4+XBO+PC

don't forget all the butthurt the Switch is causing

Nintendo has a business model that's inherently toxic to third parties.They could be the nicest guys in the world and third parties would still ditch them at the first opportunity. On a successful console the attach rate might reach 10, if you're lucky. Nintendo takes up half of those at least, Sony and Microsoft don't even reach 5% with their exclusives.

Its on both N64 and PS1, what is your point?

I didn't say that literally no developer ever had a single difficulty when porting games between N64 and PS1, I meant that developers didn't use that difficulty as a bullshit excuse and did it anyway.

Only now does every single console HAVE to be near-identical to get support, you don't see an industry-wide problem with that? Development is too bloated and costly, Nintendo making a third PS4/Xbone equivalent would not result in AAA multiplats selling 5-10 million copies, which is what third parties want, so it wouldn't get support for long. The audience that buys those games isn't interested in buying them for a Nintendo platform, and since third parties won't take any risks we won't see them, make anything original either.

>Nintendo doesn't get Third Parties
the statement is technically false
>nintendo consoles don't get third party
the handhelds are healthy

Virtual console when? I want to play Melee and F-Zero GX on the go.

They're afraid to do anything but these AAA blockbusters because they can't sustain themselves on less. The console industry is shrinking, AAA games aren't selling quite as many copies as they used to but development costs are still stupidly high. Games are sold with marketing and hype now. If this weren't the case, they'd be able to take some risks with smaller games on modest budgets for Nintendo, Nintendo budgets their games very conservatively and development for their platforms is not nearly as expensive as it is on the other consoles.

Again Nintendo making better hardware won't change their third-party support for long, people just aren't interested in those games on Nintendo's platforms. Wii U had tons of support at launch and most of the games sold like complete shit. Third parties will support consoles with what makes money, and in Nintendo's case its not their bread-and-butter AAA multiplats.

Y'all getting jew'd.
Over and over again.

>no one had a problem making games for PS1 and N64
The N64 had a tiny third-party library. It has almost zero multiplats outside of sports games like Madden. The only notable multiplats I can think of are Rayman 2, Resident Evil 2, and Mega Man Legends

>Insanely modular
>Getting the best of the WiiU as well as all of Nintendo's console and handheld team output
>Big seller, gonna get some third party support (not in direct ports but with Switch specific titles)
>Gonna get the weeb devs jumping ship from Vita
>Courting indie devs
>Indie devs jumping ship from Vita

It's going to be a great console. I'm already missing the portability aspect it has when I play my Ps4 games.


And not having powerful enough hardware wasn't the problem, it had better hardware than the PS1.

blame Miyamoto and his hate boner for the west, let's hope for his death or at the very least he goes senile.

>>Getting the best of the WiiU
I don't recall them announcing ports of The Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Tropical Freeze or Xenoblade X

>Literally all they need to do is make an animal crossing game to get big japanese bucks and a pokemon game to print money worldwide

new fucking fag

Literally what are you even talking about?

>Animal Crossing

It's fucking unstoppable and people seriously think it's going to flop. Not a chance.

miyamoto loves the west, he's the one that kept pushing for western studios to make games for them. what on earth are you talking about?

I wouldn't hold your breath on gamecube VC.

Wasn't he the reason rare got to make dkc and retro made metroid prime?

>>Breath of the Wild was pretty good
>>Mario Odyssey looks like the good parts of Sunshine and 64
>>Splatoon 2 is the same as the Wii U version but it's good enough
>>Reggie mentions in every interview how much he wants to do a traditional Metroid
>>Miyamoto says Pikmin 4 is almost finished
>>Masuda won't stop talking about the Switch

Nintendo for one.

They need 3rd parties or they're doomed.

I'm (still) very salty about Rare, and is well known that the younger jap devs in nintendo have to pass through him before doing different things with his characters. although that has helped bring out many new ips to the table.

If they make an Animal Crossing game and it has more dialogue, I'm fucking sold. I'd buy two if it has romance options. And wasn't so repetitive. There's so many ways you could make these games last years. But it's boring after a short time.

>people STILL think there won't be a new Metroid

The reason Nintendo was a juggernaut in the 80s and early 90s was because they had so much third party support. The vast majority of the great games on the NES/SNES were third party not first party games.

They'll get the japanese ones. They don't need the big budget western 3rd parties, no one is going to buy their Battlefield or Destiny game on the Switch instead of the PS4 or PC.

they only need fifa, and fifa is coming to switch

Reggie is just a puppet

Why do people ever think they'll let you romance animals?

They were a juggernaut because of games like Mario and Zelda

Monster hunter 5

The switch is literally gaming in the 90s.

>Classic Neogeo games
>New Bomberman
>New BlasterMaster
>The return of Puyo Pop and Tetris onto nintendo consoles

>Gonna get the weeb devs jumping ship from Vita

Actually they're jumping ship to PS4. Or have you not seen the bevy of Vita ports on PS4 or the multiple Vita/PS4 cross platform games?

I have other consoles and PC to play non-Nintendo games. Do you know what your problem is? The problem with you and others like you is assuming Nintendo fans buy only Nintendo consoles and therefore miss out on other games. Almost nobody does this.

Romance options is too far, but dialog seriously needs to be the focus of the next game. I couldn't get far in New Leaf at all because every villager who moved in was just just a series of template sentences and a catch phrase that would change into whatever other villagers were spreading like a disease 2 days later.

I was about to say the new cod is on it but that turned out to be another case of headlines lying. So nevermind.

