Please Sup Forums, tell me it gets better. It's my first persona game, I just beat the priestess on the monorail and so far the game is a 4/10 at best.
>You have to tell exactly what people want to hear if you want to increase your Slink, even if kenji's plan is stupid you need to agree with him in order to be stronger. >Junpei, Kenji and Bebe are fucking annoying, horrible characters. >The date with Elizabeth at the mall was so cringe I almost threw up. >It's repetitive as fuck, always the same shit, up Slink during the day, up stats during the night or go to tartarus to see the same hallways for the 100th time.
Brayden Williams
Welcome to Persona.
Benjamin Clark
My exact same experience, OP
Tyler Roberts
tartarus is pure garbage
Kayden Morgan
Should've started with P4 golden like us regular folk.
Thomas Taylor
In my opinion it does get better. Though I had fun hanging out with Junpei. Kenji is the worst Social Link. Wait until you start the MMO and summer ends to judge the game better. I mean you may as well at this point.
Anthony Lewis
Who the fuck is Bebe again?
Brayden Gonzalez
The gay blonde "guy"
Camden Wood
It gets good 3/4ths into the game
Easton Moore
Don't have a psvita, only pcsx2, a ps4, and no money for Persona 5. I could always play P4 notgolden but I don't want to play inferior versions.
Played the MMO 2times, Maya is annoying too. lulr a noob i lik to talk lik zat xDDDD
The French guy in the home economics room, I'm French and this is the worst representation we ever had in any video game ever.
William Flores
Why don't just surrender to the game?
Sebastian Campbell
Yeah, I just use a chart to answer the questions, print it out. Elizabeth is supposed to be cringe tho. Tartarus is fun tho, you need to like dungeon crawling. Bebe is a french bro, and I actually liked his social link a lot compared to the crappy track team and teen idol social links I see in each game.
Bentley Brown
I'd you don't want to play inferior versions why aren't you playing Persona 3 Portable?
Brandon Robinson
From what I've read, no "the answer" and no cutscenes in P3P, and playing a female doesn't interest me.
Jordan Taylor
>friend finds out I've never played Persona two years ago, hypes the everloving fuck out of it >try playing P3:FES >get five hours in after a two hour intro sequence >can't do shit in Tartarus because characters keep getting tired >time management bullshit starts stressing me out (very OCD on missable content) >quit playing and go back to Nep games >friend finds out >BRO YOU JUST NEED TO LET YOURSELF GET IMMERSED IN THE GAME, IT GETS SO MUCH BETTER >mfw Digital Devil Saga was awesome though[/spoler]
Nolan Martin
If I were you I'd jump straight to P4 since its characters/Slinks aren't half as annoying and the town has a welcoming comfy rural feeling in contrast to P3's bleak city and depressing dorm for rich people.
Xavier Myers
I still think it's worth a playthrough, and the final stretch felt pretty climactic, but I had some of the same issues with Social Links and repetitive dungeons.
You basically have to avoid female characters if you don't want them to fall in love with you. And Kenji was a total twit but you have to just blindly agree to his bullshit in the end because there are no branching story routes, just wasted days you have to spend getting back into his good graces.
Junpei was my boy by the end though.
Justin Morales
>>You have to tell exactly what people want to hear if you want to increase your Slink, even if kenji's plan is stupid you need to agree with him in order to be stronger. Oh my god this is the worst part >my leg is gonna break if I keep doing track, keep it a secret bro. What? No I won't see a doctor
Cameron Reed
>You have to tell exactly what people want to hear No surprise the NEETs on Sup Forums can't into social interaction.
Jose Wright
Sorry OP you seem like a COD, GTA guy, stick with those games. Maybe you'll have better taste in your next life.
Jayden Reed
The mmo gets better. All social links at first are a bit dull, but everyone (Except Kenji, he's just plain retarded.) Get interesting. P4 did it much better though
The answer sucked. Go back and play P3P.
Dylan Myers
Back to csgo faggot
Oliver Watson
I'll give it a try, might as well continue playing now. But I won't start all over with P3P.
Daniel Barnes
I think Persona 3 is a good game but it's really a slog some times. The story only picks up after you play for fucking HOURS and the combat is pretty bad. You can either play the portable version and have it be a complete cakewalk because all Atlus did was take the P4 system and shove it on P3 without balancing it or just deal with not being able to control your teammates, which I adjusted to pretty well but it's really up to your opinion whether you find it annoying or interesting.
Amazing fucking soundtrack, though. I still like the game better than P4, I think P5 is clearly the best modern Persona game now, though
Daniel Ward
I'm kind of surprised that social links never have more branching story routes based on your input.
It's not like they would need to waste the resources on voiced dialogue or new animations, just one or two more potential outcomes would have been nice.
Eli Martinez
P3P is trash
Austin Lewis
>P4 did it much better though P4 social links were kind of a double-edged sword for me.
Being able to hang out with your whole party and having the option to choose whether or not to initiate romance was a big improvement, but I preferred how P3 had their character arcs and emotional growth develop along with the main story rather than keeping it optional.
Thomas Taylor
>>The date with Elizabeth at the mall was so cringe I almost threw up. kill yourself
Andrew Rivera
>I could always play P4 notgolden but I don't want to play inferior versions. The bait is getting obvious.
Just fuck off
Alexander Campbell
>Couldn't date Kanji myself >Couldn't be his wingman with Naoto It's not fair.
Lucas Roberts
I don't remember much else, but the pocket dimension purse at the wishing fountain got a laugh out of me.
Xavier James
Only real Fools who played Persona 5 with AI teammates are allowed to reply to this post. To everyone else, I hope you enjoy your gimped, less immersive experience
Jace Howard
It would've been better if Kanji could be your wingman with Naoto
Mason Harris
P3P is hot garbage. No wonder a namefag is getting you to play it.
Nathan James
It gets good in November :^)
Cameron Hill
>Golden >not the inferior version
Lucas Jones
Do they give you as many options for AI control as they did in 3? It honestly might be interesting to try a playthrough like that some time.
Camden Thompson
It doesn't OP. Play Persona 4 or 5
Cooper Butler
You don't have to like something just because other people do.
Nicholas Diaz
>replaying p3p >just have the team complete Tartarus for me game is already 10 times better. Shame you can't start the game at level 1. Also I don't remember the social links being this bad
Adam Cooper
P3's still my favorite one. Call me crazy.
Carter Jenkins
P4 is way fucking better but persona 3 has it's charms.
Leo Kelly
I don't think that's too crazy, it was my favorite one before Persona 5 came out and people have different opinions, it's understandable if you like 3 the most still.
David Gutierrez
I still like the characters in 3 the most, but the general improvements in 5 to pretty much everything make it more enjoyable to play for me. Still prefer the ending to 3 though.
Tyler Rodriguez
>buying into the Persona meme I'm so sorry. In the interest of saving you time, you're almost certainly not going to like 4 either, so don't bother with it. Junpei is alright though.
Asher Lewis
It is pretty fast and easy to blaze through though, just LET'S SPLIT UP every floor, i honestly found MUH MENTOS to be worse.
And i actually kinda liked how it was implemented since you could do it at your own pace, Nights were pretty lenient in schedule and there was really no real rush, aside from FULL MOON BOSS FIGHT (Perfectly doable even if you didn't reach the current top floor) all deadlines were pretty ignorable, even Elizabeths Rewards for doing so were usually not that good, so there was less pressure to do it all in one sitting.
Meanwhile P4 and P5 basically lock off advancing the Party Arcana until you completed the current dungeon, basically encouraging doing em in one sitting ASAP, even if P5 is kinda schizo about that due Cognition "Doors" making some dungeons take more then 1.
Spoilers speak the truth.
Benjamin Miller
Yes, it has the same commands as the P4 Tactics. While they sometimes choose non-optimal attacks or waste SP but there's no straight up bullshit like Marin Karin or ignoring buffs/debuffs.
I assume the best time to play it that way is in NG+ since you will be overpowered anyways.
Joshua Morgan
I think there are a lot of improvements made in the sequels, but the overall character development probably stands the strongest in P3 for me.
Bonus points for not having a wacky mascot character.