There's a reason those weeb devs were on the vita in the first place, Japan is all about the mobile gaming. PS4 isn't the answer for that audience.

What's wrong with the 3DS?

Too bad we will miss all the wiiu games.

>what is the nes
>what is the snes

He's a sock puppet in charge of marketing
That's all

The PS4 barely outsold the WiiU in Japan, why would they jump ship to a smaller audience that has no growth potential left?

>breath of the port
>mario reshash 128
>splatoon online doesnt compare to features of ps4/xbox games
>reggie has no say in what gets made, hes a glorified pitchman
>pikman is boring already
>pokemon is coming, but not right now

just let me sonypost

My left joycon has just the slightest amount of wobble to it when it's connected to the system. Does anyone else get this?
Not enough to worry me but enough to notice.

That is very short sighted.

If someone only has access to a Switch they want those options available to them

Sports titles are always worse on Nintendo don't be an idiot.

Nope literally just you

should i get Minecraft for the switch when it comes out? i have never played minecraft before, and i'm not a PC gamer so i doubt i would be able to run it on my computer.

That's why every Nintendo system is always #1 in its generation. oh wait they're not that's only happened 3 times.

>If someone only has access to a Switch
People who only have access to a Switch aren't interested in Battlefield or whatever else in the first place.
If they were they would have bought a PS4 or proper PC instead of a Switch, and they would have done it years ago.

They just need to make sure they're not retarded enough to make a new handheld and the Switch will be amazing.

This is the exact thinking Nintendo has and its killing them.

See the Wii U failure.

I also noticed that if you hold the Switch up in front of a light source, some light bleeds through the gap where the left joycon connects but doesn't with the right joycon.
There's a gap there for sure.

I feel like the switch should have been marketed as a handheld with a console like dock instead of a console with a handheld mode.

With that in mind I think it's a really good handheld.

Pretty much this. I buy a Nintendo console because I want to play Nintendo games.

For everything else, I'll play on my rig.

And get, this unlike most fucking retards on here, I'm willing to admit that Nintendo are the only relevant hardware manufacturer right now, they're still making some of the best games ever and I'll still be playing 3rd party AAA games on my desktop.

We're talking about he 90s here. Gaming was different and people didn't need DVD drives and online services in their consoles

They've lost exactly one generation.

I was joking
Of course it isn't just you, with manufacturing tolerances there's going to be some wobbly controllers due to the nature of the system

Yeah, no. The Wii U was just a bad console in pretty much every way. The 3DS is doing perfectly fine without Battlefield.

If they do make a handheld it will probably be a Switch Mini. A smaller/cheaper device that plays the same games as the Switch but can't connect to the tv.

Comparing handhelds and consoles is a stretch and you know it.

>playing Nintendo games
>on a Nintendo system

I know. Blasphemy, right?

If Nintendo don't kill it at e3 this year then I'll just give up on them.

Oh ya I forgot how much the N64, Wii U, and Gamecube dominated their respective generations. I swear just trying to buy a Gamecube in the first year of launch was like trying to find a gold NWC cart.

All Nintendo needs to have a steady stream of Nintendo games.

Whether its virtual console, remasters/remakes, new IPs, or new games in existing IPs. If they do this then they will do fine.

Real third party isnt coming, Indies are enough, and games from 5 years ago arent enough *cough payday 2 cough*

So why are you doing that with the Switch then?

Look at the graphs user. Sales mean nothing, profit counts.

What are some "Must-Have" games for the switch besides BOTW?

No, you wont because you have battered wife syndrome so no matter how badly Nintendo shits on you you'll always come back for more.

The Switch isn't marketed as solely a handheld.

Don't be obtuse in attempting to justify why Nintendo doesn't need game support.

I enjoyed Voez and Blaster Master.
Is PPT out yet? That seems like an obvious answer.

Switch wont get many 3rd party aaa ports because its actual work to port shit to lower end hardware properly.

Publishers dont want to invest when theres easy money elsewhere.

Mario kart 8 and ultra street fighter II when they come out.

That's about it unless they surprise us.

I bet you think the team that wins their respective championship every year is the team that makes the most money.

If you really care that much about profits you should probably go to /biz/.

What? The best rated game of 2014 was a WiiU third party exclusive.

Third party support isn't synonymous with multiplat support.

Marketing doesn't determine reality user. It is a handheld in every sense of the word. The dock barley even has any hardware in it.

>If Nintendo don't kill it at e3 this year
They won't. They've never killed it at e3 since they've started doing their Directs. Their announcements are way more spread out.

They do need game support, just not the big western third party games like Battlefield. That's not the audience of the Switch, that audience is already on other consoles and never has been on a nintendo console in the first place. You're retarded if you don't see that.

not interested in PPT since i can't justify $40 on a puzzle game with what looks to me like very dull gameplay. might watch more videos to see if its actually fun to play with friends, but as of now its nowhere near my radar.

I really like my Switch. It's comfy as fuck and I spent last night beating Shovel Knight for the five thousandth time while watching a Vinny stream. Maximum fucking comfy.

But Jesus fucking Christ Nintendo shits the fucking bed as usual

>Launched with one fucking good game and a bunch of shit we've already played before on other systems
>Staying silent about VC which has me terrified that they're gonna make us pay for it AGAIN
>Can't find shit because of scalpers and low stock so I can't even get a second set of controllers
>No decent games until the end of summer when my semester starts back up so I'll be back in school with no time for vidya because medbro

Shovel knight co op is really fun I guess.

But user, profit is the reason a company exists means they might as well keep doing games forever which is great for their fans.