Isaiah Hughes
Tartarus is pretty much grinding for the mandatory, mini "dungeons"(full moon). That's literally Tartarus' only purpose until the end of the game
Kayden Perez
At least the way I played it, Persona 3's system was like anti-grinding. You only got so much out of a single excursion because of exhaustion but that was fine because dungeon-running didn't conflict with much else.
In 4 and 5, the start of both games has you stretching out a tiny SP pool for as long as fucking possible which sucks. Since going to dungeons is so expensive in terms of time, you clear it out as soon as possible, and that means grinding and conserving SP constantly. Hard mode just becomes tedious as fuck.
Josiah Evans
That would be difficult considering Naoto has about as much feeling for Kanji as she does for Yosuke or Chie.
Elijah Gonzalez
If your team isnt Akihiko Aigis and Yukari you are a fag that doesnt know how to play.
Henry Evans
If your team is anything but you solo, you're a fag who doesn't know how to play.
Nathan Robinson
I played the game the first time emulating it. But my PC is garbage so the game ran at silky smooth 10-20fps, but being a quasi-VN turn based game it didn't bother me THAT much. The game was interesting enough that I managed to get to the priestess myself despite the awful emulation
But then i bought controllers etc. and made my PS2 playable again. So i restarted the game
Aaaand i basically got in your position, OP. I was excited to finally have the game in a playable state, but the fatigue got me fast. I must've explored a couple of floors after the monorail priestess, but after that i got bored and focused on other games
The game is way too repetitive and tied to restrictive formulas. I guess that might be the point, but it's exhausting, and the "dungeon crawling" being made up of literally the same 4 walls over and over again doesn't help at all. The fighting itself is fine, but that also can get repetitive when you know how to exploit a certain enemy's weakness
And the writing, the setting and characters are interesting enough, but in the hours i got to play nothing really happens. The only social link i had fun developing was Elizabeth (is that the name of the girl on blue?), the rest went from generic to boring. The MC being a literal non-character that looks like a faggot doesn't help
I dunno, i see the potential, i want to play the game and will probably go back to it sooner or later, but it feels like doing homework
Charles Diaz
>3 Diarahan Why not Junpei over Yukari?
William Roberts
Thx for your answers, I think I'm going to stop it here. I'll buy Persona 5 when it's on sale but P3 just doesn't do it for me. It's way too overrated by Sup Forums anyway.
Robert Richardson
I suck with the og sees team Junpei, Akihiko, and best girl Yukari
I have a hard time beaming away from any of the original members in any of these games. I get accustomed to using then early on and just sick with them.
Jason Price
To be fair, Ken and Koromaru are pretty much worthless in endgame, so that leaves you with Yukari, Junpei, Akihiko, Mitsuru and Aigis for a final team. So going with a "first three" in P3 is actually hella normal. I can't not use Aigis in the team, though. She is incredibly good.
Dylan Brown
And canon.
Ryan Ramirez
Don't fall for the meme, highschool simulator is shit. You may or may not want to try playing a mainline shin megami tensei though.
Anthony Hill
It only gets worse. I hope you're not underleveled, or those last few Tartarus bosses will wreck your shit.
Cameron Nguyen
> mainline What counts as mainline? 1-4? What about Nocturne?
Dominic Brooks
And cannon
Nathan Gutierrez
James Russell
Best team was Akihiko, Agis, and then switching out Junpei/Mitsuru/Yukari for the last role depending
Camden Gomez
Nocturne is SMT3, so it is mainline. Most people consider mainline to be something like this: >Shin Megami Tensei >Shin Megami Tensei II >Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne >Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey >Shin Megami Tensei IV >Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse
Brandon Perry
Junpei does more damage than Aigis late game and has Marakukuja
Kevin Turner
They're not given much chance to interact. Gotta take her to his sewing class.
Ethan Taylor
Nobody in your party interacts with each other in 4 It's dumb that the most fleshed out relationship your group has is between Yosuke and Teddie
Jackson Lewis
Aigis has all three buffs, Diarahan and Samarecarm on top of godlike endurance. Don't use Junpei over Aigis, use both.
Lincoln Mitchell
4 felt so hollow to me, in that regard. I don't know, every thing felt shallow and misplaced when it came to character development, or in Yosuke's case, nonexistent. While 3's character development felt melodramatic, and awkward, I still felt it was more substantive and fulfilling than anything in 4, except maybe Kanji.
Jaxon Roberts
>>The date with Elizabeth at the mall was so cringe I almost threw up.
thats the point you fucking retard
Jose Butler
>In the Op say slink etc is repetitive ,that you have to tell exactly what people want to hear if you want to increase your Slink. >somehow want to play the last evolution of the same gameplay 5.
Maybe the entire franchise is not for you then ? don't waste your money on things you don't like.
Charles Bailey
You are crazy. Nothing happen in the story outside of moon phase. Half the social link suck. Tartarus is a fucking chore. Half the main cast is actually interesting.
It's a 8/10 JRPG at best, but P4golden and P5 are much better experience.
John Murphy
Hand cannon
Christopher Thompson
I found the first MMO conversation to be more cringe than the mall date.
Caleb Cook
That's Persona for you. Persona 3 is the worst of the modern Personas, but the fundamentals don't really change in Persona 4 or 5 either. Unless you're one of those people who are disgusted by old games/old graphics, try Persona 1 and 2, they're so different that they're basically a different series. Aside from a few similarities, Persona 1 and 2, and Persona 3 and up aren't really that much a like, the old ones are just your classic dungeon crawlers, you won't stick around high schools long, and there are no classes to take or social sim stuff. Before you know it you'll be fighting zombies in a hospital and demons in a subway.
Hunter Lewis
>used Mitsuru and Akihiko throughout the entire game, with Aigis or Junpei taking the last spot depending on the situation >Isis' design is absolutely beautiful >never see it in combat since Yukatan's fucking worthless Mistakes were made.
Isaiah Gray
It doesn't get better. You got memed, kid
Chase Thompson
avoid The Answer its a slog
Colton Diaz
The games are all pretty shit, just emulate botw and dont waste your time with emo kiddie trash. Persona is cringe as fuck. Digital Devil Saga is bearable but the mechanics are still average at best.
Lincoln Scott
Not OP but I gave up on P3 and played SMT III instead. I don't regret it.
Michael Ward
The story was paced weirdly, but that's also true of the other two games. Also I actually cared about that story. 4 was just things happening, and 5 went really stupid as soon as I got to summer.
Some of the social links were truly awful, but on the whole they were the most memorable ones.
All dungeons in all Persona games suck. But Taratarus wasn't as annoying to me because not much else happened at night in 3 so it came in shorter chunks. Plus you could split your party up and clear floors super fast.
But the big thing is story and characters. I like the Persona 3 cast a lot more than 4, and so far more than 5. Everyone's got more going on throughout the game.
Justin Reyes
Leo White
Thomas Richardson
I don't like Palaces. I wish it was just randomly generated themed hallways again.
Carson Garcia
We can all agree that p3 had the best music of the series, though.
Jaxson Hill
You forgot If...
Adrian Smith
Why? Does mementos not forol that gap for you?
Julian Reyes
I prefer methodical floor sweeping over backtracking and puzzles.
Hudson Scott
They really overdid the localization there, the Japanese wasn't nearly as bad. But then maybe that's because I haven't had a lot of practice cringing at the way Japanese teenage girls write.
Nicholas White
Keep playing P3 forever.
Nathan Clark
>he didn't start with vanilla P3
fucking casual
Alexander Cook
I would say there's not all that much back tracking I enjoy the palaces, but I get what you mean, I developed a real methodology to sweeping and grinding floor after floor
Connor Rivera
Persona 3-5 have interesting beginning and get really interesting in the last couple months of the game, but the time between those two points is mostly boring filler.
Ian Robinson
>elder god tier Akihiko
>best girl tier Mitsuru
>top tier Junpei, Aigis
>did nothing wrong tier Yukari
>doggo tier Koromaru
>eh tier Shinji
>shit tier Ken
John Reyes
>calling it shit when you don't even have Akihiko yet keep playing, cunt